Good Wife's Guide

The "Good Wife's Guide" is a magazine article rumored to have been published in the May 13, 1955 issue of Housekeeping Monthly, describing how a good wife should act, containing material that reflects a very different role assignment from contemporary American society. The text and supposed scan of the article have been widely circulated via email.[1] Lack of confirming evidence has cast significant doubt on its origins.[1]



Investigations propose that the guide may be a hoax. According to, the wording "The Advertising Archives" located on the right side of the image suggests a fraud, since the Archives itself was not started until 1990.[1][2] Additionally, the image used is claimed[1] to be from a 1957 cover of John Bull magazine.[3] The "Good Wife" version of this image appears to be cropped just below where the textbox containing the words "WOMAN AT THE WHEEL" appeared on the John Bull cover image. Finally, when viewed with increased contrast, square boxes are seen around all the listed points. This would only be made if created digitally and then selectively copied into the seen "magazine" format. One source claims that the text of this article has been circulating since at least the 1980s via fax. Others have claimed that the article is real. However there was no magazine called Housekeeping Monthly, also the fact that the article mentions "make him a fire" questions its authenticity, even in 1950 many houses didnt have open fires.[4]

See also


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