Grigory Margulis

Grigory Margulis

Grigory Margulis
Born February 24, 1946 (1946-02-24) (age 65)
Moscow, Soviet Union
Nationality Russian
Fields Mathematics
Institutions Yale University
Alma mater Moscow State University
Doctoral advisor Yakov Sinai
Doctoral students Emmanuel Breuillard
Bengt Karlsson
Dmitry Kleinbock
Known for Diophantine approximation
Lie groups
Superrigidity theorem
Oppenheim conjecture
Notable awards Fields Medal (1978)
Wolf Prize in Mathematics (2005)
Medal of the Collège de France
Alexander von Humboldt Prize
Lobachevsky International Prize

Gregori Aleksandrovich Margulis (Russian: Григо́рий Алекса́ндрович Маргу́лис, first name often given as Gregory, Grigori or Grigory; born February 24, 1946) is a Russian mathematician known for his far-reaching work on lattices in Lie groups, and the introduction of methods from ergodic theory into diophantine approximation. He was awarded a Fields Medal in 1978 and a Wolf Prize in Mathematics in 2005, becoming the seventh mathematician to receive both prizes. In 1991, he joined the faculty of Yale University, where he is currently the Erastus L. DeForest Professor of Mathematics.[1]


Short biography

Margulis was born in Moscow, Soviet Union. He received his PhD in 1970 from the Moscow State University, starting research in ergodic theory under the supervision of Yakov Sinai. Early work with David Kazhdan produced the Kazhdan–Margulis theorem, a basic result on discrete groups. His superrigidity theorem from 1975 clarified a whole area of classical conjectures about the characterisation of arithmetic groups amongst lattices in Lie groups.

He was awarded the Fields Medal in 1978, but was not permitted to travel to Helsinki to accept in person. His position improved, and in 1979 he visited Bonn, and was later able to travel freely, though he still worked in the Institute of Problems of Information Transmission, a research institute rather than a university. In 1991, Margulis accepted a professorial position at Yale University.

Margulis was elected a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 2001.[2]

In 2005, Margulis received the Wolf Prize for his contributions to theory of lattices and applications to ergodic theory, representation theory, number theory, combinatorics, and measure theory.

Scientific contributions

Early work of Margulis dealt with Kazhdan's property (T) and the questions of rigidity and arithmeticity of lattices in semisimple algebraic groups of higher rank over a local field. It had been known since the 1950s (Borel, Harish-Chandra) that a certain simple-minded way of constructing subgroups of semisimple Lie groups produces examples of lattices, called arithmetic lattices. It is analogous to considering the subgroup SL(n,Z) of the real special linear group SL(n,R) that consists of matrices with integer entries. Margulis proved that under suitable assumptions on G (no compact factors and split rank greater or equal than two), any (irreducible) lattice Γ in it is arithmetic, i.e. can be obtained in this way. Thus Γ is commensurable with the subgroup G(Z) of G, i.e. they agree on subgroups of finite index in both. Unlike general lattices, which are defined by their properties, arithmetic lattices are defined by a construction. Therefore, these results of Margulis pave a way for classification of lattices. Arithmeticity turned out to be closely related to another remarkable property of lattices discovered by Margulis. Superrigidity for a lattice Γ in G roughly means that any homomorphism of Γ into the group of real invertible n × n matrices extends to the whole G. The name derives from the following variant:

If G and G' , semisimple algebraic groups over a local field without compact factors and whose split rank is at least two and Γ and Γ ' are irreducible lattices in them, then any homomorphism f: ΓΓ ' between the lattices agrees on a finite index subgroup of Γ with a homomorphism between the algebraic groups themselves.

(The case when f is an isomorphism is known as the strong rigidity.) While certain rigidity phenomena had already been known, the approach of Margulis was at the same time novel, powerful, and very elegant.

Margulis solved the long-standing BanachRuziewicz problem that asks whether the Lebesgue measure is the only normalized rotationally invariant finitely additive measure on the n-dimensional sphere. The affirmative solution for n ≥ 4, which was also independently and almost simultaneously obtained by Dennis Sullivan, follows from a construction of a certain dense subgroup of the orthogonal group that has property (T).

Margulis gave the first construction of expander graphs, which was later generalized in the theory of Ramanujan graphs.

In 1986, Margulis completed the proof of the Oppenheim conjecture on quadratic forms and diophantine approximation. This was a question that had been open for half a century, on which considerable progress had been made by the Hardy-Littlewood circle method; but to reduce the number of variables to the point of getting the best-possible results, the more structural methods from group theory proved decisive. He has formulated a further program of research in the same direction, that includes the Littlewood conjecture. This has been widely influential.

Selected publications





Further reading

External links