
Game background
Home plane Bleak Eternity of Gehenna
Power level Demigod
Alignment Lawful Evil (NE tendencies)
Portfolio Protection, stealth, trickery, traps
Domains Dream, Evil, Law, Protection, Trickery
Superior Kurtulmak
Design details

In many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, Gaknulak is the kobold deity of Protection, Stealth, Trickery, and Traps. His symbol is a cauldron with whirling elipses.


Publication history

Gaknulak was first detailed in the book Monster Mythology (1992), including details about his priesthood.[1]


Gaknulak's avatar takes the form of a small, dark-skinned, white-haired kobold. He wears a cloak with bulging pockets, and wields a +3 hand axe. He also has two ioun stones of his choice at any time, and carries an assortment of magic items related to spying, escape, and detections such as: boots of speed, wand of magic detection, ring of chameleon power, and a wand of polymorphing that he uses to turn opponents into piglets for eating.[1]


Gaknulak is subordinate to Kurtulmak.


Gaknulak's realm of Aknuthrak is located on the plane of Gehenna.


Priests of Gankulak serve as spies and scouts, but are the defenders of lairs and homelands above all else. They are experts in setting any kind of trap or ambush, and in the construction of defenses.[1]


Gaknulak's favored weapon is the battleaxe.


External links