
H.E.R.R. (Heiliges Europa Römisches Reich) is a Dutch / English band that was founded in 2002 by Michiel Spapé (composer). Other core members are Miklos Hoffer (vocals/live percussion) and, from the second album onwards, Troy Southgate (vocals/live percussion/guitar). Musically, they have been described as neofolk, minimalist, Neoclassical and martial. They have achieved some distinction within those genres, particularly following the success of their second and third albums, 'The Winter of Constantinople' (2005) and 'Vondel's Lucifer: First Movement' (2006).

Key H.E.R.R. idiosyncrasies include Troy Southgate wearing a striped football shirt to perform 'Hopes Die in Winter' whilst Miklos Hoffer is known to yell down a megaphone during live renditions of 'Zachte Heelmeesters'. The overall style of the group tends to be dark suits or military jackets with shirts and ties.

Troy Southgate has performed vocals for Seelenlicht (Germany), Horologium (Poland), Von Thronstahl (Germany), The Days of the Trumpet Call (Germany), Survival Unit (Sweden), Sagittarius (Germany), Across The Rubicon (Poland), Funerary Call (Canada), Sala Delle Colonne (Portugal), Erich Zahn (Netherlands), Desert Divinity (Italy), Ollin (Poland/US) and Elvatorium (Poland/US).

Michiel Spapé has a side-project called Mirrori.




Compilation appearances

Live performances

External links