Frederick Jelinek

Frederick Jelinek
Born November 18, 1932(1932-11-18)
Kladno, now Czech Republic
Died September 14, 2010(2010-09-14) (aged 77)
Baltimore, United States
Citizenship American
Fields Information theory, natural language processing
Institutions Cornell University, IBM Research, Johns Hopkins University
Alma mater Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Doctoral advisor Robert Fano
Notable students Neil Sloane
Known for Advancement of natural language processing techniques
Influences Roman Jakobson
Notable awards

Frederick Jelinek (18 November 1932 – 14 September 2010) was a Czech American researcher in information theory, automatic speech recognition, and natural language processing. He was well-known for his oft-quoted quip that "Every time I fire a linguist, the performance of the speech recognizer goes up".[note 1]

Born in Czechoslovakia just before the war, his family managed to emigrate to the United States in the early years of the communist regime. He studied engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and taught for 10 years at Cornell University before being offered a job at IBM Research. There his team essentially revolutionized approaches to computer speech recognition and machine translation. After IBM, he went to head the Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins University for 17 years, and he was still working on the day of his death. He had been married since 1961 to Czech screenwriter Milena Jelinek.



Bedřich Jelínek[6] was born in Kladno a decade before WWII to Vilém and Trude Jelinek.[7] His father was Jewish, but his mother was a Catholic born in Switzerland who converted to Judaism.[8][9] Jelinek senior, a dentist, had planned early for an escape to England, arranging for a passport, visa, and the shipping of his dentistry materials; the couple planned to send their son to an English private school. However, Vilém decided to stay at the last minute, and was eventually sent to the Theresienstadt concentration camp,[10] where he died of disease in 1945.[7][9] The family was forced to move to Prague in 1941, but Frederick, his sister and mother, thanks to the latter's background, escaped the concentration camps.[9]

"It is generally believed that scientific talent reveals itself in early youth. [...] This was certainly not my case. I somehow slid into my scientific profession. My mother wished for me to become a physician, just like my father. [...] I myself wanted to be a lawyer, defender of the unjustly accused. But my career is the result of political circumstances, academic possibilities, and lucky accidents."

Talking about his life in a 2001 speech.[10]

After the war, Jelinek successfully entered in the gymnasium despite having missed several years of schooling (as education of Jewish children had been forbidden since 1942). His mother, anxious for her son to get a good education, made great efforts for their emigration,[note 2] particularly as it became clear he would not be allowed to even attempt the graduation examination. His mother hoped for her son to become a physician, but Jelinek dreamed of being a lawyer; he ended up studying engineering in evening classes at the City College of New York. He received stipends from the National Committee for a Free Europe that allowed him to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. About his choice of specialty, he joked: "Fortunately, to electrical engineering there belonged a discipline whose aim was not the construction of physical systems: the theory of information."[10] He obtained his Ph.D. in 1962, with Robert Fano as his adviser: "Not daring to approach Shannon himself, I asked Professor Fano to be my thesis adviser.".[11][12]

In 1957, Jelinek paid an unexpected visit to Prague. He had been in Vienna and, hoping to see his former acquaintances again, applied for a visa. He met with his old friend Miloš Forman, who introduced him to film student Milena Tabolova, whose screenplay had been the basis for the just released movie Easy Life (Snadný život).[13][14] His flight back to the U.S. had a stopover in Munich, during which he called her to propose.[9] Tabolova was considered a dissident, and her movie did not sit well with the authorities.[14] Jelinek asked for help from Jerome Wiesner and Cyrus Eaton, the latter who lobbied Nikita Khrushchev.[13] Following the inauguration of John F. Kennedy, a group of Czech dissidents were allowed to emigrate in January 1961; thanks to the lobbying, the future Milena Jelinek was one of them.[9][13]

After completing his graduate studies, Jelinek, who had developed an interest in linguistics, had plans to work with Charles F. Hockett at Cornell University. Unfortunately for him, these fell through and during the next ten years he continued to devote himself to information theory.[10] Having previously worked at IBM during a sabbatical, he began work there in 1972, at first on leave for Cornell, but permanently from 1974 on; he remained there for over twenty years. Although at first he was to hold a regular research job, upon his arrival he learned that Josef Raviv had just been promoted to head of the newly opened IBM Haifa Research Laboratory, and found himself head of the Continuous Speech Recognition group at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center.[10][12] Despite his team's successes in this area, his work remained little known in his home country, as scientists were not allowed to participate in key conferences.[13]

After the 1989 fall of communism, he helped with establishing scientific relationships, regularly visiting to lecture and helping to convince IBM to establish a computing centre at Charles University.[8][10][15] In 1993 he retired from IBM and went to Johns Hopkins University's Center for Language and Speech Processing, where he was director and Julian Sinclair Smith Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.[11][16] He was still working there at the time of his death; Jelinek died of a heart attack at the close of an otherwise normal workday in mid-September 2010.[9][16] He was survived by his wife, daughter and son, sister, stepsister, and three grandchildren.[16]

Research and legacy

Information theory was a fashionable scientific approach in the mid '50s.[12] However, pioneer Claude Shannon mused in 1956 that this trendiness was dangerous: "Our fellow scientists in many different fields, attracted by the fanfare and by the new avenues opened to scientific analysis, are using these ideas in their own problems. [...] It will be all too easy for our somewhat artificial prosperity to collapse overnight when it is realized that the use of a few exciting words like information, entropy, redundancy, do not solve all our problems."[17] Indeed over the next decade, a combination of factors would shut down application of information theory to natural language processing (NLP) problems, in particular machine translation. One was the 1957 publication of Noam Chomsky's Syntactic Structures, which stated that "probabilistic models give no insight into the basic problems of syntactic structure".[18] This accorded well with the philosophy of the artificial intelligence research of the time, which promoted rule-based approaches. The other factor was to be the 1966 ALPAC report, which recommended that the government stop funding research in machine translation. ALPAC chairman John Pierce later characterised that field as filled with "mad inventors or untrustworthy engineers". He argued that the underlying linguistic problems must be solved before attempts at NLP could be reasonably made. Combined, these elements essentially halted research in the field.[5][19]

Jelinek had begun to develop an interest in linguistics after the immigration of his wife, who initially enrolled in the linguistics program of the MIT thanks to Roman Jakobson's help. Jelinek often accompanied her to Chomsky's lecture, and even went so far as to discuss the possibility of changing orientation with his adviser. Fano was "really upset", and with the failure of his project with Hockett at Cornell, he did not return to this avenue of research until starting work at IBM.[12] The scope of research at IBM was considerably different from that of most other teams: "While Fred was leading IBM’s effort to solve the general dictation problem during the decade or so following 1972, most other U.S. companies and academic researchers were working on very limited problems [...] or were staying out of the field entirely."[19]

"He was not a pioneer of speech recognition, he was the pioneer of speech recognition."

Steve Young (2010)[5]

It was only natural for Jelinek to see speech recognition as an information theory problem: a noisy channel (in this case the acoustic signal)—and yet this was a daring, or even anathema approach to observers.[5][16][19] The concept of perplexity was introduced in their first model,[12] New Raleigh Grammar, itself published (1976) in the "now famous paper in the Proceedings of the IEEE called "Continuous Speech Recognition by Statistical Methods"'.[5] The basic noisy channel approach "reduced the speech recognition problem to one of producing two statistical models."[5] Whereas New Raleigh Grammar was a hidden Markov model, Tangora (their next model) was broader and involved n-grams, specifically trigrams. Even though "it was obvious to everyone that this model was hopelessly impoverished", it would remained unimproved upon until another paper of Jelinek himself presented in 1999 (see under "selected publication").[5] The same trigram approach was applied to phones in single words. Although the identification of parts of speech turned out not to be very useful for speech recognition, tagging methods developed during these projects are now used in various NLP applications.[12]

The incremental research techniques developed at IBM eventually became dominant in the field after DARPA, in the mid-80s, returned to NLP research and imposed that methodology to participating teams, shared common goals, data, and precise evaluation metrics.[19] The Continuous Speech Recognition Group's research, which required large amounts of data to train the algorithms, eventually led to the creation of the Linguistic Data Consortium. In the 80s, although the broader problem of speech recognition remained unsolved, they sought to apply the methods developed to other problems, and came up with two: machine translation and stock value prediction. In fact, a group of IBM searchers eventually went to work for Renaissance Technologies. Jelinek comments: "The performance of the Renaissance fund is legendary, but I have no idea whether any methods we pioneered at IBM have ever been used. My former colleagues will not tell me: theirs is a very hush-hush operation!"[12] Methods very similar to those developed for achieving speech recognition are at the base of most machine translation systems today.

Observers[5][19] have noted that Pierce's paradigm, according to which engineering achievements in this area would be built on scientific progress, has been inverted, with the achievements in engineering being at the base of a number of scientific findings.

Jelinek's works won "best paper" awards on several occasions, and he received a number of company awards while he worked at IBM.[5][11] He received the Society Award (for "outstanding technical contributions and leadership") from the IEEE Signal Processing Society for 1997,[20] and the ESCA Medal for Scientific Achievement in 1999.[21] He was a recipient of a IEEE Third Millenium Medal in 2000, the ELRA's first (2004) Antonio Zampolli Prize,[22] the 2005 James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award,[23] and the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Computational Linguistics.[11][12] He received a honoris causa Ph.D. from Charles University in 2001,[24] was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2006 and made one of twelve inaugural fellows of the International Speech Communication Association in 2008.[5]

Selected publications

  • Jelinek, Frederick (1968). Probabilistic Information Theory: Discrete and memoryless models. McGraw-Hill series in systems science. New York: McGraw-Hill. 689p. LCCN 68-011611 (review)
  • ———————- (1969). "Fast sequential decoding algorithm using a stack". IBM Journal of Research and Development 13(6):675–685. doi:10.1147/rd.136.0675.
  • ———————- (1969). "Tree encoding of memoryless time-discrete sources with a fidelity criterion". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 15(5):584–590. doi:10.1109/TIT.1969.1054355. (received 1971 "Best Paper" award)
  • Bahl, Lalit R.; John Cocke, Frederick Jelinek, Josef Raviv (1974). "Optimal decoding of linear codes for minimizing symbol error rate". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 20(2):284–287. doi:10.1109/TIT.1974.1055186. (received Information Theory Society Golden Jubilee paper award)
  • ———————- (1976). "Continuous speech recognition by statistical methods". Proceedings of the IEEE 64(4):532–556. doi:10.1109/PROC.1976.10159.
  • Brown, P.; J. Cocke, S. Della Pietra, V. Della Pietra, F. Jelinek, R, Mercer and P. Roossin (1988). "A statistical approach to language translation". In Dénes Vargha, ed. Coling 88: Proceedings of the 12th conference on Computational linguistics, volume 1. Budapest: John Von Neumann society for computing sciences. pp. 71–76. doi:10.3115/991635.991651. ISBN 963-8431-56-3.
  • ———————- (1990). "Self-Organized Language Modeling for Speech Recognition". In Alex Waibel & Kai-Fu Lee, eds. Readings in speech recognition. San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann. 629p. ISBN 1-55860-124-4.
  • ———————-; John D. Lafferty and Robert L. Mercer. (1990) "Basic methods of probabilistic context free grammars". Technical Report RC 16374 (72684), IBM.
    • Reprinted in Laface, Pietro; Renato De Mori (1992). Speech Recognition and Understanding: Recent advances, trends, and applications. NATO ASI series. Series F, Computer and systems sciences, 75. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 345–360. ISBN 0-387-54032-6.
  • ———————- (1997). Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 283p. ISBN 0-262-10066-5. (review) (review 2)
  • Chelba, Ciprian; Frederick Jelinek (2000). "Structured Language Modeling". Computer Speech & Language 14(4):283–332. doi:10.1006/csla.2000.0147 (received 2002 "Best Paper" award).
    • Expanded version of a presentation at NLDB'99. Klagenfurt, Austria, June 17–19, 1999 (arXiv:cs/0001023).
  • Xu, Peng; Ahmad Emami and Frederick Jelinek (2003). "Training Connectionist Models for the Structured Language Model". In Michael Collins and Mark Steedman, eds. EMNLP '03 Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Empirical methods in natural language processing. East Stroudsburg, Penn.: Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 160–167. ISBN 1-932432-13-2. doi:10.3115/1119355.1119376. (won "best paper" award)


  1. ^ Although its fame and iconic status are undisputed (it was for example used as the title of a 1998 speech by Julia Hirschberg),[1] its context is unknown and its specific wording and dating are unclear. According to Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin, Jelinek himself recalled the quote as "Anytime a linguist leaves the group the recognition rate goes up" and dated it to December 1988 (Wayne, Pennsylvania), further noting that the quote did not appear in the published proceeding,[2][3] whereas Roger K. Moore gave the wording as "Every time we fire a phonetician/linguist, the performance of our system goes up" and dated it to an IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding workshop held in 1985.[4] According to Steve Young, "the story goes that one day one of his linguists resigned, and Fred decided to replace him not by another linguist but by an engineer. A little while later, Fred noticed that the performance of his system improved significantly. So he encouraged another linguist to find alternative employment, and sure enough performance improved again. The rest as they say is history."[5]
  2. ^ As he put it, "she didn't want to emulate my father's big mistake."
  1. ^ Hirschberg, Julia (July 29, 1998). 'Every time I fire a linguist, my performance goes up', and other myths of the statistical natural language processing revolution (Speech). 15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Madison, Wisconsin.  Invited speech.
  2. ^ Jurafsky, Daniel; James H. Martin (2009). Speech and language processing: an introduction to natural language processing, computational linguistics, and speech recognition. Prentice Hall series in artificial intelligence (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. p. 83. ISBN 0-13-187321-0. 
  3. ^ Palmer, Martha; Tim Finin (1990). "Report on the Workshop on the Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Systems". Computational Linguistics 16 (1): 171–185. 
  4. ^ Moore, Roger K. (2005). "Results from a Survey of Attendees at ASRU 1997 and 2003". INTERSPEECH-2005. Lisbon, September 4–8, 2005. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Young, Steve (November 2010). "Frederick Jelinek 1932–2010: The Pioneer of Speech Recognition Technology". Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee Newsletter (IEEE Signal Processing Society). Retrieved December 16, 2010.  Adapted from a speech given in 2006.
  6. ^ Rejžek, Jan (September 17, 2010). "Nekrolog". Lidové noviny. Retrieved December 17, 2010. 
  7. ^ a b Jelinek, Frederick (1997). Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. p. v. ISBN 0-262-10066-5. 
  8. ^ a b Hajic, Jan (Novembre 2010). "Prof. Frederick Jelinek, 1932–2010". EACL Newsletter 12. Retrieved December 19, 2010. 
  9. ^ a b c d e f Lohr, Steve (September 24, 2010). "Frederick Jelinek, Who Gave Machines the Key to Human Speech, Dies at 77". New York Times: p. B10. Retrieved December 16, 2010. 
  10. ^ a b c d e f Jelinek, Frederick (November 22, 2001). How I Got Here (Speech). Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Archived from the original on 2008-03-16. Retrieved December 17, 2010.  Honoris causa degree acceptance speech.
  11. ^ a b c d Jan, Jelinek (June 13, 2006). "Curiculum Vitae". Archived from the original on 2010-09-03. Retrieved December 17, 2010. 
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h Jelinek, Fred (December 2009). "The Dawn of Statistical ASR and MT". Computational Linguistics 35 (4): 483–494. doi:10.1162/coli.2009.35.4.35401. Retrieved December 16, 2010. 
  13. ^ a b c d Hershenson, Roberta (December 31, 1989). "Czech Couple Keep Eye on Homeland". New York Times. Retrieved December 17, 2010. 
  14. ^ a b Willoughby, Ian (June 9, 2008). "Milena Jelinek – member of golden generation of Czech filmmakers now teaching screenwriting at Columbia". One on One (Radio Prague). Retrieved December 17, 2010. 
  15. ^ Dresser, Michael (September 19, 2010). "Frederick Jelinek, speech recognition pioneer, dies". The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved December 16, 2010. 
  16. ^ a b c d Sneiderman, Phil (September 20, 2010). "Frederick Jelinek, 77, pioneer in speech and text understanding technology". The JHU Gazette (Johns Hopkins University). Retrieved December 16, 2010. 
  17. ^ Quoted in Liberman (2010).
  18. ^ Quoted in Young (2010).
  19. ^ a b c d e Liberman, Mark (December 2010). "Obituary: Fred Jelinek". Computational Linguistics 36 (4): 595–599. doi:10.1162/coli_a_00032. Retrieved December 16, 2010. 
  20. ^ "Society Award". IEEE Signal Processing Society. Retrieved December 21, 2010. 
  21. ^ "1999 ESCA Medal for Scientific Achievement". International Speech Communication Association. 1999. Retrieved December 21, 2010. 
  22. ^ "In Honour of Prof. Antonio Zampolli". European Language Resources Association. Retrieved December 21, 2010. 
  23. ^ "IEEE James L. Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award recipients". IEEE. Retrieved December 21, 2010. 
  24. ^ "Dr. h. c. prof. F. Jelinek" (Press release). Charles University in Pragues. November 22, 2001. Retrieved December 17, 2010. 

External links

Preceded by
Fumitada Itakura
IEEE Signal Processing Society Award
Succeeded by
Bernard Widrow
Preceded by
Mario Rossi
ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement
Succeeded by
Louis Pols
Preceded by
Gunnar Fant
IEEE James L. Flanagan
Speech and Audio Processing Award

Succeeded by
James D. Johnston
Preceded by
Yorick Wilks
ACL Lifetime Achievement Award
Succeeded by
William Aaron Woods