FilmTecknarna is a Swedish animation studio formed by Jonas Odell, Lars Ohlson, Stig Bergkvist & Martti Ekstrand in 1981.
The studio started out producing their own independent films before moving into commercials and music videos. The studio has become known for an eclectic blend of animation and live action. FilmTecknarna today consists of three companies: FilmTecknarna Stockholm, focused on the production of tv-commercials and music videos. FilmTecknarna Inc. based in New York and focused on producing commercials,broadcast graphics and music videos for the U.S. market - and finally FilmTecknarna Fiction that devotes itself to the development and production of long-format productions, such as tv-series, short films and feature films. The commercial division today represents 13 directors working in a variety of styles and techniques. They are: Jonas Odell, Stig Bergqvist, Jonas Dahlbeck, Jessica Laurén, Johanna Andersson, Boris Nawratil, David Nord, Jory Hull, Lucas Zanotti, Jasmin Jodry and a new director soon to be made public...