European Federation for Primatology

The European Federation for Primatology (EFP) was founded on December 17, 1993. The seat of the Federation is Niederhausbergen (France).

The EFP brings together national primatological societies, as well as groups of primatologists in those countries of Europe where not yet be founded such societies.

The EFP people, membership belonging to societies or groups affiliated to Federation, involved in fundamental research, applied biomedical research and zoo management. This accounts for more than 1100 scientists, graduate students and zoo managers. More than 30 academic institutions are represented in the EFP through membership. The primates colonies which belong to these institutions account for about 2000 non-human primates.



The purpose of the Federation is:

The aims of all affiliated societies or groups are identical to those of the International Primatological Society, IPS:

Protection of captive primates, this means the improvement of its well-being, is one of the most important activities in EFP. Therefore EFP to promote the dialogue with all people involved in primatology and studies providing scientific evidence on primate welfare issues.

Affiliated national groups and societies

Foreign relationships

The EFP is member of IPS. The Secretary is nominated to the President of the IPS for appointment as the Regional Secretary for Europe of the la IPS.


Folia Primatologica, Basel (Swiss), is the Federation official publication.


The 'Asociación Primatológica Española' (APE) organise the first scientific meeting of EFP: European Workshop on Primate Research, Madrid (Spain), October 16–19, 1996, linked to own I APE Congress. After meeting, according to success of local Organisation presided by Fernando Colmenares Gil, is approved that the next EFP congresses shall be held linked similarly to other national ones.

So the first EFP Congress took place with the IX German society Congress, Göttingen (Germany), August 9–12, 2005, was organising the 'Gesellschaft für Primatologie'.

External links