Gerardo Mosquera
Gerardo Mosquera is a freelance curator and art critic based in Havana. He is an advisor at the Rijksakademie van Beeldenden Kunsten, Amsterdam and a member of the advisory board for several art centres and journals. He was one of the organisers of the first Bienal de La Habana in 1984 and remained central to the curatorial team until he resigned in 1990 after the third edition had closed. Mosquera was Curator at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, from 1995 to 2009, and he has curated many international exhibitions. He is the general curator for PHotoEspaña, Madrid, 2011, 2012 and 2013.[1] Author of numerous texts and books on contemporary art and art theory, Mosquera has edited Beyond the Fantastic: Contemporary Art Criticism from Latin America (Cambridge, MA and London: INIVA and The MIT Press, 1995) and co-edited (with Jean Fisher) Over Here: International Perspectives on Art and Culture (Cambridge, MA and New York:The MIT Press and New Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004). A collection of his essays on art, internationalization and cultures was published recently in Madrid.
- Caminar con el Diablo. Textos sobre arte, internacionalismo y culturas, Madrid, Exit Publicaciones, 2010
- Contemporary Art in Latin America, London, Black Dog Publishers, 2010 (contributor and adviser)
- Cultural Expression, Creativity & Innovation, London, Thousand Oaks, Nueva Delhi, Singapore, SAGE, 2010 (contributor)
- 100 Latin American Artists, Exit, Madrid, 2007 (contributor)
- Copying Eden. Recent Art in Chile, Puro Chile Publishers, Santiago, Chile, 2006 (editor and introduction) Link label
- ciudadMULTIPLEcity. Arte Panamá>2003, KIT Publishers, Amsterdam, 2005 (editor and introduction with Adrienne Samos)
- Over Here. International Perspectives on Art and Culture, New Museum of Contemporary Art/The MIT Press, New York, Cambridge, London, 2004 (editor and introduction with Jean Fisher)
- Changing States. Contemporary Art and Ideas in an Era of Glozalisation, Institute of International Visual Arts, London, 2004 (contributor)
- Theory in Contemporary Art since 1985, Blackwell Publishing, Malden/Oxford/Victoria, 2005 (contributor)
- Créolité and Creolization, Documenta 11_Platform 3, Kassel, 2003 (contributor)
- Postmodernism and the Postsocialist Condition. Politicized Art under Late Socialism, University of California Press, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, 2003 (contributor)
- Adiós identidad. Arte y cultura desde América Latina, MEIAC, Badajoz, 2001 (editor & contributor)
fresh cream, Phaidon Press, London, 2000 (contributor)
- Cildo Meireles, Phaidon Press, London, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 1999 (contributor)
- Servando Cabrera Moreno, Letras Cubanas, Havana, 1999
- The Dictionary of Art, Macmillan Publishers, London, 1996 (contributor)
- Wim Delvoye, Delfina, London, and Luc Derycke, Gent, 1996 (contributor)
- Santería Aesthetics in Contemporary Latino Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1996 (contributor)
- Latin American Art in the 20th Century, Phaidon Press, London, 1996; Nerea, Madrid, 1997 (contributor)
- Beyond the Fantastic. Contemporary Art Criticism from Latin American, INIVA, London / The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, 1995 (editor & contributor)
- Contracandela, Monte Ávila Editores, Caracas, 1995
- Strategies for Survival, Now!, Swedish Art Critics Association Press, Lund, 1995 (contributor)
- Los Discursos sobre el Arte, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico D.F., 1995 (contributor)
- American Visions. Artistic and Cultural Identity in the Western Hemisphere, ACA Books, New York, 1994 (contributor)
- Del Pop al Post, Editorial Arte y Literatura, Havana, 1993 (editor)
- Being America, New York, White Pire Press, 1991 (contributor)
- El Diseño se Definió en Octubre, Editorial Arte y Literatura, Havana, 1989, and Banco de la República, Bogotá, 1992
- Plástica del Caribe, Editorial Letras Cubanas, Havana, 1989 (editor & contributor)
- Praxis y Filosofía, Grijalbo, México, 1987 (contributor)
- Sobre Wifredo Lam, Editorial Letras Cubanas, Havana, 1986 (editor)
- Con la Primerra Cantante, UNEAC, Havana, 1984
- Exploraciones en la Plástica Cubana, Letras Cubanas, Havana, 1983
- Trece Artistas Jóvenes, Universidad de La Habana, 1981
- The Cultural Policy of Cuba, UNESCO, Paris, 1978 & 1979
Main curatorial works
- crisisss. Latin America, Art and Confrontation. 1910-2010, Palacio de Bellas Artes and ExTeresa Arte Actual, Mexico City, March 12, 2011.
- ¡Afuera! Arte en espacios públicos, Córdoba, Argentina, October 8, 2010. Link label
- Arte contemporáneo y patios de Quito, September 4, 2010. Link label
- Denarrations, PanAmerican Art Projects, Miami, November 14, 2009. Link label
- The Sky Within my House. Contemporary Art in 16 Patios of Cordoba. October 22, 2009.
- 7 + 1 Project Rooms, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo, October 10, 2008. Link label
- States of Exchange. Artists from Cuba, INIVA, London, January 22, 2008 (with Cylena Simonds).
- Border Jam, Regional Encounter of Art 2007, Montevideo. Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Museo Municipal Juan Manuel Blanes, Centro Cultural de España, Museo y Archivo Histórico Municipal (Cabildo), public realm, 9 de agosto de 2007.
- Transpacific. An Encounter in Santiago, La Moneda Palace Cultural Center, Santiago, Chile, May 17, 2007.
- Liverpool Biennial International 06, September 16, 2006 (with Manray Hsu). Link label
- Cordially Invited, BAK and Central Museum, Utrecht, October 30 to December 31, 2004 (with Maria Hlavajova).
- Panorama of Brazilian Art 2003 (Desarrumado). 19 Disarrangements, Museum of Modern Art, São Paulo, October 16 to November 30, 2003; Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro, December 16, 2003 to February 2004; Museum of Modern Art Aloísio Magalhaes, Recife, March 11 to May 6, 2004; MARCO, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo, January to May, 2005; Museo de Arte del Banco de la República de Colombia, Bogotá, November 2008 to February 9, 2009.
- CiudadMultipleCity. Arte>Panamá 2003(international urban art event) March 20 – April 20, 2003 (with Adrienne Samos)
- It’s Not What You See. Perverting Minimalism, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, 2000
- Cinco continentes y una ciudad. III salón internacional de pintura, Museo de la Ciudad de México, 2000
- Absent Territories, Casa de America, Madrid, 2000
- Cildo Meireles, New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 1999; MOMA São Paulo, MOMA Rio de Janeiro, 2000 (with Dan Cameron)
- Cinco continentes y una ciudad. Salón internacional de pintura, Museo de la Ciudad de México, 1998
- Important and Exportant, 2nd Johannesburg Biennale1997, Johannesburg Art Gallery
- Enclosures, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 1996 (with Dan Cameron)
- Wifredo Lam, 23rd Sâo Paulo Biennial
- Tatuajes, Espacio Aglutinador, La Habana, 1996 (con Sandra Ceballos, Ezequiel Suárez y Orlando Hernández)
- Primer Salón Municipal de Artistas Invitados Latinoamericanos, Montevideo, 1993 (with Gabriel Peluffo)
- Ante América, Bogotá, Caracas, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Lawrence, San José, 1992-1994 (with Carolina Ponce de León and Rachel Weiss)
- Un Marco por la Tierra, Bogotá, Caracas, Havana, Santiago de Chile, 1992-1994 (Cuban participants)
- América: Cambio de Foco, Bogotá and Medellín, 1992-1993 (with Carolina Ponce de León and Rachel Weiss)
- Los Hijos de Guillermo Tell. Artistas Cubanos Contemporáneos, Caracas
and Bogotá, 1991 (with Graciela Pantin)
- The Nearest Edge of the World. Art and Cuba Now, Boston, New York, San Diego, Austin, Atlanta, Sarasota... 1990-1994 (with Rachel Weiss)
- 3rd Havana Biennial, l989
- African Wire Toys, Havana, 1989
- Raíces en Acción. Nuevos Artistas Cubanos, Mexico D. F. and Coahuila, 1988–1989
- Africa Inside Cuba: 3 Artists, Kinshasa and Maputo, 1988
- Modern Makonde Sculpture, Havana, 1987
- 2nd Havana Biennial, 1986
- Africa Inside Cuba: 6 Artists, Luanda, 1986
- 1st Havana Biennial, 1984
- Jóvenes Artistas. Retrospectiva, Havana, 1981 (with Flavio Garciandía and José Veigas)
- Manuel Mendive: un Pintor de lo Real Maravilloso, Havana, 1981
- Obras Inéditas de Servando Cabrera Moreno, Havana, 1979
- 2011… Academic Council for Programming, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo
(MUAC), UNAM, México DF Link label
- 2010… International Adviser, Art in General, New York Link label
- 2009… Technical Committee, MOMA Medellin
- 2005… CIFO Grants and Commissions Programs’ Advisory Committee, Miami
- 2001… Editorial Council, Arte & Ensaios, Rio de Janeiro
- 2000… Advisory Board, Calabash, New York
- 1998… Prince Claus Awards Selection Committee Link label
- 1997... Advisory Board, Nka, New York
- 1997... Consultant, Art Nexus, Bogotá Link label
- 1997... Advisor, Colloquia. Center for Contemporary Art, Guatemala City
- 1996 Advisory Board ARCOLatino, Madrid
- 1996... National Arts Club, New York
- 1995... Advisor, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam Link label
- 1995... Advisory Council, Atlántica, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- 1994-1995 Administrative Council, International Association of Art Critics, Paris
- 1993-2000 Editorial Board, Poliester, Mexico
- 1993... Advisory Council, Third Text, London
- 1993... International Association of Art Critics
- 1992... Editorial Board, Artefacto, Managua
- 1991... Permanent Advisor, Instituto Superior de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón, Caracas
- 1989 - 1990 Advisory Council, Mountain Lake Symposium, Virginia
- 1989 Advisory Board, The House of Africa, Havana
- 1989… Writers and Artists Union of Cuba
- 1986 - 1990 Advisory Board, Editorial Letras Cubanas, Havana
External links
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Mosquera, Gerardo |
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