
Fireking is a power pop/rock band that hails from Boston, Massachusetts. Formed in the late 1990s, Fireking has released one album, entitled "Live a Little, Love a Little", which has generally received favorable reviews from critics. This CD was released on Fireking's own label, Blueberry Pie. Fireking regularly plays the Boston and Detroit IPO ( International Pop Overthrow ) festival as well as once playing the IPO event held in Liverpool, England at The Cavern Pub and The Cavern Club, where 'The Beatles first played.

Fireking band members are:
Anthony Kaczynski - guitar, vocals, keyboards, bass
Andrew Morrison - bass, vocals
Smitt E. Smitty - drums

Anthony and Smitty began playing together in the early 1980s in a band formed in Detroit called Figures on a Beach.

External links

Fireking homepage"