
"Greatswords" are soldiers existing within the fantasy world of Warhammer, a product of Games Workshop.

Greatswords are available to armies of the Empire, the largest human nation in the world of Warhammer, and are among the finest Imperial warriors available. Unlike the aristocratic members of the knightly orders, a greatsword is a man plucked from the ranks due to some extraordinary feat of arms and bravery. Many men have died attempting to achieve the respected position of Greatsword.

Their prowess is indicated by their primary weapon and namesake, a massive sword requiring two hands to wield. Charged with protecting the lord who raised them to Greatsword, they form a bodyguard of stubborn and resolute men protected by dwarf-forged plate armour. The history of the Empire is full of tales of a final stand by the Greatswords of the Empire.[1] Especially heroic Greatswords are at times knighted by their Elector Count.


The models for Empire Greatswords are based heavily on the Landsknecht, Early modern period mercenary footsoldiers and pikemen, particularly the Doppelsöldners, who often wielded zweihanders.
