The Most Excellent

The Most Excellent (Spanish: Excelentísimo Señor (male) or Excelentísima Señora (female); abbreviated as Excmo. Sr. or Excma. Sra.) is an honorific prefix that is traditionally applied to certain people in Spain and certain Spanish-speaking countries. The honorific is mainly used in written documents and its retention after the holder leaves office, is left for the most important positions of the state.

The prefix is similar in meaning to that of His/Her Excellency, but in the 19th century it began to replace it. The use of the prefix Excellency was re-introduced in Spain during the Franco-regime by General Francisco Franco himself, who was formally styled as Su Excelencia el Jefe del Estado (His Excellency The Head of State), although his ministers and senior government officials continued using the prefix The Most Excellent. After the Spanish Constitution of 1978, the legal style is The Most Excellent, and Excellency is no longer used due to its Francoist connotations.



Household of His Majesty the King

Executive Power

Central Government
Autonomous communities

Legislative Power

Constitutional Court and Judiciary

Local Authorities

Other Institutions



Recipients of civilian decorations, awards and orders

Royalty & nobility



  1. ^ With the exception of the Catalan-speaking communities which use Molt Honorable Senyor(a) (Spanish: Muy Honorable Señor(a)).