Fire clay

Fire clay is a term applied to a range of refractory clays used in the manufacture of ceramics, especially fire brick.

High grade fire clays can withstand temperatures of 1775°C (3227°F), but to be referred to as a "fire clay" the material must withstand a minimum temperature of 1515°C (2759°F).[1] Fire clays range from flint clays to plastic fire clays, but there are semi-flint and semi-plastic fire clays as well. Fire clays consist of natural argillaceous materials, mostly Kaolinite group clays, along with fine-grained micas and quartz, and may also contain organic matter and sulphur compounds.



It is resistant to high temperatures, having fusion points higher than 1,600°C, therefore it is suitable for lining furnaces, as fire brick, and manufacture of utensils used in the metalworking industries, such as crucibles, saggars, retorts and glassware. Because of its stability during firing in the kiln, it can be used to make complex items of pottery such as pipes and sanitary ware.

Chemical composition

Fire clay chemical compositions have a range of 23-34% Al2O3, 50-60% SiO2 and 9-12 Loss on ignition, the latter is mostly water released upon heating. Fire clays usually also contain Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, K2O, Na2O and TiO2.[1][2]


Unlike conventional brick-making clay, some fire clays (especially flint clays) are mined at depth, found as a seatearth, the underclay associated with coal measures.


  1. ^ a b "" Minerals Zone, World Mineral Exchange. Retrieved 2011-6-23.
  2. ^ "" Digitalfire Reference Database. Retrieved 2011-6-23.