
Country:  Serbia
Subdivision: Vojvodina, South Bačka District, City of Novi Sad, Novi Sad urban municipality

Area code: + 381(0)21
Postal code: 21410
License plates: NS

Futog (Футог) is a town in Serbia, in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. It is part of the metropolitan area of Novi Sad.



The name Futog derives from Old Church Slavonic term for “on the mouth” - vo utok (во уток).

In Serbian, the town is known as Futog (Футог), in Croatian as Futog, in Hungarian as Futak, and in German as Alt-Futok.


The town has a population of 18,582 (2002 census). Ethnic groups include:

Population of the town include 25% persons under 15 years old, 66% work capable people, 10% farmers.

Historical population:


It is situated in the southern Bačka, 14 km far from Novi Sad, on the middle of the Danube stream. Neighbouring settlements are Veternik in the east, Begeč in the west and Rumenka in the north. Danube river is located in the south of the town.

Futog is divided into Stari Futog (Old Futog) and Novi Futog (New Futog). The town is 8 km long in west-east direction around the main street. Its area is 8,561 ha.

Futog area outspreads on cofin terrace, alluvial plane and inductional plane. Near Futog are two river isles, an effluent pulped in pond.

Climate is medium-continental, influenced by the Fruška Gora and the Danube. Winds are Košava, Western and Breeze. Precipitation is 700 mm a year.

Hydrography include the Danube river, pond and the Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal.

Plants are corn, wheat, industrial plants, vegetables, and well-known cabbage. Animals are ducks, storks, rabbits, foxes, pheasant, etc.


Archeological localities in the area include: Sesije, Gornje Šume, Vodice, Bokternica and Pašnjak. Although there are traces of Slavs in Bačka from old antic period, Slavic presence in this area is confirmed by the data from 9th century, when the area was part of the Bulgarian Empire and Bulgarian voivod Salan ruled in Bačka. Presence of Hungarians is dated in the 10th century, after Salan was defeated by the Hungarian forces.

Futog was first time mentioned in 1224 when Tatars devastated it. Before the Tatar invasion, settlement was known as Batkay. In the 15th century it was an important market town. During the Hungarian administration, Futog was part of the Bacsensis County and was also a possession of the Futaky family in the 14th century, and possession of the Jób Garai in the middle 15th century.

In 1526-1527 it was part of the state of Emperor Jovan Nenad, and between 1528 and 1686 it was part of the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman administration, Futog was part of the Sanjak of Segedin and was mostly populated by Serbs and Muslims. According to the Ottoman traveler from the 17th century, Evliya Çelebi, the town of Vutok had a fortress, 4 Muslim religious buildings, including mosque of Sulejman-han and 3 masjids, as well as about 180 houses.

After 1686, it was part of the Habsburg Monarchy. In 1715, the population of Futog was composed of 130 Serbian and 7 Hungarian houses, while in 1720, it was composed of 126 Serbian and 14 Hungarian houses. The area was later colonized by Germans. Near the Serb-populated Old Futog, Germans founded new settlement known as the New Futog. Later, sizable number of Germans settled in Old Futog as well. Colonization of Germans was ended in 1774.

Between 1696 and 1868, Futog had annual princes. The prince had a symbolical function. The Estate of Futog was a possession of the King’s Chamber 1686-1703, of General Baron Josef Nechem 1703-1721, of Josef Odwyer 1721-1731, of Count Friedrich Lorenz Caurian 1731-1744, of Mihailo Čarnojević 1744-1769, of Count András Hadik 1769-1801, of Count Brunszvik 1801-1852, and of Count Rudolf Chotek 1852-1921.

In the 18th and the first half of the 19th century, Futog was part of the Batsch-Bodrog County within the Habsburg Kingdom of Hungary. In 1848-1849 Futog was part of the Serbian Voivodship, a Serb autonomous region within Austrian Empire, while between 1849 and 1860 it was part of the Voivodeship of Serbia and Banat of Temeschwar, a separate Austrian province. After the abolishment of the voivodeship in 1860, Futog was again included into Batsch-Bodrog County. In 1910, population of the Old Futog was ethnically mixed (German-Serb), while population of the New Futog was mainly German.[1] Other smaller ethnic groups in the town included Hungarians and Slovaks.

In 1918, Futog, as part of the Banat, Bačka and Baranja region, became part of the Kingdom of Serbia (as was decided by the decree of the Great people's assembly in Novi Sad in 1918, November 25). Since December 1, 1918, it was part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later known as Yugoslavia). From 1918 to 1922, Futog was part of the Novi Sad County, from 1922 to 1929 part of the Bačka Oblast, and from 1929 to 1941 part of the Danube Banovina.

During World War II (in 1941), after Axis Powers invaded and partitioned Yugoslavia, the town came under Axis occupation and was attached to Bács-Bodrog County of Horthy's Hungary. After the defeat of Axis Powers, in 1944, one part of local German population left from the area, together with defeated German army. The antifascist council for the liberation of Yugoslavia (AVNOJ) declared the remaining German population as public enemies and sent them to communist prison camps. After the abolishment of the camps in 1948, the remaining German population left from Yugoslavia, mainly because of economical reasons.

Since 1944, the town is part of Yugoslav Vojvodina, which (from 1945) was a part of socialist Serbia within new socialist Yugoslavia. After the Second World War (in 1945 and 1946), Futog was settled by Serb families which mostly originated from Bosnia, Lika, and Srem. Population censuses conducted after the war recorded Serb ethnic majority in the town. After decades of population increase (from 5,366 in 1948 to 18,582 in 2002), 2011 census recorded decreasing population tendency.


Culture and media

The town possess Cultural-Informative Centre “Mladost”, Tambura Orchestra, Folklore Assembly, Town library “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj”, Galleries, etc.

There is a Radio "Futog" at 97,5 and 99,5 MHz FM and Radio "Srna" at 91,90 MHz FM.


There are two primary schools: “Desanka Maksimović” and “Miroslav Antić”. There is also a secondary Agricultural Boarding School. The first school in the town was established in 1707.


There is a Sport Hall Futog in the town. Football clubs in the town are OFK “Futog” and FK “Metalac-Asco Vidak”, there is also fight club “Faraon”, volleyball clubs OKK “Futog” and "RFU", and handball club RK “Metalac”.

Economy and traffic

Industry include: “Milan Vidak”, wire factory; “Aroma” spice factory; “Garant”, motor factory; “Futožanka” provender factory; “Vagar” scale factory; and “Planta” agricultural goods.

Car-road Novi Sad-Bačka Palanka; rail-road Novi Sad-Sombor; and the Danube river are important traffic directions situated at this location.

Novi Sad's regular bus lines 53 (FUTOG STARI), 54 (FUTOG GRMEČKA), 55 (FUTOG BRAĆE BOŠNJAK) and 56 (BEGEČ) connecting the town with Novi Sad.

See also


Further reading

External links