GMiri was the Georgian version of the popular show Survivor. The show only ran for one season that lasted from October 6, 2007 to January 7, 2008. Throughout the season the contestants were broken up into two tribes the blue tribe and the yellow tribe. The twists for this season began in episode one when, immediately following the initial reward challenge, the losing blue tribe was forced to vote someone out on the spot. During the pre-tribe stage, the blue tribe was over powered in the challenges by the yellow tribe losing every immunity challenge. When it came time to merge the surviving members of the blue tribe were not immediately pick off as the yellow tribe's members turned against each other. When only seven competitors remained they competed in an elimination challenge in which one player was eliminated for cheating and another for coming in last. Eventually, it was blue tribe survivor Tamar Chanturashvili who won the season over Zviad by a public vote of 81%.
Contestant | Original Tribes |
Merged Tribe |
Finish |
Tamusia 21 |
Blue Tribe | 1st Voted Out Day 2 |
Maria 22 |
Blue Tribe | 2nd Voted Out Day 3 |
Nino 23 |
Blue Tribe | 3rd Voted Out Day 5 |
Mamuka 44 |
Blue Tribe | 4th Voted Out Day 7 |
Erekle 31 |
Blue Tribe | 5th Voted Out Day 9 |
Ekaterina 28 |
Blue Tribe | 6th Voted Out Day 11 |
Irakli 25 |
Yellow Tribe | Merge Tribe | 7th Voted Out Day 13 |
Salva 22 |
Yellow Tribe | 8th Voted Out Day 15 |
Mariam 18 |
Yellow Tribe | 9th Voted Out Day 17 |
Giorgi 19 |
Blue Tribe | 10th Voted Out Day 19 |
Dato 28 |
Yellow Tribe | Ejected Day 21 |
Shorena Janiashvili 19 |
Yellow Tribe | Lost Challenge Day 21 |
Natia 20 |
Yellow Tribe | 11th Voted Out Day 21 |
Ketevan 27 |
Yellow Tribe | Lost Challenge Day 24 |
Baxo 33 |
Blue Tribe | Lost Challenge Day 24 |
Zviad 27 |
Yellow Tribe | Runner-Up Day 26 |
Tamar Chanturashvili 26 |
Blue Tribe | Sole Survivor Day 26 |
Original Tribes | Merged Tribe | ||||||||||||||||||
Episode #: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12-14 | Reunion | |||||||
Eliminated: | Tamusia 8/9 votes |
Maria 7/8 votes |
Nino 5/7 votes |
Mamuka 4/6 votes |
Erekle 3/5 votes |
Ekaterina 3/4 votes |
Irakli 7/11 votes |
Salva 6/10 votes |
Mariam 4/9 votes |
Giorgi 4/7 votes1 |
Dato No vote |
Shorena No vote |
Natia 3/5 votes |
Baxo Ketevan No vote |
Zviad 19% to win |
Tamar 81% to win |
Voter | Vote | ||||||||||||||||||
Tamar | Tamusia | Maria | Nino | Mamuka | Erekle | Ekaterina | ? | ? | ? | Dato | Natia | Sole Survivor | |||||||
Zviad | Irakli | Salva | ? | Giorgi | Natia | Runner-Up | |||||||||||||
Baxo | Tamusia | Maria | Nino | Mamuka | Erekle | Ekaterina | ? | ? | ? | Natia | |||||||||
Ketevan | Irakli | Salva | ? | Giorgi | Baxo | ||||||||||||||
Natia | Irakli | Salva | ? | Giorgi | Baxo | ||||||||||||||
Shorena | Irakli | Salva | ? | Dato | |||||||||||||||
Dato | Irakli | Salva | ? | Giorgi | |||||||||||||||
Giorgi | Tamusia | Maria | Mamuka | Mamuka | Baxo | Ekaterina | ? | ? | ? | Dato | |||||||||
Mariam | Irakli | Salva | ? | ||||||||||||||||
Salva | Irakli | Shorena | |||||||||||||||||
Irakli | ? | ||||||||||||||||||
Ekaterina | Tamusia | Maria | Nino | Mamuka | Erekle | Baxo | |||||||||||||
Erekle | Tamusia | Maria | Nino | Baxo | Baxo | ||||||||||||||
Mamuka | Tamusia | Maria | Nino | Baxo | |||||||||||||||
Nino | Tamusia | Maria | Baxo | ||||||||||||||||
Maria | Tamusia | Ekaterina | |||||||||||||||||
Tamusia | Maria |
^1 At the tenth tribal council voting was optional.