Hanka Paldum

Hanka Paldum
Birth name Hanka
Born April 28, 1956 (1956-04-28) (age 55)
Origin Čajniče, Bosnia and Herzegovina (then Yugoslavia)
Genres Folk, Sevdah
Occupations Musician
Labels Hayat Production
Website www.hanka-paldum.com

Hanka Paldum (born April 28, 1956) is a popular Bosniak folk and sevdah singer.[1] She is regarded as one of the best female sevdah performers of all time, and has diva status in her home country. She is a star that has been shining for the last three decades with full intensity at the very top of the sky above Bosnia and Herzegovina and countries that formed ex-Yugoslavia. She has been able to keep the attention of the fans by breaking boundaries and setting norms in the music industry with nothing more than her alluring voice, never resorting to vulgarity and indecency.


The first single

In 1975, Hanka won at the festival of amateur singers, “Pjevamo danu mladosti” (Sing for the Youth Day), with the song “Pokraj puta rodila jabuka,” text by Mijat Božović. Her prize was a chance to produce a single for Sarajevo Diskoton. This song was not a big hit at the time, but with time it fought for its place in people’s hearts and souls, and till this day it is sang by many. Hanka’s interpretation, gave the song a new and unique imprint.

At that time, producer and composer, Mijat Božović offered Hanka his partnership in recording two singles “Ljubav žene” (Love of a woman) and “Burmu ću tvoju nositi” (I’ll wear your wedding band) alongside the big folk orchestra Radio-TV Sarajevo.

She continued her partnership with Mijat Božović, who believed in her talent and that she was going to become a big folk star. He bestows her with the song “Voljela sam oči zelene” (I loved the green eyes) which in a few months became a big hit; for a long time the song was Hanka’s ID, and still to this day is a folk evergreen which even after 30 years is sang from Vardar to Triglav, in every bar, at every party all over ex-Yugoslavia. “Zelene oči” is a song for all times and all generations, one of rare folk hits which is sang also in Slovenian language.

After success with “Zelene oči” she performed as a debutant at the Ilidža festival with the song “Ja te pjesmom zovem” (I call you with my song), by Professor Julio Marić. Interestingly enough, the song was disqualified because one of the judges at the time, Milan Radić, who was a reporter, thought that the song was not worthy enough to enter the competitive part of the program. However, after the songwriter Juli Marić insisted the song be placed in the competition, Hanka indeed went on to compete. This song became a big hit and it still holds a place in people’s hearts and souls. Song was sang by many other singers after Hanka, but it is still remembered by the original interpretation of the song.

Hanka started singing at all of the elite places in Sarajevo alongside Omer Pobrić, a gifted and popular accordion player, and by doing so is gaining her vocal and performing experience.

Hanka married Muradif Brkic soon after he graduated from the University in Sarajevo. Shortly after, he went to the compulsory service in the Yugoslav People's Army, and Hanka started her first big Yugoslavian tour as a guest to big star of Sevdah music Meho Puzić, singing the song “Ja te pjesmom zovem” (I call you with my song).

In 1979 Muradif Brkic finished his service with the army. With Hanka and Braco Đirlo they founded a record company “Sarajevo Disk” for which the rock band “Vatreni Poljubac” is playing with Milić Vukašinović in the forefront. After hearing Milić’s song “Volio sam volio” (I loved, I loved), Muradif came to an idea for Hanka to record that song. At first Hanka was hesitant and even Milić wasn’t too thrilled about the idea: “I was a bit skeptical at first, but when I heard how Hanka sang that song; when I felt the power and temperament of her voice, I knew we were going to take over Yugoslavia”, Milić said. Interestingly enough master recording has been made at then quite rare 'Home Studio' environment owned by innovative producer and ethno-pop composer Nikola Borota - Radovan. Sure enough, Hanka’s, Milić’s and Borota's meeting was instrumental to her career and climb to the stardom. “Voljela sam, voljela” (I loved, I loved) in Hanka’s interpretation won the public over and resulted in sales over a million copies; the public loves her and the music critics are praising her. Hanka became recognized across the country, she is offered to sing in guest spots; holding her own concerts, followed by many prizes and recognitions: Oscar of popularity, three golden stars, named the female artist of the year…Career of a big singing star is beginning to shine.

Shining star

After significant success with that single, she recorded another single “Odreću se I srebra I zlata” (I will give up silver and gold) and at the same time is in preparation for her first album named after one of the songs which it includes “Čežnja” (Yearning). Along Milić Vukašinović as the author, other recognized names from the world of folk, pop and rock music are present: Goran Bregović, Nikola Borota - Radovan, Bodo Kovačević, Mijat Božović, Blagoje Kosanin…Under the Nikola Borota's clever direction, for the first time in Yugoslavian folk music history, electronic music instruments and pop music arrangements were used, songs had different rhythm section treatment than ever before and as a result Hanka’s interpretations were different and original.

With the song “Voljela sam, voljela” and the album “Čežnja” new norms and standards were set in folk music, a new direction, in a way a small revolution: merger of folk and rock music and breaking of barriers between genres. With many music critics, composers and colleagues the album wasn’t faced with acceptance and praise, yet on claims that this kind of music undermines the traditional folk music. However, Hanka, along with her team, believed in herself and her success and was certain that the material, even if unusual and untraditional, was something new and possessed quality. That was confirmed later because “Čežnja” was overwhelmingly accepted by the public, broke many industry records, and is sold in over a million copies, and the songs in new folk-rock manner attracted listeners who never listened to her or folk music.

With non-traditional business approach Hanka started attracting the media as well as the public: as the singer promoted the album “Čežnja” on Opatija festival of music, she also promoted it in Belgrade and had her first solo concert in “Dom sindikata”, again musically produced by Nikola Borota - Radovan. Lazar Ristovski was on synthesizers, Dzemo Novakovic on lead guitar, Sanin Karic was playing bass, two double drum kits were deployed while Ljubisa Pavkovic and Mico Radovanovic were only two traditional instrumentalists present on stage, sharing the lead accordion roles. Tour of the whole ex-Yugoslavia followed, and almost every song from the album is a hit. Till this day “Crne kose” (Black hair), “Zbog tebe” (Because of you), Čežnja, and Zbogom (Goodbye) are listened and are part of her collection of folk evergreens.

In 1982, she recorded album “Sanjam” (I’m dreaming) with Milić Vukašinović as the author. With this album Milić created his life’s work, while Hanka went from a popular singer to a big Yugoslav star. Taking into consideration that “Sarajevodisk” did not have its own record plant, the album, because of overwhelming demand, was manufactured and distributed by four different companies. Hanka’s success was unheard of for Yugoslav music scene, she became the favorite in the eyes of public and respected by the music critics.

Hanka started her tour, and for the first time in folk music, held concerts in big sporting arenas across ex-Yugoslavia. In Belgrade’s “Dom sindikata” in seven days she held a record breaking 14 sold-out solo concerts. The Hanka-Borota-Brkic concept created euphoria among the people. Like the first album, almost every song on this album is a hit, especially the title song “Sanjam” and an absolute mega hit “Ja te volim” (I love you), likewise “Ljubav je radost i bol” (Love is joy and pain), and “Voljeni moj” (My beloved). She received a Yugoslavian star award, four Oscars for popularity in a row, a few female artist of the year awards, a gold plaque for humanist award, and won the following festivals: “Ilidža,“ “Vogošća,” “MESAM,” and “Poselu” from 202 Radio Belgrade program.

Hanka is one of rare singers who held solo concerts in very beautiful arenas “Lisinski,” in Zagreb, “Sava Center,” in Belgrade, and “Zatra,” in Sarajevo. She held hundreds of humanitarian concerts. She represented Yugoslavia in International Festival in Berlin.

At this time production companies were competing for the rights for Hanka’s new material. Hanka with help from Muradif decided to go with Belgrade’s “Jugodisk.” It was said that the bonus she received from Jugodisk is the highest in history of Yugoslavia. In 1983 she released the album Dobro dosli prijatelji (Welcome friends) whose complete author is Milić Vukašinović. A few tracks stood out the most, “Dobro došli prijatelji,” “Ne ljubi me noćas mili” (Don’t kiss me tonight dear), “Htio si sam” (You yourself wanted to), and “Neću da ti oproštaj dam” (I don’t want to forgive you).

The next album, “Tebi Ljubavi” (For you, my love) was released in 1984, with a new Kim Wilde image, which was a tremendous success. The hits written by Mišo Marković stood out the most, “Lažno su me voljele crne oči te” (Those black eyes loved me falsely), and “Ali pamtim još” (But I still remember), which became an evergreen in Yugoslavia, especially to the people who have left the region and now live in different areas of the world.

In 1985, with composer Miodrag Ilić and ensemble Južni Vetar (Southern wind) she recorded the album “Nema kajanja” (There are no regrets). With this album she dominated the popular oriental folk genre, and made it one of the most successful albums of the year. The album had a few very big hits: “Nema kajanja,” “Pa šta” (So what), “Lutaj srce” (Wander, heart), “Hoću da budem samo žena” (I just want to be a woman), and “Kasno je za sve” (It’s too late for everything).

Once again, she went back to the studio with Milić Vukašinović in 1986 and recorded the album “Bolno srce” (Painful heart), which brought many hits including a win at the festival of folk music “Vogošća” with the title song “Bolno srce.” On this album she also recorded a sevdalinka “Sjećaš li se djevo bajna” with accordion player, Milorad Todorović.


Tracks Released

01. Hej, ljubavi
02. Ne trazi me
03. Kamo srece da ga nisam srela
04. Najdrazoj ljubavi
05. Ceznja
06. Zbog tebe
07. Bez ljubavi tvoje
08. Hocu lijepe reci
09. Crne kose
10. Zbogom


01. Sanjam
02. Ja te volim
03. Ljubav je radost i bol
04. Voljeni moj
05. Uzalud mi trazis oprostaj
06. Nikad vise
07. Da l’ cu vise ikad ljubit’
08. Nikoga nema…pomoc kad ti treba

Dobro došli prijatelji

01. Dobro dosli, prijatelji
02. Necu oprostaj da ti dam
03. Htio si sam
04. Zena kao ja
05. Usne moje da te ljube
06. Kako opet voljeti
07. Ne ljubi me nocas,mili
08. Ko je krivac, ti il’ ja

Tebi ljubavi

01. Pamtim jos
02. Moras doci ove noci
03. Miris kose
04. Samo jednom ja odlazim
05. Pusti me,majko
06. Sarajevo, ostadoh bez reci
07. Lazno su me voljele crne oci
08. Nocas si bol, nocas si zelja
09. Dugo, dugo toplo ljeto
10. Balada mojoj majci
11. Prva ljubav

Sjajna zvijezdo

(sevdalinke uz pratnju Omera Pobrica)

01. Sjajna zvijezdo
02. Trepetiljka trepetala
03. U Stambolu na Bosforu
04. S' one strane plive
05. Crven fesic
06. Moj dilbere
07. Kaharli sam, vecerala nisam
08. Put putuje latifaga
09. Sinoc ja i moja kona
10. Stade se cvijece rosom kititi

Nema kajanja

01. Nema kajanja
02. Srce je moje kamen
03. Kasno je za sve
04. Hocu da budem samo zena
05. Pa sta
06. Lutaj srce
07. Ne idi
08. Ne dirajte uspomene
09. Ne smemo se rastaviti

Bolno srce

01. Te su me oci lagale
02. Ostavljena zena
03. Uspomene
04. Ljubavi moja
05. Bolno srce
06. Ako ti kazem
07. Zbogom, voljeni moj
08. Tugo moja
09. Jugoslavija
10. Sjecas li se, djevo bajna

Gdje si duso

01. Kazi mi
02. Hocu s’ tobom da se napijem
03. Milo moje
04. Odlazi covek
05. Gdje si duso
06. Vjerujem
07. Ne kuni ga, majko
08. Cemu srce da se nada
09. Za drustvo I dusu

Kani suzo, izdajice

01. Kani suzo, izdajice
02. Ja za tebe nikad nisam bila zena
03. Ludo, ludo tebe volim
04. Trazis me kad je kasno sve
05. Tako me uzbudjujes
06. Izgorjecu, poludjecu
07. Za nas je stigao kraj
08. Bol bolujem

Vjetrovi tuge

01. Odrecu se sveg’ na svijetu
02. Vjetrovi tuge
03. Sa, Sa, Sarajevo
04. Ne mogu kroz zivot sama
05. Trebam te
06. Nevjera tvoja, nevjera
07. Ljubi, ljubi
08. Nocima ga nema
09. Zivote, druze

Uzalud behari mirisu

01.Ti si carstvo ja carica
02. Isplakah zadnju suzu
03. Pisala sam duga pisma
04. Zasviraj cigo
05. Ti si uvjek tu
06. Ljubav moja
07. Uzalud behari mirisu
08. Necu dragi dukate

Stezem srce

01. Ne budi me
02. Placem
03. Stezem srce
04. Rana stara
06. Sta sam ja bez tebe
07. Bosna
08. Svatovi meni ne pjevaju
09. Pjesma tuge
10. Tuga

Nek' je od srca

01. Kakva ljubav takav joj i kraj
02. Kad vise ne budes tu
03. Jadna sam bez tvoje ljubavi
04. Rodjena sam
05. Ostani
06. Nek’ je od srca
07. Na sve navikne zena
08. Gazi, gazi
09. Svaka rijeka moru stici ce
10. Crni snijeg


01. Dzanum
02. Tudja rana ne boli
03. Evo zore
04. Pjesma je sve
05. Ako bude ono cega se bojim
06. I da znas
07. Sama
08. I dan danas
09. Sta da ucinim
10. Sta ce meni

S' kim si takav si

01. S’ kim si takav si
02. Nije to prvi put
03. Evo ti srce
04. Zasto smo se sreli
05. Svadjalica
06. Od behara do behara
07. Gdje su ruke te
08. Aman zaman
09. Med i mlijeko
10. Neka te, neka

Zena kao zena

01. Samo tebi ja vjerujem
02. Placi za mnom
03. Hvala
04. Ljubav
05. Ja nemam snage
06. Usponene
07. Ja i ti
08. Kriva
09. Tragovi
10. Zena kao zena
11. Sto da ne
12. Sarajevo
13. Dodji
14. Mojoj majci

Sevdahom kroz vrijeme

01. Sarajevo,divno mjesto
02. Il' je vedro il' oblačno
03.Teško meni jadnoj
04.Grana od bora
05. More soko pije
07. Kraj tanana šadrvana
08. Ja te volim
09. Plačem već tri dana
10. Pod ružicu rumenu
11. Zvijezda tjera mjeseca
12.Mojoj majci

Sevdah je ljubav

01. Ali pamtim još
02. Il' je vedro il' oblačno
03. Grana od bora
04. Moj dilbere
05. Stara staza
06. Moj golube
07. Ja te volim
08. Kraj tanana šadrvana
09. Zaplakala šećer đula
10. Zvijezda tjera mjeseca
11. Mojoj majci
12. Kad sam mlada da sam voda hladna
13. Der Asra
14. Osman Paša


DVD Hanka Paldum s prijateljima (Sarajevska Zetra 2004)

DVD Hanka Paldum - Sevdahom kroz vrijeme 2007 - Live
