Gallo pinto is a traditional dish of Costa Rica and Nicaragua made of rice with beans cooked all together. It has more rice than beans. There are disputes between the Costarricans and Nicaraguans about who invented this dish. Most Latin Americans agree that the dish is part of both countries now and that they share more similarities than differences.
The history and origin of the name gallo pinto are poorly understood because no one knows exactly where Central American region originated. The dish itself has existed in Latin America since it was brought by African slaves, who called it several different names. It does not matter how you call rice and beans, gallopinto, Gallo pinto or other variations, the dish remains as the main staple diet for many central Americans and Latin Americans situated close to the Caribbean. From New Orleans to the Venezuelan coast, we all eat some type of rice and bean variation.
When the red beans and rice are combined, the rice gets colored by the beans, and the mix results in a multi-colored, or speckled appearance. Beans are quickly cooked until the juice is almost consumed. Gallo pinto means "spotted rooster" in Spanish, thus the name fits with the colored rice.
There are other variations of this dish. Similar dishes are known as Moros y Cristianos ("Moors and Christians") in Spain and Cuba or just Moro, but regarding the true nature of gallo pinto, it is believed that it came to be known through the Afro-Latino immigrants who live on the Caribbean coasts. They simply call it "rice and beans" and prepare it with coconut oil and/or shredded coconut. A similar dish is found in Panama and in El Salvador where it is called casamiento. Other variations include pigeon peas or kidney beans instead of black beans in Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico; Colombia (calentado paisa) and even Peru (tacu tacu).
Recently, empanadas filled with gallo pinto have become a popular alternative for people who have little time to eat breakfast.