Euphyllia divisa

Frogspawn coral
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Order: Scleractinia
Family: Caryophylliidae
Genus: Euphyllia
Species: E. divisa
Binomial name
Euphyllia divisa
Veron & Pichon, 1979 [1]

Euphyllia divisa, commonly known as frogspawn and sometimes mis-spelled Euphyllia divisia, is a large-polyped stony coral native to the Indo-Pacific island. It is a commonly kept species in the marine aquarium hobby. The related coral Euphyllia paradivisa is frequently misidentified as frogspawn leading to some confusion. Euphyllia divisa has a corallite skeleton with a flabello-meandroid "wall" structure whereas Euphyllia paradivisa has a tree-like branching structure with separate coralites.[2]These corals are fairly easy to keep. It is an aggressive coral that prefers reasonably stable water conditions and uneven flow. It does not require direct feeding, and is not very difficult to propagate. They require a low to medium flow. Anemome fish like clown fish, will host in Frogspawn coral, but it may take a few weeks of being in your tank. The clown fish may or may not ever touch it. If they plan on staying in it then they may nibble or even attack it, maroon clowns are a bit more aggressive but they will back off after awhile.
