Heinrich Göppert
' (July 25, 1800 - May 18, 1884) was a German botanist and paleontologist. He was born in Sprottau, Lower Silesia, and died at Breslau. In 1831 he became a professor of botany, as well as curator of the botanical gardens in Breslau. In 1852 he became director of the botanical gardens.
He was particularly known for his scientific work in paleobotany, and he published many articles in this field. Göppert performed extensive research involving the formation of coal and amber, as well as comparison studies between existing and fossil flora.
- Die fossilen Farnkräuter (Regarding fossil ferns)- (1836)
- De floribus in statu fossili (1837)
- De coniferarum structura anatomica (Anatomical structure of conifers)- (1841)
- Die Gattungen der fossilen Pflanzen, verglichen mit denen der Jetztzeit (Types of the fossil plants, and comparison to those of the present)- (1841-42)
- Der Bernstein und die in ihm befindlichen Pflanzenreste der Vorwelt (with Georg Karl Berendt, 1845)
- Abhandlungen über die Entstehung der Steinkohlenlager aus Pflanzen (1848)
- Abhandlung über die Beschaffenheit der fossilen Flora in verschiedenen Steinkohlenablagerungen eines und desselben Reviers (Condition of the fossil flora in different hard coal deposits)- (1849)
- Monographie der fossilen Koniferen, verglichen mit denen der Jetztwelt (Monograph concerning fossil conifers)- (1850)
- Beiträge zur Tertiärflora Schlesiens (Regarding Tertiary flora in Silesia) (1852)
- Die Tertiärflora von Schoßnitz in Schlesien (The Tertiary flora of Schossnitz) (1855)
- Die Tertiärflora auf der Insel Java (Tertiary flora of the Island of Java) (1855)
- Über die fossile Flora der silurischen, der devonischen und der untern Kohlenformation (Fossil flora of the Silurian & Devonian Periods concerning Coal Formation)- (1860)
- Die fossile Flora der permischen Formation (Fossil flora of mixed formation) (1864-65)
- Über Aphyllostachys, eine neue fossile Pflanzengattung, sowie über das Verhältnis der fossilen Flora zu Darwins Transmutationstheorie (Phyllostachys, a new fossil type; concerning the relationship of the fossil flora to Darwin's Theory of Transmutation)- (1866)
- This article is based on a translation of the equivalent article from the German Wikipedia.
Persondata |
Name |
Goppert, Heinrich |
Alternative names |
Short description |
Date of birth |
July 25, 1800 |
Place of birth |
Date of death |
May 18, 1884 |
Place of death |