
Hannah-Oke is a British karaoke game show based on the hit TV series Hannah Montana that premiered on Disney Channel UK on May 15, 2009, and airs every week at 6pm. It will see six families from across the UK putting their singing abilities and Hannah song knowledge to the test in a series of challenges and karaoke sing-offs in front of a studio audience and panel of judges, which consist of Disney Channel UK star Brad Kavanagh, Pop Idol participant Nicki Chapman and Dancing on Ice participant Jason Gardiner. The audience then votes for the winning family which will go through to the final. In the event of a tie-break, the judges vote and the family with the most votes goes through. The three final families will then go head-to-head fir the title of Hannah-oke Champion 2009. The winning Hannah-oke family will receive a trip to Disneyland Paris, a karaoke machine and Hannah Montana singstar game. They will also receive a gold disk signed by Miley Cyrus.


There are a variety of activities throughout the show.

The first activity is a sing-off where both families each sing a line of a Hannah Montana song. This is when the judges will pick one solo star to sing on their own, so they go backstage to get vocal lessons.

There is a second activity for the other families while the solo stars are having vocal lessons. Each families dance the Hoedown Throwdown from Hannah Montana: The Movie with Billy Ray Cyrus shouting out the moves, but when he says something that isn't one of the moves, the audience needs to shout Silly Billy.

During the recent activity, the solo stars went backstage to practice for their solo performance. Here are the songs sung by the soloists on each episode:

After this, the audience votes for the winning family, by holding up red or blue cards. In the event of a tie, the judges each vote for the families, and the family with the most votes will go through to the final.

Hannah-Oke 2009 was won by The Williams Family (the blue team) who won the signed Miley Cyrus gold disk and the family trip to Paris. Every episode finishes with both families, including Duncan James and Konnie Huq, singing Best of Both Worlds.