
explodingdog is the name of an internet web site run by Sam Brown, pseudonym of Adam Culbert. Viewers of the site e-mail Brown short phrases for inspiration and he picks certain ones to illustrate. The drawings are usually drawn on computer and are known for their simplistic style, and their poignant and sometimes unexpected take on the phrases on which they are based.



explodingdog was started in 2000.

Sam Brown has published limited-run print books of his explodingdog illustrations. He also sells merchandise with explodingdog illustrations and prints of the daily drawings to help offset costs.


Like many artists, Sam Brown uses many recurring themes and visual in his explodingdog work.

A short list of visual themes:

A short list of recurring themes:


Over the years there have been a number of different artistic projects inspired by explodingdog. These sites usually utilize the same "submitted by random people, and selected for inspiration" concept that explodingdog pioneered.


Music sites

External links

In the news