Gregoire Seither

Gregor Seither is a franco-German journalist, graphic designer, interpreter and Internet activist, founding member of the 1984 network liberty alliance, a loose international cyber network of free speech and privacy activists. He is the founder and administrator of the now defunct French hacktivist Bulletin Board System Pom-Pom [1] as well as the anti-censorship information compound Libertes & Internets (all info compiled by Zikiupdate)

Since 1998 Seither heads the francophone office of IES News Service (Intelligence Economique et Strategique), an international network of intelligence analysts that publishes various custom-tailored, subscription-only newsletters. Since December 2007, IES News Service has joined forces with other news outlets to form IES Media Cooperative.

Seither has also worked as graphic designer and iconographer for Aquent Partners as well as a free-lance interpreter and translator for Peachpit Press, Pearson Education, Apple Inc. and Microsoft.

In November 1984, Gregoire Seither was among the conveners of a "debriefing" workshop of the European Peace Marches on the Hartmannswillerkopf in Alsace, France, following the struggle against the installation of Pershing II and SS-20 nuclear missiles in Germany (Mutlangen). Among the many initiatives that emerged from this meeting, was the foundation of the 1984 network liberty alliance in (ironic) reference to George Orwell's novel 1984 and to the Rebel Alliance of the movie Star Wars.

Other founders are Dov Lerner, computer graduate at MIT and disciple of Saul Alinsky, the French philosopher André Gorz as well as Frauke Hahn who had led the woman's resistance ('Commons Women') at Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, David Szwarc from the Israeli Peace movement and Adama Drasiweni, computer graduate from the University of London, future founder of N'DA, Africa's first independent telecom company. Other members joined later on, all active in various social movements and peace initiatives in Europe and the USA.


Interpretation and Translation

Since 1999, Seither has been working as a professional French-English-German conference interpreter and translator for language service providers in Paris (FR), London (UK) and Brussels (BE).

He also works as a volunteer interpreter for Babels, an international network of volunteer interpreters, translators and language diversity activists.

Seither has organized and taught on a volunteer base, community interpreting courses for NGOs working with the refugee community in Kibera (Kenya), Bamako (Mali) and Calais/Sangatte (France).

Nouvelle-Calédonie (New-Caledonia / South Pacific)

From 1988 to 1995, Seither has worked in the French colony of New-Caledonia - fr:Nouvelle-Calédonie (Nouvelle-Calédonie) in the South Pacific, for the publishing arm of the pro-independence KANAK LIBERATION FRONT -- [2] (FRONT DE LIBÉRATION NATIONALE KANAK ET SOCIALISTE) - EDIPOP Publishing House, BWENANDO newspaper and RADIO DJIIDO radio station.

Seither manages KANAKY ONLINE ( [3] the officiel mailing list of the KANAK INDEPEDENCE MOVEMENT as well as KANEKA DJ ( [4], the only Internet radio station devoted to KANEKA Music, the melanesian contemporary music style of New-Caledonia.

From 1990 to 1994, Seither has worked for the state-funded JEAN MARIE TJIBAOU CULTURAL CENTRE / AGENCY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF KANAK CULTURE (Agence de Développement de la Culture Kanak)[5].

From 1994 to 1997, Gregor Seither was Head of Design and Production for DPOD Digital Print On Demand in Auckland, New Zealand. He is a partner of Hexaprint, a printing and gravure specialist in Tel-Aviv and Singapore.


Since 1998, Seither is the Paris Director of IES News Service (Intelligence Economique et Strategique, an international network of intelligence analysts that publishes various custom-tailored, subscription-only newsletter. IES News Service has offices in Auckland (New-Zealand), Panama City (Panama), Istanbul (Turkey), Kirkuk (Kurdistan / Iraq), Tel-Aviv (Israel), Ramallah (Occupied Palestine) as well as Beirut (Lebanon).

Seither is co-founder and manager of the information compound Libertés & Internets - [6] (, ( [7] sent to subscribers by email, and dealing with privacy issues, surveillance and propaganda in the information age.

Seither coordinates the weekly French edition of TidBITS, a weekly newsletter devoted to the Apple Macintosh and the Internet, published by Adam Engst out of New York.

Seither is a member of the European Committee against Modern Slavery [8] and publishes the monthly magazine of the French section "Esclaves Encore !".

Seither also designs and manages the publication of magazines for the French Green Party, notably : "Le Vert Paris"[9], "Le Chemin Vert" [10] and "La Souris Verte"Village intergalactique au contre-G8 d'Annemasse and OGM : ferme ta gueule, ouvre la bouche et fais confiance aux experts


From 1984 to 1989, Seither was a contributing editor of the francophone Palestinian monthly newsletter and radio-show Al-Haddaf /''Voix de la Palestine, with close ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) - and notably to Al Hakim / George Habash of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) (Arabic: الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين, al-Jabhah al-Sha`biyyah li-Tahrīr Filastīn) is a Marxist-Leninist, secular, nationalist Palestinian political and military organization, founded in 1967.

Former member of Hashomer Hatzair and with close ties to old Mapam (radical wing of the Meretz-Yachad party, Seither has repeatedly advocated the Binational solution (One-State-Solution) in his writings, calling for the normalization of Israel through the establishment of a new non-Zionist political entity based on democracy, equal rights between all citizens and secular values.

He has nevertheless supported initiatives that do not support this solution. In 2003 he participated in preparation of the Geneva Accord initiative, together with Azmi Bishara and Dov Lerner.

Along with former Israeli President Avraham Burg and writer Yitzhak Laor he has repeatedly defined Zionism as one of the last remnants of the euro-centric, white colonial ideologies that marked the 20th century. As such, according to Seither, Zionism is bound to disappear, like Rhodesia, South African Apartheid, French New-Caledonia or like colonialism as a whole.


Seither has translated a number of books from US-English and German into French - mainly computer books (Pearson Education, Peachpit Press, Microsoft Press and Apple Certified Training Series) but also some literature (Nigel Barley, Joe R. Lansdale, Ben Wiltmore, Jenny Whitcouls...)

Seither is the author of books and manuals dealing with computers and the printing industry :

External links