Good ol' boy

Good ol' boy is an American slang term that can have both positive and negative meanings, depending on context and usage.[1]

The term can be used for well socialized men who live in rural and generally Southern areas. If a man is humble and well thought of, he can be referred to as a "good old boy", regardless of his age. It is commonly applied to men with a family or generational wealth or prestige, or overall moral behavior.

It can be used as a pejorative term, referring to someone who engages in cronyism among men who have known each other for a long period of time. Collectively these people are referred to using the slang term, old boys' network. This network is usually all men, excluding women and minorities.


  1. ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 2000, 2009. p. 757. ISBN 0618701729. OCLC 535837910. "n. Slang: A man having qualities held to be characteristic of certain Southern white males, such as a relaxed or informal manner, strong loyalty to family and friends, and often an anti-intellectual bias and intolerant point of view."