Greater Sudbury municipal election, 2006

The Greater Sudbury municipal election, 2006 was held in the city of Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada on November 13, 2006. All municipal elections in the province of Ontario are held on the same date; see Ontario municipal elections, 2006 for elections in other cities.

The election chose the mayor and city councillors who will sit on Greater Sudbury City Council. As with other Ontario municipal elections, the 2006 election marked the first time that Ontario's city councils will sit for a four-year term; until 2006, municipal elections were held every three years.



The primary issue in the 2006 elections was the municipal amalgamation of 2001. Prior to January 1, 2001, the current city of Greater Sudbury consisted of seven separate municipalities, together comprising the Regional Municipality of Sudbury. On that date, the provincial government of Ontario dissolved all seven former municipalities and the regional government, merging them all into the current city government. However, many residents of the outlying communities in the city have alleged that their municipal services have deteriorated significantly since the amalgamation.

In early 2006, residents of the former town of Rayside-Balfour began to campaign for the deamalgamation of the city and the return of the former municipal government structure. The city government has refused to endorse the petition — even if the petition were endorsed by the city, however, any deamalgamation referendum would still require the consent of the provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, which has set a number of very strict conditions for permitting a referendum.

Mayor David Courtemanche announced an advisory committee, chaired by former Member of Provincial Parliament Floyd Laughren, to consult with communities in the city and seek solutions to their concerns about municipal government services. This committee did not submit its final report to the city until January 10, 2007, several weeks after the 2006 municipal election, although a summary of the issues raised during the initial consultations, as well as an outline of the final report process, was presented in advance of the election.

In June 2006, the city was also criticized for its handling of a leave of absence taken by fire chief Don Donaldson, as well as a study which found that Sudbury had the highest-paid mayor and councillors of any Ontario city in its population range. Council has been also criticized for several development-related decisions, including a $13 million expansion of the Kingsway between Minnow Lake and Coniston, a controversial decision to permit construction of a new school and a medical office building on the Lily Creek marshlands near Science North, and a project to increase sewer capacity in the South End (Ward 9) area by construction of a rock tunnel. Following a $4 million budget shortfall in the latter project, the city imposed special development fees on new residential and commercial construction in the neighbourhood.

With the recent takeovers of two of the city's major employers, Falconbridge Ltd. by Swiss mining giant Xstrata and Inco Limited by the Brazilian company CVRD, and the recent financial crisis faced by the city's Northern Breweries, the issues of jobs and economic development in the city were also expected to play a role in the election campaign. One of John Rodriguez's campaign planks was to lobby for the city to be given a share of the corporate taxes paid by the mining companies to the federal and provincial governments; the inability to directly tax two of the city's largest employers has been cited in the past as a barrier to the city's economic and social development.

Some candidates also cited the desire to see more women serve on council; only six of the 45 declared candidates in the 2006 election were women, and three of those six were incumbent councillors. In the final election results, four of the five women running for council seats were elected; one female ward candidate was not elected, nor was mayoral candidate Lynne Reynolds.

Mayoral race

2006 Greater Sudbury municipal election, Mayor of Greater Sudburyedit
Candidate Total votes  % of total votes
John Rodriguez 28,419 51.89
(x)David Courtemanche 16,600 30.31
Lynne Reynolds 8,996 16.42
David Chevrier 429 0.78
Marc Crockford 159 0.29
Ed Pokonzie 92 0.17
David Popescu 76 0.14
Total valid votes 54,771 100.00

Earlier in 2006, local media speculated that former mayor Jim Gordon might run for mayor again as well, but in September he ended that speculation by endorsing Rodriguez; Gordon had endorsed Courtemanche in 2003. Rodriguez was also endorsed by 2003 mayoral candidate Paul Marleau, former city councillor Gerry McIntaggart and the Sudbury and District Labour Council.

During the campaign, Rodriguez was sometimes criticized for making potentially unrealistic promises, such as eliminating homelessness in the city, which depended on lobbying the provincial or federal governments for funding and program cooperation that those governments had not guaranteed would be made available. However, both of his main opponents were also criticized as well. Courtemanche, who did not officially declare his candidacy until just a few days before the nomination deadline, was viewed by many voters as having been a weak and ineffective leader during the previous council term, and faced allegations that he had held off his campaign launch until the last minute precisely to insulate himself from having to answer that criticism on the campaign trail. Reynolds, meanwhile, was criticized by the city's media for a vague and confrontational campaign which was critical of the existing council, but offered very few specific new ideas of her own.

A Sudbury Star opinion poll published on November 1 placed Rodriguez in the lead with 49 per cent support among decided voters, with Courtemanche trailing at 30 per cent and Reynolds at 20 per cent. The other four candidates had approximately one per cent support combined.[28]

On the final weekend before the election, Reynolds garnered the endorsement of the Sudbury Star, while the community newspaper Northern Life endorsed Courtemanche. Both newspapers acknowledged that Rodriguez had been the most successful of the three at defining the issues and direction of the campaign, but cited misgivings about his agenda as their principal reason for choosing not to endorse him.

Ward boundary adjustments

When the current city of Greater Sudbury was created in 2001, the city was divided into six wards, each of which was represented by two councillors. In 2005, the city council adopted a new ward structure, in which the city would now be divided into twelve wards with a single councillor per ward.

This redistribution of wards was itself controversial, because it divided some communities within the city that were formerly closely associated with each other — for example, the former town of Rayside-Balfour was split, with Azilda falling in Ward 4 and Chelmsford falling in Ward 3. The original ward structure had also been designed to balance political power, crossing the pre-2001 municipal boundaries to help prevent the urban core of the city from ignoring the needs of the more rural communities.

Under the new ward structure, however, five of the twelve wards are purely urban, and it has been alleged that this may weaken the city's ability to respond to the needs of residents outside of the central city. Floyd Laughren's final report on municipal government services, tabled in early 2007, included a recommendation for further adjustments to make ward boundaries more closely correspond to the former municipal divisions. Laughren specifically noted the former towns of Capreol and Onaping Falls as communities that should be reconstituted as their own distinct city wards.


In addition to David Courtemanche, two incumbent councillors were also defeated — notably, both represented wards outside of the pre-2001 city boundaries, and hence may have been vulnerable in part because of the amalgamation referendum controversy. The councillors whose wards were most directly affected by the Kingsway, Lily Creek and South End sewer tunnel controversies were all re-elected. Two wards, both in the old city, had no incumbent councillor running for reelection.

In Ward 12, the city's website initially named John Caruso as the winner with 1,798 votes, to challenger Joscelyne Landry-Altmann's 1,756. However, the city later reported an apparent technical error in the upload of vote totals to the website, with 460 votes mistakenly uploaded twice. (This error did not affect the actual vote tabulations, merely the reported totals on the election results webpage.) In the adjusted count, Landry-Altmann won over Caruso by a similarly narrow margin. Caruso called for a recount,[29] which was conducted on December 1 and confirmed Landry-Altmann's victory.[30]


Candidate Vote  %
Ward 1
Joe Cimino 3,016 68.6
Carlos Reyes 1001 22.8
John Mathew 382 8.7
Robert Allard (withdrawn)
Ward 2
Jacques Barbeau 1,838 35.81
Terry Kett (X) 1,730 33.70
Sandy Bass 1,153 22.46
Stephen L. Butcher 223 4.34
Travis Morgan 189 3.68
Ward 3
Claude Berthiaume (X) 3,094 65.3
Mike Dupont 1,167 24.6
Bill Hedderson 479 10.1
Ward 4
Evelyn Dutrisac 2,663 63.1
Ronald Bradley (X) 967 22.9
Marcel Rainville 318 7.5
Robert Boileau 275 6.5
Ward 5
Ron Dupuis (X) 2,051 51.5
Louise Portelance 1,931 48.5
Yvan Robert (withdrawn)
Ward 6
André Rivest (X) 2,115 44.5
Robert Kirwan 1,523 32.0
Henri Lagrandeur 1,116 23.5
Ward 7
Russ Thompson (X) 2,264 55.6
Dave Kilgour 1,811 44.4
Ward 8
Ted Callaghan (X) 2,765 70.9
Harry Will 1,135 29.1
Ward 9
Doug Craig (X) 1,958 42.3
Jim Sartor 1,497 32.3
John Cochrane 787 17.0
Marvin Julian 387 8.4
Fran Nault (withdrawn)
Ward 10
Frances Caldarelli (X) 2,301 43.5
Austin Davey 1,737 32.9
Fern Cormier 1,246 23.6
Ward 11
Janet Gasparini (X) 2,310 48.4
Mike Petryna 1,381 29.0
Rick Villeneuve 1,079 22.6
Ward 12
Joscelyne Landry-Altmann 1,586 40.1
John Caruso 1,529 38.6
Derek Young 516 13.0
Will Brunette 329 8.3

School trustees

2006 Greater Sudbury election, Trustee, Rainbow District School Board, Area 1
Candidate Total votes  % of total votes
(x)Gord Santala accl. .
2006 Greater Sudbury election, Trustee, Sudbury Catholic District School Board, Ward Five
Candidate Total votes  % of total votes
(x)Paula Peroni 1,570 49.73
Ted Szilva 1,038 32.88
Geraldine Meskell 549 17.39
Total valid votes 3,157 100.00


The new council was sworn in on December 6, 2006. In his inaugural speech, Rodriguez laid out an ambitious "first 100 days" agenda for change in the city, which included eliminating the transfer fee on the city's TransCab service (which offers taxi service to residents of remote areas of the city not served by Greater Sudbury Transit), and creating citizen committees to oversee a number of projects, including the implementation of Floyd Laughren's report on service improvements in the amalgamated city, reviewing the city's recreational facilities and pursuing the creation of an arts centre, revising the city's corporate taxation base, pursuing economic growth opportunities in the health care sector, and devolving some legislative authority to the existing local community action networks.

Rodriguez also ignited some controversy by making two unilateral decisions on his first day in office, reaffirming that stores in the city would not be permitted to open on Boxing Day and authorizing the Franco-Ontarian flag to be flown at Tom Davies Square.[150] The latter decision invoked polarized opinion, with some praising the mayor for taking authoritative action and others criticizing him for isolating other cultural groups in the community.

Reynolds announced in December that she would be a candidate for the Liberal Party nomination for Nickel Belt in the next federal election, following Ray Bonin's announcement that he would retire from office at the end of the current parliamentary session. She later withdrew from the race, endorsing competitor Sylvain Beaudry; however, the nomination was ultimately won by Louise Portelance, who was also a defeated municipal council candidate in 2006.

Floyd Laughren tabled his committee report on January 10, 2007, making 34 recommendations for improvements in the city's municipal ward structure, communications, transportation, recreation and transit services. Rodriguez and most council members responded favourably to the report, indicating that they would attempt to implement as many of the recommendations as possible.


  1. ^ a b "Reynolds will revisit policy", Sudbury Star, 8 November 2006, A3.
  2. ^ Carol Mulligan, "Reynolds to run in Ward 6", Sudbury Star, 8 July 2003, A3.
  3. ^ "Forum focuses on children's services", Sudbury Star, 5 June 2000, A3; Lisa Gervais, "Group promises to act on making region better for kids", Sudbury Star, 3 August 2000, A5.
  4. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Contact North produces reference list", Sudbury Star, 8 December 2001.
  5. ^ Marek Krasuski, "City poised to become retirement capital", Sudbury Star, 25 March 2004, C10.
  6. ^ "Bradley to lead conservation board", Sudbury Star, 31 January 2004, A3; "Downtown Sudbury elects board", Sudbury Star, 16 February 2004, A3.
  7. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Lots of debate, almost no action", Sudbury Star, 24 March 2004, A3.
  8. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Store hours 'donnybrook'?", Sudbury Star, 12 June 2004, A3.
  9. ^ Laura Stradiotto, "Highway 17 upgrade pushed", Sudbury Star, 30 November 2004, A3.
  10. ^ a b Denis St. Pierre, "City needs full-time councillors, Kett says", Sudbury Star, 7 January 2005, A1.
  11. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Reynolds tired of council's 'bumblings'", Sudbury Star, 28 January 2005, A1; "Coun. Lynne Reynolds' statement", Sudbury Star, 29 January 2005, A9.
  12. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Who wants to be mayor of Greater Sudbury?", Sudbury Star, 27 September 2005, A3. She also called for the city to construct a major conference and convention centre in this period. See Lynne Reynolds, "Councillor calls for convention centre", Northern Ontario Business, August 2005, p. 28.
  13. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Mayor lashes out at councillor for 'irresponsible' letter", Sudbury Star, 25 November 2005, A1.
  14. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "As The Council Turns plot thickens", Sudbury Star, 13 December 2005, A3.
  15. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Reynolds to seek mayor's office: Ward 6 councillor is expected to declare Thursday", Sudbury Star, 1 March 2006, A3.
  16. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Plan to counter merger alienation sparks clash", Sudbury Star, 27 April 2006, A1.
  17. ^ Harold Carmichael, "Reynolds unveils platform", Sudbury Star, 13 October 2006, A3.
  18. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Candidate questions value of mayor's political adviser", Sudbury Star, 19 October 2006, A1.
  19. ^ Heidi Ulrichson, "Lynne Reynolds unveils plan for casino revenue", Northern Life, 17 October 2006, accessed 5 September 2008.
  20. ^ Carol Mulligan, "Election looms, but who will replace Bonin?", '"Sudbury Star, 14 April 2007, A1.
  21. ^ Laura Stradiotto, "Portelance ready to run", Sudbury Star, 24 April 2007, A4.
  22. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Chevrier adds to the public debate", Sudbury Star, 25 October 2003, A3.
  23. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Dave Petryna selected to sit on police services board", Sudbury Star, 14 January 2004, A5.
  24. ^ Sudbury - Northern Life - Conversation with mayoral candidate David Chevrier, Northern Life, 30 August 2006, accessed 29 August 2008.
  25. ^ Sudbury - Northern Life - Candidate shies away from spotlight, Northern Life, 19 October 2006, accessed 29 August 2008; Marc Crockford for Mayor, Marc Crockford, accessed 29 August 2008; Denis St. Pierre, "City severs link to mayoral candidate", Sudbury Star, 11 October 2006, A3.
  26. ^ This information is information in the preface to David Popescu, "Bible studies will improve life in city", Sudbury Star, 6 November 2006, A11.
  27. ^ Northern Life - David Popescu breaches probation-Sudbury ON
  28. ^ The Sudbury Star - Ontario, CA
  29. ^ [1]
  30. ^ The Sudbury Star - Ontario, CA
  31. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Citizens ponder virtue of borrowing and tax hikes", Sudbury Star, 20 January 2004, A3.
  32. ^ Jacques Barbeau, "Canada had no moral reason to join the war", Sudbury Star, 15 April 2003, A9; Jacques Barbeau, "Canadian stance on Iraq was principled", Sudbury Star, 7 January 2004, A9.
  33. ^ Jacques Barbeau, Northern Life, 20 October 2006, accessed 28 March 2006.
  34. ^ "The candidates", Sudbury Star, 21 October 2003, A3.
  35. ^ a b "Kett to serve on municipal board", Sudbury Star, 11 June 2005, A3.
  36. ^ "Municipalities worried", Daily Commercial News and Construction Record, 1 March 1996, A1.
  37. ^ "Sudbury rejects one-tier system", Canadian Press NewsWire, 12 December 1996.
  38. ^ "Kett considers mayoralty bid", Sudbury Star, 4 July 2003, A5; "Marleau to enter race for mayor", Sudbury Star, 22 July 2003, A1.
  39. ^ He was 57 years old at the time. See "The candidates", Sudbury Star, 21 October 2003, A3.
  40. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Hydro board started", Sudbury Star, 12 December 2003, A3.
  41. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Gas tax isn't the answer: Kett", Sudbury Star, 12 December 2003, A1.
  42. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "City council hindering growth of airport", Sudbury Star, 17 January 2004, A5; Bob Vaillancourt, "Councillor wants changes to airport board", Sudbury Star, 26 February 2004, C8; Bob Vaillancourt, "City council changes direction of airport board", Sudbury Star, 13 March 2004, A3; Bob Vaillancourt, "New airport board could be in place by summer", Sudbury Star, 3 April 2004, A5.
  43. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Council not ready to borrow", Sudbury Star, 26 January 2004, A3; Bob Vaillancourt, "Police asked to trim budget", Sudbury Star, 5 April 2004, A5.
  44. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Mental-health services back in local hands", Sudbury Star, 15 October 2005, A1.
  45. ^ Kennedy Gordon, "Experienced candidates win: Ward 5/City of Greater Sudbury", Sudbury Star, 14 November 2000, A10. See also Patricia Williams, "Hospital project may begin in spring 1999", Daily Commercial News and Construction Record, 19 August 1998, A1.
  46. ^ Terry Pender, "City endorses one-tier government", Sudbury Star, 8 September 1999, A1.
  47. ^ Terry Pender, "City moves ahead with arena plans", Sudbury Star, 29 September 1999, A1.
  48. ^ Rob O'Flanagan, "City looks at new rules for closing time", Sudbury Star, 10 November 1999, A1; Terry Pender, "City says no to wide-open store hours", Sudbury Star, 8 December 1999, A1.
  49. ^ Terry Pender, "Developer seeks rezoning for Wal-Mart: Councillor calls it the `end of the City Centre'", Sudbury Star, 4 January 2000, A3; "Region prepares for battle over", Sudbury Star, 16 June 2000, A3; Denis St. Pierre, "OMB hearing into Wal-Mart plan delayed again", Sudbury Star, 18 February 2002, A1.
  50. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Councillor to seek tougher laws for those who flee police", Sudbury Star, 9 September 1999, A3.
  51. ^ "No tax support for NHL, Craig says", Sudbury Star, 9 September 1999, A3.
  52. ^ Terry Pender, "Councillor questions fund-raising campaign", Sudbury Star, 25 April 2000, A1.
  53. ^ Rob O'Flanagan, "Workfare working well in Sudbury, say regional officials", Sudbury Star, 19 May 2000, A4.
  54. ^ Mike Whitehouse, "Forum questions Rogers' ordeal", Sudbury Star, 23 October 2003, A1. He later said the system should have done more to protect persons like Kimberly Rogers, an eight-months' pregnant woman who died while under house arrest for welfare fraud. See Denis St. Pierre, "Councillors rethink role in death of Kim Rogers", Sudbury Star, 29 October 2001, A1.
  55. ^ a b Bob Vaillancourt, "Council opposes dump: Plan to ship garbage north angers city councillors", Sudbury Star, 27 September 2000, A1.
  56. ^ "Craig is city's new deputy mayor", Sudbury Star, 11 January 2001, A3. He was renewed in his position as deputy mayor in January 2002. See "Three deputy mayors appointed by council", Sudbury Star, 21 January 2002, A3.
  57. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Councillor doing well after surgery", Sudbury Star, 25 February 2001, A3; "Councillor returns after bypass surgery", Sudbury Star, 29 March 2001, A3.
  58. ^ "Craig to sit on Science North board", Sudbury Star, 18 July 2001, A3.
  59. ^ "Craig honoured for commitment", Sudbury Star, 11 November 2002, A3.
  60. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Craig, Bradley to run again", Sudbury Star, 1 July 2003, A3.
  61. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Councillors take new positions", Sudbury Star, 13 December 2003, A3; "Doug Craig to lead GSU board", Sudbury Star, 2 March 2004, A3.
  62. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "GSU workers hit the picket lines", Sudbury Star, 19 June 2004, A5; Laura Stradiotto, "Hydro strike enters day 20", Sudbury Star, 8 July 2004, A5. He also argued that the union's demand was too costly. See Bob Vaillancourt, "Union's demands too costly: Craig", Sudbury Star, 27 August 2004, A1.
  63. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "CUPE attacks city councillor: War of words over hydro strike continues to heat up", Sudbury Star, 28 August 2004, A3. See also "CUPE Calls on Doug Craig to Apologize over 'Outlandish Comments'" [press release], 27 August 2004, 11:30.
  64. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "GSU says it's happy strikers back on the job", Sudbury Star, 28 October 2004, A3.
  65. ^ "Doctors to honour city councillor", Sudbury Star, 12 June 2004, A3; "Craig awarded for recruitment efforts", 6 July 2004, B5.
  66. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Councillors differ over importance of agreement", Sudbury Star, 26 August 2004, A3.
  67. ^ "Sudbury to host aboriginal games", Sudbury Star, 15 January 2005, A3.
  68. ^ "Craig, Bradley serve as deputy mayors", Sudbury Star, 26 January 2005, A3.
  69. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Sell us Hydro One assets, city demands", '"Sudbury Star, 11 August 2005, A2.
  70. ^ See Northern Ontario’s first methane powered electricity plant, Alternative Energy News, 4 September 2007, accessed 12 July 2008.
  71. ^ Michael Swan, "Tax Break for Mine-Finders Gets a Last-Minute Reprieve", Northern Ontario Business, June 1988, p. 1.
  72. ^ Kennedy Gordon, "Ward 5 voters pondering new political system", Sudbury Star, 10 November 2000, A5; Terry Pender, "Transition costs worry city council", Sudbury Star, 12 January 2000, A3.
  73. ^ Terry Pender, "Create one supercity", Sudbury Star, 4 September 1999, A1; Kennedy Gordon, "Province to move quickly", Sudbury Star, 4 December 1999, A3; Terry Pender, "Region rejects councillor's concerns with restructuring", Sudbury Star, 9 December 1999, A1.
  74. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "City mergers a `failed experiment:' Davey", Sudbury Star, 9 February 2001, A1; Denis St. Pierre, "Sudbury experiment will fail, says Davey", Sudbury Star, 30 May 2001, A3.
  75. ^ Kennedy Gordon, "Arts council in the black", Sudbury Star, 30 September 1999, B7.
  76. ^ Terry Pender, "Region approves hiring freeze", Sudbury Star, 25 November 1999, A12.
  77. ^ Terry Pender, "City says no to wide-open store hours", Sudbury Star, 8 December 1999, A1.
  78. ^ Lisa Gervais, "City pushes for Ramsey Lake corporation", Sudbury Star, 10 August 2000, A3; Rob O'Flanagan, "Councillor calls for Ramsey Lake master plan", Sudbury Star, 12 October 2000, A2.
  79. ^ Rob O'Flanagan, "City councillors ready to get hands dirty", Sudbury Star, 15 January 2001, A2.
  80. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Gordon answers critics", Sudbury Star, 18 April 2001, A1.
  81. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Councillors back business plan for Greater Sudbury Utilities", Sudbury Star, 25 April 2003, A3.
  82. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Water, sewer go user-pay: `The public is going to be really shocked'", Sudbury Star, 31 May 2001, A3.
  83. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "City steps up fight for Union Gas assets", Sudbury Star, 30 August 2001, A1. For details on Davey's position, see Austin Davey, "Many benefits", '"Sudbury Star, 6 September 2001, A10.
  84. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Selling GSU could lead to higher rates: Marleau", Sudbury Star, 16 October 2001, A3.
  85. ^ "Marleau re-elected chairman of GSU", Sudbury Star, 26 December 2001, A3.
  86. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Fight for Union Gas ends in bitterness", Sudbury Star, 22 March 2002, A1.
  87. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Councillor knocks province over proposed changes to Ontario's municipal act", Sudbury Star, 17 November 2001, A3.
  88. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Overwhelmed councillors want to split wards for next election", Sudbury Star, 8 February 2002, A1; Harold Carmichael, "Council chambers retrofit will leave city in hands of 'old men'", Sudbury Star, 23 July 2002, A3.
  89. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "City eyes reserves to cover spending", Sudbury Star, 1 March 2002, A1; Austin Davey, "Council adopts new approach to budgeting", Sudbury Star, 2 April 2002, A9. For the final budget plans, see Denis St. Pierre, "City taxes going up about $53: Council finalizes budget with a four per cent tax increase", Sudbury Star, 24 April 2002, A1.
  90. ^ David Widmann, "City wants public input as budget deliberations begin", Sudbury Star, 13 January 2003, A3.
  91. ^ Laura Stradiotto, "Council joins Union Gas fight", Sudbury Star, 9 July 2003, A3.
  92. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "City council drops Marleau from utilities board", Sudbury Star, 14 February 2004, A6; "Doug Craig to lead GSU board", Sudbury Star, 3 March 2004, A3.
  93. ^ "Anselmo Back as head of Metro Centre", Sudbury Star, 16 February 2004, A3; Harold Carmichael, "Sudbury MEDIchair franchise named Canada's best", Sudbury Star, 13 March 2004, B1.
  94. ^ Austin Davey, "Why Sudbury gets the budget wrong", Sudbury Star, 26 November 2004, A9.
  95. ^ "Ex-councillor to lead Grow Bonds", Sudbury Star, 12 February 2005, A3.
  96. ^ Sara Gauthier, "No ordinary birthday celebration", Sudbury Star, 13 April 2007, A4.
  97. ^ "Gasparini to run for seat on new city council", 28 June 2000, A3.
  98. ^ "Pregnant teens discover the Net", Toronto Star, 20 November 1999, 1.
  99. ^ Lara Bradley, "Sudbury educator wins Y's peace medal", Sudbury Star, 10 November 1999, A3.
  100. ^ Debbie Shipley, "Ward 6 hopefuls bring experience: Six candidates seeking two seats", Sudbury Star, 11 November 2000, A3.
  101. ^ Janet Gasparini, "Youth Network isn't in students' best interests" [editorial], Sudbury Star, 24 November 1999, C5.
  102. ^ "Parents, trustees debate kindergarten woes: Catholic parents can live with blended program", Sudbury Star, 29 February 2000, A3.
  103. ^ She was 43 years old at the time. See "Election Forum", Sudbury Star, 11 November 2000, C1.
  104. ^ Rob O'Flanagan, "Social planning council director issues a plea for society's powerless", Sudbury Star, 10 May 2001, A5.
  105. ^ Kate Harries, "Inquest to probe house-arrest death", Toronto Star, 15 October 2002, A4.
  106. ^ "Killers get more provincial aid than fraud convicts, Sudbury inquest told", Canadian Press, 21 November 2002, 11:21.
  107. ^ "Gasparini to lead board of health", Sudbury Star, 17 January 2004, A3; Bob Vaillancourt, "City taps into money set up for child-care spaces", Sudbury Star, 28 October 2004, A3.
  108. ^ Rob O'Flanagan, "Health plan 'charts new course'", Sudbury Star, 30 June 2005, A1; Janet Gasparini, "What makes a healthy community, anyway?", Sudbury Star, 4 July 2006, A11.
  109. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Pesticides 'the next tobacco,' councillor says", Sudbury Star, 8 June 2006, A1.
  110. ^ Carol Mulligan, "Women prepare to take back the night", Sudbury Star, 19 September 2006, A3.
  111. ^ "Gasparini blasts Rodriguez", Sudbury Star, 13 November 2006, A6.
  112. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "Council pares down board", Sudbury Star, 16 February 2007, A4.
  113. ^ "Councillors tapped for board", 30 January 2007, A3; Carol Mulligan, "Health board urges province to help poor", Sudbury Star, 21 September 2007, A3.
  114. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "City OKs fair wage policy for contracts", Sudbury Star, 18 October 2007, A1.
  115. ^ Laurie Monsebraaten and Les Whittington, "Politicians challenged to combat child poverty", Toronto Star, 12 September 2007, A1; "Ontario has become the Child Poverty Centre of Canada" [Ontario Social Planning Network press release], Canada NewsWire, 12 September 2007, 14:50.
  116. ^ "JANET GASPARINI - COUNCILLOR WARD 11, Greater Sudbury, accessed 27 August 2008.
  117. ^ "Sudbury federal Liberal nomination race heating up". Northern Life, June 5, 2009.
  118. ^ "Election forum", Sudbury Star, 11 November 2000, C1.
  119. ^ See Bruce Heidman, "Laurentian ready to host OFSAA event", Sudbury Star, 6 February 2000, B1.
  120. ^ Terry Pender, "City council backs plan to recruit more doctors", Sudbury Star, 22 March 2000, A3; "Petryna elected to provincial body", Sudbury Star, 23 August 2000, A2.
  121. ^ Terry Pender, "Area roads continue to fall behind: Regional council has few options to solve growing problem", '"Sudbury Star, 26 July 1999, A1.
  122. ^ Terry Pender, "Indoor soccer centre closer to reality", Sudbury Star, 2 September 1999, B3; Terry Pender, "City spends $195,000 to upgrade soccer pitch, then imposes spending freeze", Sudbury Star, 8 September 1999, A3.
  123. ^ Terry Pender, "City freezes taxes, plans arena work: Last budget before amalgamation must be approved by province's transition team", Sudbury Star, 9 January 2000, A1. Fellower councillor Ricardo de la Riva accused Petryna of holding these meetings in a secretive manner, a charge that he rejected. See Terry Pender, "Decision on arena expansion expected next month: councillor: Committee criticized for holding closed-door meetings on issue", '"Sudbury Star, 17 January 2000, A2; Mike Petryna, "Subjects dictated in-camera meeting" [letter], Sudbury Star, 13 January 2000, A7.
  124. ^ Mike Whitehouse, "Woman faces soaring Handi-Transit costs: While most will benefit from new fee structure, woman's costs will quadruple", Sudbury Star, 2 September 2001, A1; "Callaghan to chair library board", Sudbury Star, 21 February 2001, A3; "Bradley to chair NDCA board", Sudbury Star, 8 March 2001, A3; "Councillor sits on assessment body", Sudbury Star, 3 August 2001, A3; Mike Whitehouse, "Market's troubles surface at meeting: Must find ways to operate market more than three days a week, committee told", Sudbury Star, 12 December 2001, A1; Denis St. Pierre, "City considers charging for downtown garbage pickup", Sudbury Star, 13 March 2002, A3; Denis St. Pierre, "Site found for public monument to women: Council to vote tonight on plan to honour city women slain by partners", Sudbury Star, 9 July 2002, A1; "Greater Sudbury looking to improve transit services for disabled riders", Sudbury Star, 8 January 2003, A3.
  125. ^ "Petryna to serve on AMO board", Sudbury Star, 25 August 2001, A3; "Petryna to serve on AMO board", Sudbury Star, 24 August 2002, A2.
  126. ^ "New Municipal Property Assessment Corporation announces Board of Directors" [press release], Canada NewsWire, 1 August 2001, 04:31.
  127. ^ Denis St. Pierre, "City considers next step in wind-farm partnership: Report asks council to OK tentative deal to pursue proposal", Sudbury Star, 9 July 2002, A1.
  128. ^ "Kilgour wants to run for PCs in Nickel Belt", Sudbury Star, 13 December 2002, A3; Bob Vaillancourt, "Mila Wong to carry PC colours in Sudbury", Sudbury Star, 26 February 2003, A3.
  129. ^ "March proclaimed Easter Seals month", Sudbury Star, 7 March 2003, A3.
  130. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Sudbury voters shake up council", Sudbury Star, 11 November 2003, A12.
  131. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Dave Petryna selected to sit on police services board: He beats out his brother, among others, for a spot on group", Sudbury Star, 14 January 2004, A5.
  132. ^ Petryna highlighted his record of providing services for his ward, drawing particular attention to the establishment of Minnow Lake Place, and the creation of the Minnow Lake Community Action Network (Minnow Lake CAN). See Harold Carmichael, "Ward 11 mixes old and new", Sudbury Star, 1 November 2006, A3 and "Ward 11 is Minnow Lake Area", Northern Life, 2 November 2006, accessed 30 September 2008.
  133. ^ "20 Questions: For John Caruso", '"Sudbury Star, 23 May 2005, A3.
  134. ^ Kennedy Gordon, "We're getting wired: The project continues to grow", Sudbury Star, 12 August 1999, A3; Denis St. Pierre, "Economic leaders to sit on key city committee", Sudbury Star, 15 March 2001, A3; Bob Vaillancourt, "Economic group for city finally meets", Sudbury Star, 6 December 2001, A3. Caruso was also the volunteer chairman of the Sudbury Arts Commission from 1997 until his resignation in 2000. See "Arts commission chairman resigns his post", Sudbury Star, 4 May 2000, B2.
  135. ^ "Opportunities: Economic development initiatives seek to build on city's current successes", Sudbury Star, 9 December 2001, A7.
  136. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "Development group chief says it's not chasing windmills", Sudbury Star, 12 April 2002, A9; Bob Vaillancourt, "City nabs deal to build wind turbines: Germany-Sudbury agreement expected to create 90 jobs", Sudbury Star, 16 May 2002, A1.
  137. ^ Jennifer McCauley, "City seeks to become centre of mining excellence", Sudbury Star, 6 December 2002, A3.
  138. ^ Trevor Wilhelm, "Group calls on city to let stores stay open later", Sudbury Star, 15 May 2003, A1.
  139. ^ Bob Vaillancourt, "City unveils plan for prosperity", Sudbury Star, 28 June 2003, A1. See also Mike Whitehouse, "Planning ahead: Greater Sudbury charts its economic future" [interview with John Caruso], Sudbury Star, 11 June 2003, A11.
  140. ^ Rob O'Flanagan, "Three join crowded field for mayor", Sudbury Star, 17 July 2003, A1.
  141. ^ Laura Stradiotto, "Caruso knocks rivals' track record: 'What have these candidates done for you lately?'", Sudbury Star, 10 October 2003, A5. See also John Caruso, "Greater Sudbury needs a program of managed debt", Sudbury Star, 2 January 2004, A9.
  142. ^ "Labour endorses Caruso", Sudbury Star, 5 November 2003, A5.
  143. ^ Rob O'Flanagan, "City to begin branding project without federal money", Sudbury Star, 14 October 2004, A3; Denis St. Pierre, "Branding moves forward: City initiative to begin this spring", Sudbury Star, 16 February 2005, A5.
  144. ^ Rob O'Flanagan, "Boom in mining sector causes space shortage: City industrial parks need to be expanded", Sudbury Star, 9 June 2005, A1; GREATER SUDBURY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ANNOUNCES NEW CHAIR AND MEMBERS, City of Greater Sudbury, 12 June 2006, accessed 18 September 2008.
  145. ^ "Chamber swears in new board of directors", '"Sudbury Star, 8 July 2005, A4.
  146. ^ John Caruso, "Home sweet home on reserves", Sudbury Star, 2 December 2005, B7.
  147. ^ "Rocky Roads A Concern In Ward 12", Northern Life, 8 November 2006, accessed 18 September 2008.
  148. ^ Laura Stradiotto, "Minimum wage an 'ethical and moral' issue", Sudbury Star, 8 March 2007, A3. He also wrote a piece in support of the FedNor organization. See John Caruso, "FedNor offers Northern Ontario more than we know", Sudbury Star, 28 November 2007, A11.
  149. ^ Laura Stradiotto, "Trustees 'are responsible for the outcome of human lives'", Sudbury Star, 7 November 2003, A12.
  150. ^ Mayor drives home agenda for next 100 days

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