Gharnati music

Gharnati refers to a variety of Moroccan and Algerian music originating in Al-Andalus. Its name is related, being derived from the Arabic name of the Spanish city of Granada.

Gharnati was preserved at Oujda and Tlemcen the latter of which was considered as the African twin of Granada much like Fes was a twin city of Córdoba.

This variety of Andalusian classical music has been established in others towns like Oran and Sidi-Bel-Abbès in Algeria, Rabat and Oujda in Morocco

If the term Gharnati refers in current Algeria, especially in the region of Tlemcen, the entire directory Andalusian scholar, in Morocco it designates a distinct musical style of the Andalusian in addition to the much larger directory of "Tab Al Ala" style as confirmed by the authors Rachid Aous, Mohammed Habib Samrakandi pages 15 and 24 in their book " Music of Algeria " [1]

The North African cities have inherited particularly Andalusian musical style of Grenada are also mentioned (pages 72 / 73) in the book "The Literature of Al-Andalus" (freely available on the net) [2]

The Nuba of Morocco have been identified in the eighteenth century by the musician Al Haïk from Tetuan [3]

Famous musicians of Gharnati

Notes and references

  1. ^ 27Alg% + d% C3% A9rie + + by + + Aous Rashid, Mohammed + + + Samrakandi Habib & lr = # v = onepage & q = & f = false
  2. ^ http://books / books? u5AVpiscx7YC id = & pg = & dq = PP444 oujda + Arab-Andalusian & lr = & as_brr = 3 # v = onepage & q = & f = false
  3. ^ Arab-Andalusian Music of Morocco during the Centuries / scientific publication of D. Eisenberg (Hispanic Journal of Philosophy 1988)