Hans Joachim Schliep
Hans Joachim Schliep (born 22 March 1945 Drangstedt) is a German Lutheran theologian and pastor. Since September 2008 he is the Commissioner for the Environment (German: Umweltbeauftragter) [1] of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover. From 1990 to 1999 he was Director of the Office of Community Service (now the House of church Offices) and the Commissioner for the Environment of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover and the Protestant confederation Churches in Lower Saxony. (German: Konföderation evangelischer Kirchen in Niedersachsen).[2] From 1999 to 2008 Hans Joachim Schliep was the first pastor at the Evangelical Church Centre Kronsberg and Founder of the Church Congregation at the Expo-Settlement Hanover-Kronsberg.
Schliep finished Junior High School in 1961 and started an apprenticeship at the Seebeck Shipyard in Bremerhaven as an industrial clerk and worked there until 1965. In 1969 he attended the Jung-Stilling-College in Espelkamp (Ecclesiastical Institute for the attainment of higher education) for his High School Diploma and finished a study of Evangelical Theology, philosophy and in social sciences. In 1974 Schliep gained a First Theology Degree at the Ruhr University Bochum. He began his curate in 1974 at the Ev. Bochum-Stiepel village church and passed the second Theol. Exam in the Ev. Church of Westphalia in 1976.
In 1976 he joined his first job as a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Cross in Bremerhaven.
1983 Schliep 1983 Schliep was appointed to the National Church Office Hanover (German: Landeskirchenamt Hannover) as an Head of Unit (German: Oberkirchenrat)and Councillor including the training of pastors, adult education and folk high schools. During this time organized Schliep the Talks between church + business and trade unions (from 1983–2000) and took part in talks with various state governments. In the year 1984 Schliep took over the office of Chairman of Examiners for the second Theological examination (per ministerio). In 2001 he handed over his chairmanship and remained until the year 2004 Member of the Board of Examiners.
On 1 March 1990 Schliep was appointed as Director of the Office of Community Service (now the House of church Offices) and Commissioner for the Environment (German: Umweltbeauftragter) (until 31 May 2000) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover and the Protestant confederation Churches in Lower Saxony .In his position as Director of the Office of Community Service in a responsible role, he built the "Help for Chernobyl Children" with the Hanover Church on. From 1994 to 1999 Schliep was moreover Department Head, Councillor and Member in the College ( German: Oberlandeskirchenrat) of the national church office in Hanover.
Hans Joachim Schliep left his leadership offices at his own request in April 1999 and became pastor[3] in the Evangelical Church Centre[4] in Hannover-Kronsberg, which was established in 2000 in connection with the EXPO 2000 in Hanover(motto "Humankind-Nature-Technology"). As Kronsbergpastor he was Founder and Responsible for Building of the Church Congregation at the development area (Expo-settlement), created for Expo 2000 at Hanover-Kronsberg.[5] He worked for several years as pastor of the youngest forming Protestant Church Congregation in Germany.
From September 2008 to March 2010 Hans Joachim Schliep was Theol. Speaker at the Center for Health Ethics at the Ev. Academy Loccum and again as a Commissioner for the environment of the Evangelical Lutheran. Church of Hanover operates. Since Apr 01, 2010 he took the office of the Commissioner for the Environment and voluntarily retired as pastor but still holds religious services, lectures, etc.
Other offices and memberships (selection)
- 1983-1989:Chairman of the Lutherstift Falkenburg
- 1983-02/1990: Chairman of the working Group Pastoral (German:AG Seelsorge) with Sozialmedizinisch. Psychiatric Institute, Clinical Pastoral Education / Pastoral Hospital, Pastoral Psychology Service (member until 1999)
- 1985-1994: Member of the EKD-chamber of Education
- 1985/86: Lecture and seminar philosophical and theological ethics in the 20th Century at the Ev. Fachhochschule Hannover
- 1987: Member of the Commission: reproductive medicine, prenatal diagnosis, genetic engineering of the EKD Synod
- 1992-1998: Chairman of the Ev. Village assistants work Lower Saxony (German: Ev. Dorfhelferinnenwerk Niedersachsen) and representatives of the Church of Hanover in the State Foundation Board of Trustees of the Children of Chernobyl in Lower Saxony.
- 09/2008 to 2011: Collaboration in the Academy for Ethics in Medicine Göttingen (AG ethics at the end of life)
Writings (selection)
- Hans Joachim Schliep- 10 Jahre Evangelisches Kirchenzentrum Hannover- Schrift zum 10 Jährigen Jubiläum der Einweihung des. Ev. Kirchenzentrums Kronsberg, Herausgeber: Ev.-Luth: Kirchengemeinde St.Johannis Bemerode
- Sedierung am Lebensende in Ethik in der Medizin, Band 12 Heft, Juni 2010, Verlag: Springer-Medizin, ISSN-0935-7335
- Aufsatz „Anfang und Ende des Lebens“, in: Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift 12.Jahrgang Heft 2-1995 ISSN 0724-6137
- Erarbeitung der EKD-Stellungnahme „Zur Achtung vor dem Leben“ (1987)
- EKD-Text 37 „Ev. Bildungsverständnis in einer sich wandelnden Arbeitsgesellschaft“ (1991) (federführend)
- Hans Joachim Schliep: Seelsorgebewegung und Kirchenleitung. Zwischen Initiative und Institution, in: Wege zum Menschen, 45. Jg., 1993, S. 443ff,Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht-V. in Göttingen
- Pastoralthologie- Monatsschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis in Kirche und Gesellschaft, 85. Jahrgang, Juni/1996, Hans Joachim Schliep: Kirche in der Erlebnisgesellschafft Seite 211ff, Vandenboeck & Ruprecht Göttingen
- Und Sie sahen eine Neue Erde -20 Jahre Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Umweltbeauftragten in der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Taschenbuch], ISBN 3-931845-66-4, Hans Joachim Schliep:Ich suche allerlanden eine neue Stadt Offenbarung 21 und 22 S. 57ff
- Hans Joachim Schliep (Herausgeber als Direktor des Amt Für Gemeindedienst): Beate Blatz: Erbstücke aus der Hannoverschen Landeskirche, 50 Jahre Amt für Gemeindedienst, Missionshandlung Hermannsburg, 1991, ISBN 3-87546-069-3
- Jacques Gassmann, Apokalypse,mit Hans Joachim Schliep: (K)ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln- Eine Kleine Lesehilfe Verlag: Edition Braus (1992),ISBN 978-3894660253
- Hans Joachim Schliep: Werkzeug und Denkzeug-Zur Ethik der Technik
- Hans Joachim Schliep: Der Evangelisch Soziale Kongreß 1905 in Hannover
- Hans Joachim Schliep: Seelsorgebewegung und Kirchenleitung. Zwischen Initiative und Institution, in: Wege zum Menschen, 45. Jg., 1993, S. 443ff,Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht-V. in Göttingen
- Hans Joachim Schliep: Gerhard Uhlhorn und die Sonntagsfrage in: Lutherische Monatshefte, 27. Jahrgang, 1988, S: 510-515, ISSN: 0024-7618
- Hans Joachim Schliep: Die Soziale Verantwortung der Kirche: Eine Erinnerung an Abt Gerhard Uhlhorn in: Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Niedersachsen, 1992, S. 185-200
- Hans Joachim Schliep: Gläubiger Realismus, Das Ethische bei Paul Tillich, in: Luth. Monatshefte, 25.Jahrgang, 1986, S.414-418, ISSN: 0024-7618
- Markus Zinn (Hg.): Siehe! Zeitgenössische Kunst in Evangelischen Kirchen, Frankfurt/M. 2007. Hans Joachim Schliep: Ein Stein von Ulrich Rückriem im Ev. Kirchenzentrum Kronsberg, S.139-144
- In Evangelischer Erwachsenenkatechismus, VELKD; Gütersloher Verlagshaus, ISBN 978-3579059280, 8. Auflage 2010, Hans Joachim Schliep: 4.4: Globale Verantwortung,4.4.1: Die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen S. 522 ff
- Hans Joachim Schliep: Zum Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Tier: Theologisch-Ethische Grundlegung: S.7-17 in Kirchlicher Dienst auf dem Lande (KDL) der Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Hannovers im Haus kirchlicher Dienste, Themenheft Landwirtschaftliche Nutztierhaltung, 2011
External links
Persondata |
Name |
Schliep, Hans Joachim |
Alternative names |
Short description |
Lutheran official |
Date of birth |
22 March 1945 |
Place of birth |
Drangstedt, Germany |
Date of death |
Place of death |