Gåsevadholm Castle

Gåsevadholm Castle
Kungsbacka Municipality, Sweden

Type Castle

Gåsevadholm Castle is a castle in Sweden. John Hans Makeléer was the Lord of Gåsevadholm.[1]

See also


  1. ^ Ernst Ludwig Fischer, Thomas Alfred Fischer, and John Kirkpatrick (1907). The Scots in Sweden. http://books.google.com/books?id=5YULAAAAYAAJ&output=text. "Of the families named above, the Macliers (or Macleans), the Sinclairs, and the Spaldings were the most prominent. We shall not enter into the fabulous genealogy of the Macleans, with their forty-two descents from some Irish chieftain, who was part-owner of an ark at the time of Noah. Suffice it to say that one Hans (John) Maclier, son of Hector Maclean, fifth Baron of Dowart, came to Göteborg in 1620, settled in business, and succeeded so well that he became a town councillor (1640-1650). The burial-list of the Christina church says of him that “he was ennobled by his Majesty of Sweden in 1649 as Lord of Gåsevadholm, Hageby, and Hammersöö, and by His Majesty of England as Baronet of Dowart on account of great good services rendered to both their Royal Majesties."