Greg van Eekhout

Greg van Eekhout is a science fiction and fantasy writer. He grew up in Los Angeles and attended UCLA, where he received a Bachelor's in English. He earned a Master's in Educational Media and Computers at Arizona State, and worked for a time at ASU designing multimedia.[1] He currently lives in San Diego, California.

He attended the writing workshop Viable Paradise in 1999. His first professionally published story, "Wolves Till the World Goes Down," (2001) appeared in the anthology Starlight 3 and was later reprinted in Fantasy: The Best of 2001. His story "In the Late December" (online) (2003) was nominated for Nebula Award for Best Short Story. His work has also appeared in a number of places, including Asimov's Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, and Strange Horizons.

His first novel, Norse Code, was published by Bantam Books in May 2009.

His second novel, a middle-grade fantasy titled Kid Vs. Squid, was released by Bloomsbury Children's USA on May 11, 2010.

Boy at the End of the World, also a middle-grade fantasy, was released in June 2011 by Bloomsbury Children's USA.[2]

His parents are of Indo (Dutch-Indonesian) extraction. His last name is pronounced with the "emphasis on the EEK. The HOUT part rhymes with OUT, as in, 'Hey, I'm going OUT for some guacamole.'" The English translation of "Van Eekhout" is "Of Oakwood".


  1. ^ > Year's Best Fantasy 6. Tachyon Publications. 2006. ISBN 10:1-892391-37-6. 
  2. ^ "The Boy at the End of the World". Retrieved 22 March 2011. 

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