Heritage Baptist College and Heritage Theological Seminary

Heritage Baptist College and Heritage Theological Seminary is an evangelical Canadian institution of higher education located in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. Heritage was founded in 1993 through the merger of the former London Baptist Bible College and Seminary of London, Ontario and Central Baptist Seminary of Toronto, Ontario. Heritage is affiliated with The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada but trains students for Christian ministry from a variety of denominations.

Central Baptist Seminary was itself formed out of a split in fundamentalist Baptist ranks when, in 1948, firebrand Baptist leader T.T. Shields, then head of the Union of Regular Baptist Churches of Ontario and Quebec, dismissed Dean W. Gordon Brown. Brown and 50 students then went on to begin a new seminary holding more moderate positions. [1]



As an institution granting both undergraduate and graduates degrees, Heritage's degrees are accredited by The Association for Higher Biblical Education and graduate degrees are accredited by The Association of Theological Schools on the United States and Canada. [2]


Heritage's President was Rev. Marvin R. Brubacher from 1993-2011 when he assumed the role of Chancellor. Dr. David Barker is Dean of the Seminary and Dr. Barry Howson is Dean of the College.


  1. ^ Brackney, W.H. (2006) Baptists in North America. Wiley-Blackwell. p. 167
  2. ^ [1]

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