
Home networking standards
Common name IEEE standard
HomePlug IEEE 1901
Wi-Fi 802.11a
Common name ITU-T recommendation
HomePNA 2.0 G.9951–3
HomePNA 3.0 G.9954
HomePNA 3.1 G.9954
G.hn/HomeGrid G.9960–1
G.hn-mimo G.9963
G.hnta G.9970
G.cx G.9972

G.9972 (also known as G.cx) is a Recommendation developed by ITU-T that specifies a coexistence mechanism for networking transceivers capable of operating over electrical power line wiring. The coexistence mechanism allows G.hn devices to coexist with other devices implementing G.9972 and operating on the same power line wiring.

G.9972 received consent during the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 15, on October 9, 2009,[1] and final approval on June 11, 2010.[2]

Coexistence with BPL access networks

G.9972 specifies two mechanisms for coexistence between G.hn home networks and Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) access networks:
