Goddard–Thorn theorem

In mathematics, and in particular, in the mathematical background of string theory, the Goddard–Thorn theorem (also called the no-ghost theorem) is a theorem about certain vector spaces. It is named after Peter Goddard and Charles Thorn.


Formal version

Suppose that V is a vector space with a nondegenerate bilinear form (·,·).

Further suppose that V is acted on by the Virasoro algebra in such a way that the adjoint of the operator Li is L-i, that the central element of the Virasoro algebra acts as multiplication by 24, that any vector of V is the sum of eigenvectors of L0 with non-negative integral eigenvalues, and that all eigenspaces of L0 are finite-dimensional.

Let Vi be the subspace of V on which L0 has eigenvalue i. Assume that V is acted on by a group G which preserves all of its structure.

Now let V_{II_{1,1}} be the vertex algebra of the double cover \hat{I}I_{1,1} of the two-dimensional even unimodular Lorentzian lattice II_{1,1} (so that V_{II_{1,1}} is II_{1,1}-graded, has a bilinear form (·,·) and is acted on by the Virasoro algebra).

Furthermore, let P1 be the subspace of the vertex algebra V\otimes V_{II_{1,1}} of vectors v with L0(v) = v, Li(v) = 0 for i > 0, and let P^1_r be the subspace of P1 of degree rII_{1,1}. (All these spaces inherit an action of G from the action of G on V and the trivial action of G on V_{II_{1,1}} and R2).

Then, the quotient of P^1_r by the nullspace of its bilinear form is naturally isomorphic (as a G-module with an invariant bilinear form) to V^{1-(r,r)/2} if r ≠ 0, and to V^1 \oplus \mathbb{R}^2 if r = 0.

Why "no-ghost" theorem?

The name "no-ghost theorem" stems from the fact that in the original statement of the theorem by Goddard and Thorn, V was part of the underlying vector space of the vertex algebra of a positive definite lattice so that the inner product on Vi was positive definite; thus, P^1_r had no ghosts (vectors of negative norm) for r ≠ 0. The name "no-ghost theorem" is also a word play on the phrase no-go theorem.


The no-ghost theorem can be used to construct some generalized Kac–Moody algebras, in particular the monster Lie algebra.
