FastWeb is a free online scholarship matching service and college search service founded by Internet pioneer Larry Organ[1] in 1995. The company was one of the first 100 commercial websites in the United States. FastWEB is an acronym for (F)inancial (A)id (S)earch (T)hrough the (WEB).
On July 12, 2001, Monster Worldwide, which also owns other well-known websites such as, and, announced that it had acquired FastWeb in its furthering campaign in reaching into higher education oriented sites.[2]
On May 2, 2006, Monster Worldwide, announced that it had acquired PWP, LLC,[3] which managed a network of education directory websites, including, and hundreds of others.[4] This acquisition was folded into the educational directories initiative at its FastWeb subsidiary, and became the larger part of the Monster Learning Network.
Fastweb was sold to Monster Worldwide by CEO Leon Heller who is currently the CEO of the college search site which he co-founded with Mike Moyer[5]