Forty-Hour Week Convention, 1935

ILO Convention
Forty-Hour Week Convention, 1935
Date of adoption June 22, 1935
Date in force May 23, 1957
Classification Hours of Work
Subject Working Time
Previous Next
Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention (Revised), 1935 Maintenance of Migrants' Pension Rights Convention, 1935 (shelved)

Forty-Hour Week Convention, 1935 is an International Labour Organization Convention.

It was established in 1935, with the preamble stating:

Considering that in pursuance of the Resolutions adopted by the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Sessions of the International Labour Conference it is necessary that a continuous effort should be made to reduce hours of work in all forms of employment to such extent as is possible;...[1]


The following 14 countries have ratified Convention C47:
Country Date Status
Australia 22:10:1970 ratified
Azerbaijan 19:05:1992 ratified
Belarus 21:08:1956 ratified
Finland 23:11:1989 ratified
Kyrgyzstan 31:03:1992 ratified
Lithuania 26:09:1994 ratified
Republic of Moldova 09:12:1997 ratified
New Zealand 29:03:1938 ratified
Norway 13:03:1979 ratified
Russian Federation 23:06:1956 ratified
Sweden 11:08:1982 ratified
Tajikistan 26:11:1993 ratified
Ukraine 10:08:1956 ratified
Uzbekistan 13:07:1992 ratified

(Source: ILOLEX - 4 March 2010)[2]


  1. ^ ILO Convention C47
  2. ^

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