Exhibition drill

Exhibition drill is a modified routine that involves complex marching sequences that usually deviate from standard drill. Teams performing exhibition drill are often affiliated with military units, but the scope of exhibition drill is not limited to the Military Drill Teams. Exhibition drill is often performed by Armed Forces Drill Teams, the drill teams at service academies and ROTC and JROTC units, and civilian drill teams that perform at parades, drill meets, and half-time shows and other public venues.



In an unarmed division, exhibition drill may consist of intricate precision marching, along with various hand movements. Modified step team routines may be used, but participants should remember that often during competition, exhibition drill is evaluated by military judges.

A Brief History of Rifle Exhibition Drill

The first documented performance of exhibition drill (XD) was performed by Hadji Cheriff at what is believed to be the Midway Plaisance of the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. The film was later copyrighted by Thomas Edison in 1899, entitled "The Arabian Gun Twirler."

The performance, though quite absurd to today's standards, demonstrates without a doubt, rudimentary aerial (two 1½s over-hand thrown from the firing hammer) and over the shoulder techniques with a rather remarkable display of over-the-head drill (OTH), and ends right after an under the leg inverted spin.

What else is remarkable about this performance is the choice of weapon. Though it can not be absolutely determined, one can make a good case by viewing the below listed video stills that it was a .577 caliber, triple band, 1853 Enfield Musket: This weapon is 56" long and weighs about 9.5 pounds, which is 13" longer and slightly heavier than, if not as much as, drill weapons used today .

Exhibition drill in competition

Exhibition drill is one of many different drill phases that are a part of a Drill Meet. Other phases include Inspection, Color Guard and Regulation Drill.

Exhibition military drill has grown in popularity in the past two decades at an exponential rate. This growth can be attributed to several primary factors. These include:

1) The expansion of Junior ROTC programs through the four primary service branches that occurred in the early and mid 1980's took the total number of units from roughly 1,600 to well over 2,500 nationally. This provided more and more cadets the opportunity to be a part of these exhibition drill teams.

2) The work of Sports Network International] through producing military drill & ceremony competitions on a scale that had never been seen previously.

3) From these numerous competitions, SNI produced magazines and websites to feature this activity. But more importantly, SNI produced training/entertainment videos devoted exclusively to featuring many of the finest military exhibition drill teams in the country. These videos allowed the talent and creativity involved in exhibition drill at the highest levels to travel and expand at an unbelievable rate, thereby promoting the sport and bringing the entire level of excellence up to a new level that continues to grow today.

General Rules and guidelines

Rules of exhibition drill during competitions vary, but most of them apply the following guidelines:

Time – There is usually a minimum and maximum time a routine may take. Points are deducted if a team is under or over time.

Boundaries – Teams should be aware of their boundary lines, and if necessary, alter their routines as to not cross the boundary lines. Points are deducted if a person crosses a boundary line.

Some high-school level competitions will also prevent cadets who are participating in armed drill events from performing more dangerous 'over the head' spins, or raising cadets off the floor, in the interest of safety.

High School Drill Teams

Some high school drill teams compete at the national level at the National High School Drill Team Championships in Daytona Beach, Florida and generally use demilitarized Springfield M1903s, M1 Garands, M-14 rifles and Daisy Drill Rifles. Certain teams at the NHSDTC ( National High School Drill Team Championships) receive high placings and end up being well known on a national level such as The Marching Rifles from Griffin High School. The Bears from Winter Springs High School, The San Juan Guard from Theodore Roosevelt High School, the Sea Devils from Flour Bluff High School, Patriot Guard from Francis Lewis High School, Mighty Blue Guard from Douglas MacArthur High School, The Black Watch Drill Team from Winston Churchill High School and the Rattler Guard from Ronald Reagan High School. The majority of the most decorated and well-known drill teams come from the state of Texas with the exception of a few including Patriot Guard.

College ROTC Drill Teams

College Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) drill teams normally train and compete in two types of drill events; Regulation/Close Order and Exhibition (Trick or Fancy) Drill. Regulation Drill is conducted in accordance with Field Manual 22-5 (now FM 3-21.5) Drill and Ceremonies. Exhibition Drill is more free form and often more elaborate that Regulation Drill. Exhibition Drill teams are also more colorful in uniform and weaponry.

Pershing Rifles, founded in 1894 is the oldest continuously operating college organization dedicated to military drill. The original drill team created by John J. Pershing, had a simple goal: to serve as an example for the cadets at the University of Nebraska, who were sorely lacking in esprit de corps, motivation, and basic military skills. For its first three years, the group (then called “Company A”) did just that: its members became experts at unarmed, armed, and exhibition drill, and were soon the pride of the University. By 1894, when Pershing announced his departure from the University, they had morphed from a simple drill team into a fraternal organization; in his honor, they renamed the group as the “Pershing Rifles”.

As the unit grew, their reputation followed: by the early 1900s, membership was considered a high military honor. Other schools soon applied for affiliation with the Pershing Rifles, and by the middle of the 20th century this now national organization comprised nearly 200 units representing all of the services stationed at ROTC detachments around the country. Through their phenomenal growth, however, the Pershing Rifles were careful to stay true to their basic purpose: to develop the traits of leadership and discipline among their members through drill competition.

The success of Pershing Rifles leadership development program, would not be possible without the organization’s focus on close-order and exhibition rifle drill. Excellence in drill, whether armed or unarmed, is a function of discipline and dedication; these traits are put to work on a regular basis by Pershing Rifles units. A typical unit performs as a color guard, exhibition drill team, honor guard, funeral detail, or any other ceremonial unit requested; these services are usually at the request of the local ROTC detachment or school, but are sometimes requested by alumni, local governments, or active duty military units. Through all of these activities, in addition to the skills gained by the performers, positive publicity is also received by the unit’s host school, host ROTC detachment, and ultimately the military in general. Pershing Rifles hosts a National Drill Competition each spring which attracts some of the finest college level drill teams in the nation.

Triphian Guard, founded in 1959 as an Army ROTC Drill Team of Seton Hall University as a chartered and approved student organization. Cadets from the existing Pershing Rifles Company K-8 formed the Triphibian Guard. The name Triphibian was chosen because it represented Land, Sea and Air Forces. Once established, the Triphibian Guard quickly grew in stature and respect at the University. It became the Official Honor Guard of the University President. Members wore a distinctive Patch and Fourragere (gold and black cord) on the left shoulder of their uniform. The distinctive patch was triangular in shape. It was the Army colors of black and gold and depicted an African male lion with a gold crown on the forehead. The unit disbanded in the late 1970s due to lack of student interest at the end of the hostilities in Viet Nam.

Billy Mitchell Drill Team (BMDT), founded in 1951 as the Air Force ROTC Drill Team of the University of Florida is a premier drill, ceremony and color guard team. It is now open to all students of the University of Florida but wears the USAF uniform. With a history spanning five decades, BMDT's rich heritage and dedication to discipline and excellence help to produce the nation's best Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corp Officers.

Civilian Drill Teams

King's Village Guard of Hawaii, more commonly known as the King's Guard. They were founded in the 1960s and perform weekly shows in Hawaii. They have also performed several times at The National High School Drill Team Championships in Daytona, Florida. They use a modified Springfield M1903 rifle.

New Guard America, founded in 1997 by Constantine H. Wilson. New Guard America is the world's only internationally touring Civilian Drill team. They use Springfield M1903 rifles with fixed 10-inch (250 mm) bayonets. They are based out of the Washington DC metropolitan area. They perform mainly in four man blocks. In June 2008 they performed at the Norwegian Military Tattoo[1] in Oslo, Norway, making them the first Civilian Drill Team to ever perform at an international tattoo.

Hawaii Royal Honor Guard, formerly the Hilton Hawaiian Village Guards, were established in 1989 by Commander Adam Marumoto and is currently under the direction of Executive Officer Christopher Koanui was originally intended to perform for the Hilton Hawaiian Villages events and shows on the property as well as off. As of 2009 the Hilton Hawaiian Village Guards adopted their new title as the Hawaii Royal Honor Guard and now perform at private events for various clients. The HRHG'S members have numerous championship titles which range from the national championships and the Isis world championships since 1989 till now. The HRHG currently perform private shows at the Historic Royal Hawaiian Hotel and when not performing they contribute in Hawaii's tradition of training youth and young adults in the art of just one of Hawaii's unique styles of exhibition drill.

Outside the United States

In the United Kingdom, probably the best-known exhibition drill unit is the Queen's Colour Squadron of the RAF Regiment, the ceremonial as well as an active duty unit of the Royal Air Force, which holds the world record for the most drill movements performed without a word of command. British drill displays very rarely include the fast manipulation and throwing of weapons that is common within the United States. This is because most British drill organizations only carry out standard drill movements, as opposed to inventing specific display movements that are only of use for exhibition purposes; they also use newer, standard issue, weapons that have a mounted magazine, thus making aforementioned manipulation and throwing of weapons impractical and dangerous.

The Norwegian Army has a silent drill platoon in the Kings Guard, performing in foreign tattoos like Edinburgh and Halifax.[2]

See also


  1. ^ http://www.normiltatto.no/
  2. ^ http://www.mil.no/haren/hmkg/start/garden_english/

<3. U.S.Army Field Manual, FM 22-5, Drill and Ceremonies, Department of the Army (1967)./>

<4. ^ Lockhart, Paul Douglas. The drillmaster of Valley Forge: The Baron de Steuben and the making of the American Army. HarperCollins, New York 2008. ISBN 0-06-145163-0/ >

<5. The Encyclopedia Of Military History: From 3500 B.C. To The Present. (2nd Revised Edition 1986), R. Ernest Dupuy, and Trevor N. Dupuy.>

<6. The Triphibian Guard Honor Guard and Drill Team, Courtesy of Msgr. William Noé Field Archives and Special Collections Center, Seton Hall University, S. Orange, New Jersey, February 2010 and ^ Delozier, Alan, et al. "History of Seton Hall". Walsh Library Archives.

<7. U.S Army ROTC, authorized by, National Defense Act (Text) from Emergency Legislation Passed Prior to December, 1917. United States Dept. of Justice, Joshua Reuben Clark. Published by Govt. Print. Off., 1918

<8. The National Defense Act of 1916, as amended, referred to in subsec. (d), is act June 3, 1916, ch. 134, 39 Stat. 166, as amended, which was classified generally throughout former Title 10, Army and Air Force. The Act was repealed by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, § 53, 70A Stat. 641, and the provisions thereof were reenacted as parts of Title 10, Armed Forces, United States Code.

<9.^Advocates for ROTC". Advocates for ROTC. advocatesforrotc.org. 2006. http://www.advocatesforrotc.org. Retrieved 2006-11-23.

<10. ^ "AR 145-1 (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)". Army Regulation. United States Army. 1996. http://www.army.mil/usapa/epubs/pdf/r145_1.pdf. Retrieved 2006-11-16.

<11. ^ "10 USC 2111a". United States Code. Legal Information Institute. http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode10/usc_sec_10_00002111---a000-.html. Retrieved 2006-11-16.

<12. Triphibian Guard ("Tri Phi's") at Seton Hall University, 1959–1979, http://triphibianguard.blogspot.com/2010/02/triphibian-guard-seton-hall-university.html

External links