Goplans, Goplanes or Goplanie is reconstructed name of an early medieval West Slavic tribe, later to become part of the Polish nation. They were mentioned only by Bavarian Geographer and only as 'Glopeani' and believed to have lived around Lake Gopło, with its capital in Kruszwica, between 7th-9th century AD. It was assumed that the real name 'Goplanie' were misspelled to 'Glopeani'; however such a mistake seems not very likely.
Medieval chronicles claim that 'Glopeani' controlled 400 gords (fortified wooden settlements), as if the tribe was dominant in the area. Nevertheless, the archeological research in Kruszwica has failed to uncover the fortress or show that it was a center of any settled region, least of all the most populated.
The chronicles doesn't really indicate location of the tribe. We could only deduct it from the place on the list as neighboring tribes are listed in the sequence as traveled by the existing track.
The list including 'Glopeani' mentiones following tribes: (with their identification) (14) Osterabtrezi (identified as Eastern Obodrites) (15) Miloxi (16) Phesnuzi (17) Thadesi (18) Glopeani (19) Zuireani (20) Busani (identfied as Buzhans on the Bug river)
The positions on the list suggests the tribe might be located in areas of Pomerania, Great Poland or Masovia.
The alternative localisation of 'Osterbtrezi' in the Panonia gives as route through Carpatian mountains. In this interpretation Glopeani might be located in Slovakia or Galicia.