Faculty of Engineering, AUTH

Faculty of Engineering, AUTH
Thessaloniki, Greece
Established 1955
Dean Nikolaos Margaris
Staff 650
Number of students app. 8000
Campus 55,000 m²

The Faculty of Engineering is one of the 12 Faculties of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. It is divided in 8 Departments.

Main purpose of the Faculty is to educate Engineers, ready to work. Also, another important purpose of Faculty is research. This research is taking place in each Department, from almost every Professor and its target is to help the society, and promote the scientific knowledge.



During the establishment of the first Hellenic Republic, while Alexandros Papanastasiou was the Prime Minister of Greece, Thessaloniki became the chair of the second university in Greece. The establishment of the University of Thessaloniki, as it was called, was made in accordance with the Law 3341/1925. Almost 30 years later the Engineering Faculty (1955) was established by the creation of the Department of Civil Engineering. Within only a few years the Faculty has grown further through the creation of the rest of the Departments:

During the 50 years of the existence of the Faculty, it has took a very active part in all of the challenges the educational community has been faced with. It has contributed to education and research, proposing advanced solutions to the problems of education. Through its participation in many cultural festivals, development programs of great scale, and implementing major projects in Northern Greece as well as democratization and reform, was instrumental in the cultural life and development of the country, organizing or participating in many cultural festivals, development programs and implemented major projects in Northern Greece. Furthermore, all based on race democratical experiences and traditions of the University of Thessaloniki, offering significantly in the race for the democratic process in the country.


8,000 students are attending the 8 Departments of the Faculty. The Teaching and Research Staff of the Faculty is about 370 people (Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers). Also the work of the Professors Assists about 100 Research Associates. Finally, another 190 people, work as administrators.


The infrastructures of the Faculty are located in the South-West part of the Campus of A.U.TH. The Building covers an area about 55,000 km2. 15% of this area is Education Rooms, and another 30% covers the Laboratories.


Each Department of the Faculty has its own Library, which is connected with the Libraries System of A.U.TH. This Libraries contains about 60,000 book titles, and hundreds of scientific magazines and articles. Also, the students have access in all diplomatic and doctoral theses that have made by previous students.

Computer Infrastructures

Each Department also has its own computer infrastructures. These infrastructures consists of Computer Islets, Wireless Internet Connection, and the Server VERGINA. In the islets each student can use all the programs that are needed for his Works. The Faculty also provides students with Wireless Connection as a big part of its Infrastructures, and web services through its server, VERGINA.


The 8 Departments, provides, undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Specifically, the undergraduate studies last 5 years (9 semesters plus one semester for the writing thesis) and after the end of the studies confer a Master Degree. The Faculty gives students the opportunity to get a PhD, through 6 departmental and 6 inter-departmental programs. Finally the Engineering Faculty participates in lots of Practical Training programs, in Greece and abroad.


The Faculty created a remarkable and powerful network of research outputs in order to develop and to make widely known the academic institutions, and also to serve students and teachers with immediate access to research centers. The theme of all research topics vary and cover various aspects of everyday life. All these will be very useful for an engineer at the beginning of his career. Activities of this research are done in cooperation with other Greek Universities and Engineer Faculties, but also with other Universities and Engineer Facultys, all over the world through various networks.


A variety of special editions and publications of the Polytechnic Faculty are considered as important guidelines and are available for those who are interested in getting into Faculty's history.

The editorial material of the Faculty covers news of the University, research activities of the Faculty, various events that took place at times cultural interests and arts which are directly related to students' needs.

The Faculty's premium Edition is the issue of journal Polymhxano, which is an essential attempt for scholars to expound their views to the public. The magazine's issue and most of the different publications, were set up with the contribution of members of the Polytechnic community (teachers and students as well).

The printed material is available on line in pdf format, and in many cases is accompanied with audio-visual material.

External links