First Universal Races Congress

In 1911 the First Universal Races Congress met in London at the University of London as an early effort of Anti-racism, at which distinguished speakers from many countries for four days discussed race problems and ways to improve interracial relations.[1] The Congress was initiated on comments of Felix Adler in 1906 and executed largely centered on the efforts of Gustav Spiller. Lord Philip Stanhope, 1st Baron Weardale was president of the Congress and William Pember Reeves served as chair of the executive committee. The Congress had 2100 members.[2]

The original call for the Congress was published including these remarks:

To discuss, in the light of science and modern conscience, the general relations subsisting betweent he peoples of the West and those of the East, between the so-called "white" and the so-called "colored" peoples, with a view to encouraging between them a fuller understanding, the most friendly feelings, and the heartier co-operation.… The interchange of material and other wealth between the races of mankind has of late years assumed such dimensions that the old attitude of distrust and aloofness is giving way to a genuins desire for a closer acquaintanceship. Out of the his interesting situation has spring the idea of holding a Congress where the representatives of the different races might meet each other face to face, and might, in friendly rivalry, further the cause of mutual trust and respect between the Occident and Orient, between the so-called "white" peoples and the so-called "colored" peoples.[3][4]

More than fifty countries and twenty governments sent official representatives resulting in fifty eight papers that were categorized into five groups[3]

An early draft of the Resolutions arrived at from the consultation were:[3]

Selected speakers, presenters and witnesses

Felix Adler was the official delegate from the United States National Bureau of Education (as it was then known).[2][5] Alfred Cort Haddon was an influential British anthropologist and ethnologist. He wrote a paper for the journal Science about the first Congress.[6] Brajendra Nath Seal, was a renowned Bengali Indian humanist philosopher, a founding proponent of Brahmo Samaj, and did work in comparative religion and on the philosophy of science. Seal addressed the Congress where he first stated the concept of group divergence, which relates to Human evolutionary genetics and effects of reproductive isolation, in a period when genetics as such were unknown, in his address on "Race Origin".[7] Charles Eastman, a Native American writer, physician, and reformer was of Santee Sioux and Anglo-American descent; active in politics and issues on American Indian rights, he represented the American Indian at the Congress.[8] Sarah J. Garnet accompanied her sister, Susan McKinney Steward, who addressed her paper Colored American Women to the Congress.[9] The pioneering physician Frances Hoggan spoke.[10] W. E. B. Du Bois observed that the Congress could make clear the state of scientific knowledge concerning the meaning of the term "race"[11] and presented the paper "The Negro Race in the United States of America".[12] Mary White Ovington, the ,co-founder of the NAACP attended. Mojola Agbebi, an advocate of indigenous leadership for African churches, offered a paper. William Sanders Scarborough was the official delegate from Wilberforce University, the first African-American college in the United States owned by blacks.[13] The head of the Bahá'í Faith, `Abdu'l-Bahá had been invited to speak, but sent representatives and a letter[14] and presentations by various Bahá'ís.[15] Other religious speakers included Thomas William Rhys Davids, Genchi Kato and Alfred Caldecott.[16]

After the Congress, Dusé Mohamed Ali founded the African Times and Orient Review in London.[17] Volume 1 No 1 proclaimed that "the recent Universal Races Congress, convened in the Metropolis of the Anglo-Saxon world, clearly demonstrated that there was ample need for a Pan-Oriental, Pan-African journal in the seat of the British Empire."


  1. ^ "New Historic Perspectives of the First Universal Races Congress of 1911". Radical History Review (MARIO: The Radical Historians' Organization, Inc.) 2005 (92): 99–102. Spring 2005. doi:10.1215/01636545-2005-92-99. Retrieved 2010-04-25. 
  2. ^ a b Report of the Commissioner of Education made to the Secretary of the Interior for the year ..., with accompanying papers, Volume 1. United States, Bureau of Education. 1912. pp. 609–617, Chapter XXII; Report of the First Universal Races Congress, held at London, July 26–29, 1911 by Felix Adler, delegate representing the United States Bureau of Education. 
  3. ^ a b c Weatherly, Ulysses G. (1912). Small, Albion Woodbury; Faris, Ellsworth; Burgess, Ernest Watson. eds. The American journal of sociology, Vol 17; The First Universal Races Congress. University of Chicago Press. pp. 315–328. 
  4. ^ various (1911). Spiller, Gustov. ed. Papers on Inter-racial Problems Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress. London: in London, P.S. King & Son and Boston, The World's Peace Foundation. pp. 477. 
  5. ^ Armstrong, Samuel Chapman; Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute (Va.), (1912). The Southern Workman, Volume 40. Hampton Institute. pp. 549– 551. 
  6. ^ Haddon (1911), "The First Universal Races Congress", Science 34 (871): 304–306, 8 September 1911, doi:10.1126/science.34.871.304, PMID 17807463 
  7. ^ The Evolution of the D2- Statistic of Mahalanobis bySomesh Dasguta, published in Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 26(6) : 485–501, June 1995
  8. ^ Eastman, Charles; Michael Oren Fitzgerald (2007). The essential Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa): light on the Indian world. World Wisdom, Inc. pp. 202, 210. ISBN 9781933316338. 
  9. ^ MacDonald, Meg Meneghel (2007-2009). Garnet, Sarah J. Smith Tompkins (1831-1911). Washingtone Stat: Retrieved 12 March 2010. 
  10. ^ Jones, Ken (2 January 2008). "Pioneering Physician". British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 2010-04-25. 
  11. ^ Du Bois, W. E. B.; David L. Lewis (1995). W.E.B. Du Bois: a reader. Macmillan. pp. 44–47. ISBN 9780805032642. 
  12. ^ "Partial Speech by Du Bois", Anonymous. 1911. "The First Universal Race Congress in London, England." The American Missionary, v.45, n.9 (September): 323-324.
  13. ^ Garvey, Marcus; Robert A. Hill, Universal Negro Improvement Association (1983). The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers: 27 August 1919-31 August 1920. University of California Press. p. 320. ISBN 9780520050914. 
  14. ^ various (1911). "various". In Spiller, G.. Papers on Inter-racial Problems Communicated to the First Universal Races Congress. London: in London, P.S. King & Son and Boston, The World's Peace Foundation. pp. 477. Retrieved 2010-04-25. 
  15. ^ Immediately before `Abdu'l-Bahá's journeys to the West, the entire Star of the West vol 2 no 9, the main serial magazine covering the religion in the West at the time, was devoted to presentations by leading Bahá'ís at the Congress. various (August 20, 1911). Windust, Albert R; Buikema, Gertrude. eds. "various". Star of the West (Chicago, USA: Baha'i News Service) 02 (09): all. Retrieved 2010-04-15. 
  16. ^ Jordan, Louis Henry (2007) [1915]. Comparative Religion - Its Adjuncts and Allies. READ BOOKS. pp. 420–421. ISBN 9781406759778. 
  17. ^ "African and Colonial Journals: The African Times and Orient Review, 1912-1914, 1917-1918 and The African Colonizer, 1840-1841"

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