Developer(s) Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Stable release 1.8.1 / July 9, 2011; 7 months ago (2011-07-09)
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Library
License X/MIT

GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) is a library for reading and writing raster geospatial data formats, and is released under the permissive X/MIT style free software license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. It may also be built with a variety of useful command-line utilities for data translation and processing.

The related OGR library (which is part of the GDAL source tree) provides a similar capability for simple features vector data.

GDAL was primarily developed by Frank Warmerdam until the release of version 1.3.2, when maintainership was officially transferred to the GDAL/OGR Project Management Committee under the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

GDAL/OGR is considered a major free software project for it "extensive capabilities of data exchange" and also in the commercial GIS community due to its widespread use and comprehensive set of functionalities[1]. In the words of Howard Butler "I see GDAL as the glibc/glibc++ of the geospatial software world. It's open, it provides core functionality, I can't understand how anybody gets anything done without it."


Software that uses GDAL/OGR

Several software programs use the GDAL/OGR libraries to allow them to read and write multiple GIS formats. Such programs include:

Supported raster data formats

GDAL provides at least partial support for more than 120 raster geospatial data formats[3]. A subset of data formats is supported to ensure the ability to directly create files and georeferencing them with the default GDAL compiling options.

Here follows the list of data formats whose support is compiled by default allowing creation and georeferencing.

Raster data format name Code
Arc/Info ASCII Grid [1] AAIGrid
ADRG/ARC Digitalized Raster Graphics (.gen/.thf) [2] ADRG
Magellan BLX Topo (.blx, .xlb) [3] BLX
Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap (.bmp) [4] BMP
VTP Binary Terrain Format (.bt) [5] BT
Military Elevation Data (.dt0, .dt1, .dt2) [6] DTED
ESRI .hdr Labelled [7] EHdr
ENVI .hdr Labelled Raster [9] ENVI
ERMapper (.ers) [10] ERS
NOAA .gtx vertical datum shift GTX
HF2/HFZ heightfield raster [11] HF2
Erdas Imagine (.img) [12] HFA
Image Display and Analysis (WinDisp) [13] IDA
ILWIS Raster Map (.mpr,.mpl) [14] ILWIS
Intergraph Raster [15] INGR
USGS Astrogeology Isis cube (Version 2) [16] ISIS2
In Memory Raster [17] MEM
Vexcel MFF [18] MFF
Vexcel MFF2 [19] MFF2 (HKV)
NTv2 Datum Grid Shift NTv2
PCI Geomatics Database File [21] PCIDSK
Raster Matrix Format (*.rsw, .mtw) [22] RMF
Idrisi Raster [23] RST
SAGA GIS Binary format [24] SAGA
SGI Image Format [25] SGI
GDAL Virtual (.vrt) [28] VRT
ASCII Gridded XYZ [29] XYZ


  1. ^ Neteler M., Raghavan V. (2006). "Advances in Free Software Geographic Information Systems". Journal of Informatics. 
    Extensive capabilities of data exchange are essential for the daily GIS work. GRASS profits from an external project, the GDAL/OGR library ( This FOSS library is also used even by global data vendors as well as in some proprietary GIS applications. Many of the raster and vector formats supported for reading can be also be generated.
  2. ^ "ArcGIS 9.2 Desktop Help: Supported raster dataset file formats". ESRI. 2007-08-15. 
  3. ^ "GDAL Raster Formats". GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. 2011-06-05. 
  • Schuyler Erle, Rich Gibson and Jo Walsh (2005). Mapping Hacks. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00703-5. 
  • Tyler Mitchell (2005). Web Mapping Illustrated. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00865-1. 

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