Frank Giampietro

Frank Giampietro is an American poet. He is author of Begin Anywhere (Alice James Books, 2008). He is the 2010-2012 resident scholar at The Southern Review and has had poems, book reviews, and nonfiction published in many literary journals and magazines including 32 Poems, [1] Columbia Poetry Review, CutBank, Exquisite Corpse, Fence, Hayden's Ferry Review, Cimarron Review,[2] and Rain Taxi.[3] His honors include a 2008 Florida Book Award (a bronze medal in poetry),[4] a fellowship from Sewanee Writers' Conference, and a Kingsbury Fellowship from Florida State University. He is creator and editor of two literary websites, La Fovea[5] and Poems by Heart. [6] Giampietro earned an M.A. from Washington College, and M.F.A. from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and a Ph.D. in English at Florida State University. He lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with his wife and two children.[7]


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