Light Goldenrod Yellow | ||
— Color coordinates — |
Hex triplet | #FAFAD2 | |
RGBB | (r, g, b) | (250, 250, 210) |
HSV | (h, s, v) | (60°, 16%, 98%) |
Source | X11 | |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) |
Flax (also known as Light Goldenrod) is a pale yellowish-gray color named after flax seeds. It is similar to the color mustard.
Shades of yellow | |||||||||
Amber | Apricot | Beige | Buff | Cream | Dark goldenrod | Ecru | Gold | Gold (metallic) | Goldenrod |
Green-yellow | Jasmine | Jonquil | Khaki | Lemon chiffon | Lime | Lion | Maize | Mikado yellow | Naples yellow |
Navajo white | Olive | Papaya whip | Saffron | School bus yellow | Selective yellow | Stil de grain yellow | Sunglow | Vanilla | Yellow |
The samples shown above are only indicative. |