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Enheduanna (Akkadian: 𒂗𒃶𒁺𒀭𒈾; 2285-2250 BCE),[1] also transliterated as Enheduana, En-hedu-ana or EnHeduAnna[2] ("en" means High Priestess, and "hedu" means adornment, so this name translates to "high priestess adornment of the god, An"[3][4]), was an Akkadian princess as well as High Priestess of the Moon god Nanna (Sin)[5] in the Sumerian city-state of Ur. She was the first known holder of the title "En Priestess", a role of great political importance that was often held by royal daughters.[6] Enheduanna was an aunt of Akkadian king Narām-Sîn, and she was one of the earliest women in history whose name is known.

Regarded by literary and historical scholars as possibly the earliest known author and poet of either gender, Enheduanna served as the High Priestess during the third millennium BCE.[1] She was appointed to the role by her father, King Sargon of Akkad. Her mother was Queen Tashlultum.[7][8] Enheduanna has left behind a corpus of literary works definitively ascribed to her that include many personal devotions to the goddess Inanna and a collection of hymns known as the "Sumerian Temple Hymns" that are regarded as one of the first attempts at a systematic theology. In addition, scholars such as Hallo and Van Dijk suggest that certain texts that have not been ascribed to her may also be her works.[9]

Enheduanna was appointed to the role of High Priestess in a move considered to be a shrewd political move by Sargon to help cement power in the Sumerian south, in which the City of Ur was located.[10]

She continued to hold office during the reign of Rimush, her brother. It was during the reign of Rimush that she was involved in some form of political turmoil and expelled from the role and eventually reinstated. This is detailed in her composition 'The Exaltation of Inanna' or ‘nin me sar2-ra’[11] details her expulsion from Ur and eventual reinstatement (Franke 1995: 835). This correlates with 'The Curse of Akkade'[12] in which Naram-Sin, under whom Enheduanna may have also served, is cursed and cast out by Enlil. After her death Enheduanna continued to be remembered as an important figure, perhaps even attaining semi-divine status.[13]


Archaeological and textual evidence

Enheduanna is well-known from archaeological and textual sources. Two seals bearing her name, belonging to her servants and dating to the Sargonic period, have been excavated at the Royal Cemetery at Ur.[14][15] In addition an Alabaster disc bearing her name and likeness was excavated in the Gipar at Ur, which was the main residence of the En Priestess. The statue was found in the Isin-Larsa (c. 2000-1800 BCE) levels of the Giparu alongside a statue of the En Priestess Enannatumma.[16]

Copies of Enheduanna’s work, many dating to hundreds of years after her death, were made and kept in Nippur, Ur and possibly Lagash alongside Royal inscriptions which indicates that they were of high value, perhaps equal to the inscriptions of Kings (Westenholz 1989:540).

Her literary work

Enheduanna composed 42 hymns addressed to temples across Sumer and Akkad including Eridu, Sippar and Esnunna.[17] The texts are reconstructed from 37 tablets tablets from Ur and Nippur, most of which date to the Ur III and Old Babylonian periods (Sjöberg and Bergman 1969:6-7). This collection is known generally as 'The Sumerian Temple Hymns'. The temple hymns were the first collection of their kind, in them Enheduanna states: “My king, something has been created that no one has created before.”[18] The copying of the hymns indicates the temple hymns were in use long after Enheduanna's death and were held in high esteem.

Her other famous work is 'The Exaltation of Inanna'[19] or 'Nin-Me-Sar-Ra' which is a personal devotion to the goddess Inanna and also details Enheduanna's expulsion from Ur.

Enheduanna's authorship raises the issue of female literacy in ancient Mesopotamia; in addition to Enheduanna royal wives are known to have commissioned or perhaps composed poetry[20] and the goddess Nindaba acted as a scribe: As Leick notes "to some extent the descriptive epithets of Mesopotamian goddesses reveal the cultural perception of women and their role in ancient society".[21]

List of Enheduanna's compositions

The majority of Enheduanna's work is available in translation at the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature.

Westenholz edited another fragmentary hymn dedicated to En-hedu-ana, apparently by an anonymous composer, indicating her apotheosis, becoming a deity following her death.

In modern culture

Minnesota author Cass Dalglish has published a contemporary poetic adaptation of Nin-me-sar-ra.[22] Jungian analyst Betty De Shong Meador has translated works by Enheduanna and written two books on the subject, Inanna: Lady of Largest Heart[23] and Princess, priestess, poet: the Sumerian temple hymns of Enheduanna.[24]

See also

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  1. ^ a b Binkley, Roberta (1998). "Biography of Enheduanna, Priestess of Inanna". University of Pennsylvania Museum. http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/Enheduanna.html. 
  2. ^ "En HeduAnna (EnHedu'Anna) philosopher of Iraq - 2354 BCE". Women-philosophers dot com. http://www.women-philosophers.com/EnHeduAnna.html. 
  3. ^ "The En-hedu-Ana Research Pages". http://www.angelfire.com/mi/enheduanna/. 
  4. ^ With reference to Nanna, the Moon God, the title "heduana" is a poetic epithet denoting the beauty of the Moon in the sky. Hedu means "adornment", and Ana means "of the sky and earth".
  5. ^ Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green (1992, ISBN 0-292-70794-0), p. 134 (entry "Nanna-Suen").
  6. ^ J Renger 1967: "Untersuchungen zum Priestertum in der altbabylonischen Zeit", Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie. Vol. 58. p. 118.
  7. ^ Elisabeth Meier Tetlow (2004). Women, Crime, and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society: The ancient Near East. Continuum International Publishing Group. ISBN 9780826416285. http://books.google.com/books?id=ONkJ_Rj1SS8C&pg=PA245&dq=Tashlultum#v=onepage&q=Tashlultum&f=false. Retrieved 29 July 2011. 
  8. ^ Michael Roaf (1992). Mesopotamia and the ancient Near East. Stonehenge Press. ISBN 9780867066814. http://books.google.com/books?id=SapVAAAAYAAJ&q=Tashlultum&dq=Tashlultum. Retrieved 29 July 2011. 
  9. ^ Hallo, William W. and Van Dijk, J.J.A. (1968). The Exaltation of Inanna. Yale University Press. p. 3.
  10. ^ Franke, Franke, S. Kings of Akkad: Sargon and Naram-Sin" in Sasson, Jack, M. "Civilizations of the Ancient Near East". Scribener, New York, 1995, p. 831
  11. ^ ETCSL translation: t.4.07.2
  12. ^ ETCSL translation: t.2.1.5
  13. ^ Hallo, William W. and Van Dijk, J.J.A. The Exaltation of Inanna, Yale University Press, 1968 p. 5
  14. ^ Gadd, C. J. et al Ur Excavations Texts I - Royal Inscriptions" Trustees of the British Museum and of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, London, 1928
  15. ^ Woolley, Leonard. Ur Excavations II: The royal cemetery: a report on the pre-dynastic and Sargonid graves excavated between 1926 and 1931". For the Trustees of the two Museums by the Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1934 p.312, 334-335 & 358.
  16. ^ Weadock, P. 1975 'The Giparu at Ur.' Iraq 37(2): 101-128.
  17. ^ Sjoberg, A. W. and Bergman, S.J 1969 'The Collection of Sumerian Temple Hymns' J.J Augustin Publisher, New York p.5
  18. ^ (ETCSL translation: t.4.80.1, line 543-544 )
  19. ^ Hallo, William W. and Van Dijk, J.J.A. The Exaltation of Inanna, Yale University Press, 1968
  20. ^ Leick, Gwendolyn. "Sex and Eroticism in Mesopotamian Literature" Routledge, London, 1994 pp. 112 & 116
  21. ^ Leick, Gwendolyn. "Sex and Eroticism in Mesopotamian Literature" Routledge, London, 1994 p. 65
  22. ^ Dalglish, 2008
  23. ^ De Shong Meador, 2001
  24. ^ De Shong Meador, 2009


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