
Fuerzabruta is a postmodern theatre show that originated in Buenos Aires in 2005 and was created by Diqui James. It is also the name of the company that brings the show, formerly called De La Guarda. It is a very energetic spectacle under the motto "Brutally Happy", has interaction between the performers and the public, and is described as a 360 degree experience.

The show was performed on Broadway in New York since 2007. The New York cast has been extended to 16 people, and more than 500,000 people have seen the show.

The show has since travelled over the world. It has been performed in Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Bogota, Queretaro, Miami, Chicago, Lisbon, Bilbao, Berlin, Moscow, London and Edinburgh and is scheduled for Tel Aviv, Brussels and Madrid.

Direction and production

External links