
Eurasianism (Russian: Евразийство, Evraziistvo) is a political movement within the primarily Russian emigre community.


Early 20th century

Eurasianists was a political movement in the Russian emigre community in the 1920s. The movement posited that Russian civilization does not belong in the "European" category (somewhat borrowing from Slavophile ideas of Konstantin Leontyev), and that the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks was a necessary reaction to the rapid modernization of Russian society. The Evraziitsi believed that the Soviet regime was capable of evolving into a new national, non-European Orthodox Christian government, shedding off the initial mask of proletarian internationalism and militant atheism (which the Evraziitsi were totally opposed to).

The Evraziitsi criticised the anti-Bolshevik activities of organizations such as ROVS, believing that the emigre community's energies would be better focused on preparing for this hoped for process of evolution. In turn, their opponents among the emigres argued that the Evraziitsi were calling for a compromise with and even support of the Soviet regime, while justifying its ruthless policies (such as the persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church) as mere "transitory problems" that were inevitable results of the revolutionary process.

The key leaders of the Evraziitsi were Prince Nikolai Trubetzkoy, P.N. Savitsky, P.P. Suvchinskiy, D.S. Mirsky, K. Čcheidze, P. Arapov, and S. Efron. Philosopher Georges Florovsky was initially a supporter, but backed out of the organization claiming it "raises the right questions", but "poses the wrong answers". A significant influence of the doctrine of the Evraziitsi can be found in Nikolai Berdyaev's essay "The Sources and Meaning of Russian Communism".

Several organizations similar in spirit to the Evraziitsi sprung up in the emigre community at around the same time, such as the pro-Monarchist Mladorossi and the Smenovekhovtsi.

Several members of the Evraziitsi were affected by the Soviet provocational TREST operation, which had set up a fake meeting of Evraziitsi in Russia that was attended by the Evraziitsi leader P.N. Savitsky in 1926 (an earlier series of trips were also made two years earlier by Evraziitsi member P. Arapov). The uncovering of the TREST as a Soviet provocation caused a serious morale blow to the Evraziitsi and discredited their public image. By 1929, the Evraziitsi had ceased publishing their periodical and had faded quickly from the Russian emigre community.

The ideology of the movement was partially incorporated into a new movement of the same name after the fall of the Soviet Union, when the Eurasia Party was founded by Alexander Dugin.


Neo-Eurasianism (Russian: неоевразийство) is a Russian school of thought, popularized in Russia during the years leading up to and following the collapse of the Soviet Union, that considers Russia to be culturally closer to Asia than to Western Europe.

The school takes its insipiration from the Eurasianists of the 1920s, notably Prince N.S. Troubetskoi and P.N. Savitsky. Lev Gumilev is often cited as the founder of the Neo-Eurasianist movement, and he was quoted as saying that "I am the last of the Eurasianists."[1]

At the same time, major differences have been noted between Gumilev's work and those of the original Eurasianists.[1] Gumilev's work is controversial for its scientific methodology (the use of his own conception of ethnogenesis and the notion of "passionarity"). At any rate, Gumilev's work has been a source of inspiration for the Neo-Eurasianist authors, the most prolific of whom is Aleksandr Dugin.

Gumilev's contribution to Neo-Eurasianism lies in the conclusions he reaches from applying his theory of ethnogenesis: that the Mongol occupation of 1240 - 1480 AD (known as the "Mongol yoke") had shielded the emergent Russian ethnos from the aggressive neighbor to the West, allowing it to gain time to achieve maturity. The idea of Eurasianism contrasts with Konstantin Leontyev's Byzantism, which is similar in its rejection of the West, but identifies with the Byzantine Empire rather than with Central Asian tribal culture.

Greater Russia

The movement is sometimes called the Greater Russia and is described as a political aspiration of pan-Russian nationalists and irredentists to retake some or all of the territories of the other republics of the former Soviet Union and territory of the former Russian Empire and amalgamate them into a single Russian state. Some have seen the Soviet Union as effectively being a Greater Russia due to the dominance of Russian political interests in the state. The idea of a Greater Russia has important relevance in modern-day Russian politics, as expanding the Russian state to include Belarus is an important topic in Russian political affairs, as well as the political aspirations of Russian nationalists especially in Moldova and Ukraine to have their people reintegrated with Russia.[2] Before war broke out between Russia and Georgia in 2008, Alexander Dugin visited South Ossetia and predicted, "Our troops will occupy the Georgian capital Tbilisi, the entire country, and perhaps even Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula, which is historically part of Russia, anyway." [3] Ossetian president Eduard Kokoity is a Eurasianist and argues that South Ossetia never left the Russian Empire and should be part of Russia.[4]

Outside Russia

Since the late 1990s Eurasianism has gained some following in Turkey among nationalist (ulusalcı) circles. The most prominent figure who is associated with Dugin is Doğu Perinçek, the leader of the Workers' Party.[5] Some analysts of modern Turkish politics have suggested that the ultra-nationalist and secular elite that are also affiliated with the members of the Turkish military, who have come under close scrutiny with the Ergenekon coup case, have close ideological and political ties to the Eurasianists. [6]

See also


  1. ^ a b Laruelle, Marlène "Histoire d'une usurpation intellectuelle: Gumilev, 'le dernier des eurasistes'? (analyse des oppositions entre L.N. Gumilev et P.N. Savickij" in Sergei Panarin (ed.) Eurasia: People & Myths, Moscow, Natalis Press, 1993 (Russian lang.)
  2. ^ Pirchner, Herman (2005). Reviving Greater Russia?: The Future of Russia's Borders with Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine. University Press of America. ISBN 0761832009. 
  3. ^ Road to War in Georgia: The Chronicle of a Caucasian Tragedy, Spiegel, August 25, 2008.
  4. ^ Neo-Eurasianist Alexander Dugin on the Russia-Georgia Conflict, CACI Analyst, September 3, 2008.
  5. ^ Mehmet Ulusoy: “Rusya, Dugin ve‚ Türkiye’nin Avrasyacılık stratejisi” Aydınlık Dec. 5 2004, pp. 10-16
  6. ^ [1] Emre Uslu: Turkish military: a source of anti-Americanism in Turkey. Today's Zaman, July 31, 2011.