The Goops books, originally published between 1900 and 1950, were created by the artist, art critic, poet, author and humorist, Gelett Burgess. The characters debuted, conceptually, in the illustrations of Burgess' publication, The Lark, in the late 19th century. The Goops series is among his most famous works.
Since the publication of the original Goops book, Goops and How to Be Them in 1900, the series has come to be seen as the quintessential series on teaching children the importance of manners and polite behavior.
Though widely circulated during the height of Burgess' popularity, some of the Goops books have become difficult to find. Goops, and How to Be Them, and More Goops, and How Not to Be Them are still widely available. Out-of-print titles such as Goops Encyclopedia and Blue Goops and Red may be found in rare book rooms and antiquarian bookstores.
In addition to the books, Burgess created the syndicated comic strip Goops in 1924 and worked on it through its end in 1925.