Henry Saari

Henry Saari
Born January 14, 1964 (1964-01-14) (age 48)
Pori, Finland

Henry Saari (born January 14, 1964, in Pori, Finland), also known as Henry the Great (Henry Suuri) is a Finnish actor, director and porn star. In 1993, Saari won the title of Mr. Finland and placed 3rd in the Mr. Europe contest.[1]

Saari is best known for the five eponymous Henry the Great movies he directed and starred in between 1998 and 2001.[2] Aside from his pornographic work, Saari had parts in the Hollywood movie History Is Made at Night (1999) and the mainstream Finnish movie Young Gods (2003).

In 2006, Saari was charged with child sexual abuse for having sex with an underaged girl, but the charges were thrown out of court in 2008.[3]


  1. ^ Interview (Finnish)
  2. ^ http://www.city.fi/artikkeli/Henry+Saari/88/
  3. ^ http://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/artikkeli/Henry+Saaren+syyte+hyv%C3%A4ksik%C3%A4yt%C3%B6st%C3%A4+kaatui+my%C3%B6s+hovissa/1135233203223

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