Tom Clancy's EndWar

Tom Clancy's EndWar

Multiplatform cover art
Developer(s) Ubisoft Shanghai
Publisher(s) Ubisoft
Designer(s) Michael de Plater
Composer(s) Alistair Hirst
Matt Ragan[1]
Engine Unreal Engine 3.1
Version 1.02 (May 12, 2009) (PC)
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS, Xbox 360[2]
Release date(s) Console and handheld:
Microsoft Windows:
February 24, 2009 [4]
Genre(s) Real-time tactics
(turn-based for handhelds)
Mode(s) Single-player, multiplayer
Media/distribution Blu-ray Disc, DVD, UMD

Tom Clancy's EndWar is a real-time tactics game designed by Ubisoft Shanghai for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows platforms. The Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable versions feature turn-based tactics instead of the real-time tactics of their console counterparts.[7] It was released on November 4, 2008 in the United States, November 6, 2008 in Canada, and November 8, 2008 in Europe.[3] A Windows version was released on February 24, 2009.[8]




In 2016, a nuclear attack occurs in Saudi Arabia, killing six million people and crippling the supply of oil from the Middle East, plunging the world into an unprecedented energy crisis. The following year, the United States of America and the European Union sign the historic SLAMS (Space-Land-Air Missile Shield) Treaty, agreeing to co-develop technologies for a comprehensive, interlocking anti-ballistic missile system. The U.S. and EU test-launch nuclear salvos against each other, which the SLAMS weapons completely destroy. Emboldened by the success of the tests, the United States and the European Union pronounce "the end of strategic nuclear war," and the world celebrates a new age of peace.

With the price of crude oil at USD 800 a barrel, the EU member states are forced to consolidate political, economic, and military power to form a united European superstate, the European Federation, which has a greater population and GDP than the United States. The United Kingdom and Ireland decide not to join the new state, however, and instead form their own union known as the "New Commonwealth". Nations too weak to join the European Federation, notably those in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, collapse completely and were subsequently taken over by Russia, who refer to it as "their land."[9] The U.S. and the EF regard each other's power as a threat to their own, and the now fractured former allies embark on a costly space arms race with each other.

Russia, being the world's new number one supplier of natural gas and crude oil, has its economy skyrocket up with the energy crisis, spending its oil profits on modernizing its armed forces, creating its own missile defense system, and utilizing its new-found power to influence world events.

The militarization of space reaches its peak in 2020, when the United States reveals plans to launch the Freedom Star space station in an effort to regain its position as the premier world superpower. While partly designed for civilian research purposes, the station will also house three companies of U.S. Marines, who can deploy anywhere on Earth within 90 minutes. International reaction is extremely negative, to say the least. The EF and Russia in particular despise the development, seeing it as a way the U.S. could use to neutralize their portion of anti-ballistic defenses and upset the balance of power. The EF withdraws from the already divided NATO in protest, causing the organisation to collapse. Former NATO bases and facilities in Europe are subsequently taken over by the EF.

Prelude to war

The prelude to war takes place before the Third World War and explains how the conflict began.

On March 23, 2020, European Federation (EF) uplink sites in the "lawless zone," where Croatia used to be, are attacked by an as-yet unidentified group of terrorists, who are using T-80 tanks, from a beached cargo ship. They are repulsed by EF Enforcers Corps (EFEC) forces. During the battle, the EF attempts to gain access to the cargo ship that the terrorists use but the ship is destroyed before they can gain access. Details of the attack are kept secret.

On April 4, 2020, when the final module of the Freedom Star is set to launch from Kennedy Space Center amid international outcry, the same group of terrorists attack the module and attempt to destroy it, using the same methods as the Croatian attack. Once again they are repulsed, this time by the United States Joint Strike Force (JSF) as reports of yet another terrorist attack come in, this time of an assault on the Rozenburg petrol plant in the Netherlands. After being defeated by EFEC forces, the terrorists identify themselves as the "Forgotten Army" composed of people from a collection of failed states in the Balkans, Africa and South America.

Following a final terrorist attack, this time on a Russian power plant near Minsk (an attack which the Russians were aware of beforehand but played along with for aesthetic purposes), the US finds "conclusive evidence" that the European Federation's defense minister, François Pulain, funded the Forgotten Army with modern military equipment. Suspecting there to be a conspiracy within the European government to prevent the completion of the Freedom Star, The Americans send a black-ops team to abduct Pulain while he inspects the uplink network in Copenhagen, the site of the EF's main naval base. They manage to capture him but an anonymous call by Russia informs Danish police, allowing EFEC forces to prevent extraction and trap the team in one of the uplinks. On April 7, 2020, the US crashes Copenhagen's uplinks and sends in JSF units to rescue the trapped team. The US successfully repels the EFEC's first attack, but European forces are able to counter-attack and reboot Copenhagen's uplinks in their favor. The JSF forces are forced to surrender and are allowed safe passage back to the U.S. in exchange for releasing Pulain.

The events in Copenhagen spark a major international incident but the U.S. and EF stop just short of declaring war. As last-minute peace talks are arranged to be held on neutral ground in London, it is revealed (to the player only) that Russia funded the Forgotten Army's attacks and planted the evidence against Pulain, citing the need to keep the EF and the U.S. from uniting in order to take Russia's oil. To ensure that war is sparked between the two powers, elements of the Spetsnaz Guard Brigade (SGB) embark on a covert operation, disguised as Forgotten Army soldiers, to upload a virus into the European SLAMS network at Rovaniemi air base in Finland. The virus causes an EF orbital laser satellite to shoot down the new Freedom Lifter module during lift off, thinking it to be an ICBM. The entire crew is killed, and news reports blaming problems from "malfunction" to "terrorist hijacking" to (finally) "EF satellite." This final act starts a war between the two powers. Russia initially joins the United States under the guise of "aiding it in its crusade against Europe" and invades EF-controlled Poland, but the Americans see this as an attempt to reform the Eastern Bloc and attack Russia. World War III has begun.

World War III

World War III is an open ended part of the story where the player chooses their faction and character and tries to take all three Capitals or twenty-eight battlefields.

The campaign plays much like Prelude to War with a few additional options. During World War III between battles the player has the option to choose between several battle locations. The battles that the player could have chosen, but did not, will be fought by AI. Also, battles lost or quit by the player cannot be replayed, and the territory is lost, whereas in Prelude to War, the player could retry each battle until he succeeded. The player also has the option to upgrade their chosen battalion with improved attack, defense, mobility, and ability characteristics.

At the conclusion of each campaign battle a summary screen is shown. This screen includes information including number of battalion units promoted, amount of credits (money) received, command rating, medals, mission duration, and a quote by a famous military leader. The player can gain a more in depth understand of the battle summary by viewing the details screens, which provides a breakdown of statistics, ranking, etc...

During the course of the war several background situations arise such as adverse weather conditions like typhoons causing people to become homeless and rescue teams being dispatched. There are also reports of protest against the war from around the world as well as by individual figures such as the Pope. These parts of the story are told via television reports. They also report the sinking of enemy shipping by airstrikes and WMDs. As the war progresses, the leader of an opposing nation survives an assassination attempt, around Turn 15.

When the war has ended, the winning faction takes control of the world and a special scene is shown, which shows the winning faction's flag and troops parading with the voice of the faction's General talking about their victory and what will happen in the future; depending on whether it is United States, Europe or Russia that is the winning side, the cut scene is different due to different speeches by Generals and different reasons for starting the war.


In an IGN interview, De Plater said the setting of EndWar (as a possible series) is a global battle, but the first installment is focused on the North Atlantic theatre of battle: Europe, Russia and North America. Players will hear reports of events in other parts of the world, such as reactions to the war by the Pope and various other countries, as well as actions in the war that the player takes no part in.[10]


Vlorë appears in the video game Tom Clancy's EndWar as a possible battlefield. In the game, a major oil refinery is located there, which receives oil from the Black Sea.[11]


Imp Rebs has confirmed 4x4 will be offered in the full version. De Plater confirmed the game to be a Real-time tactics strategy war-game.[12] Units will gain experience as they are used in battle. The emphasis will be more on smaller scale battles rather than the overarching campaign.

Ubisoft also claims that the game is "completely controllable through voice commands." This is demonstrated on a handful of game play videos by de Plater himself.


There are 3 playable factions in EndWar:


There are seven types of units available for direct command: riflemen, engineers, tanks, transports, gunships, artillery, and command can also subcommand drones and us army units(needs to be purchased from the barracks). Troops which have been with the player for many battles will be more effective than fresh recruits. De Plater, Creative Director, says this creates a "Pokémon-like" ownership of the player's units, and will have a large effect on his tactics. "It's a battalion that you own," says de Plater. "You can personalize it. You can customize it. You can choose its motto and its heraldry. You can change its composition and abilities." According to a Pre-GC IGN article: "Each faction has roughly 150 upgrades and units have six levels of experience. These upgrades are where the seven unit types can gain great variety and specialization through three different ways-experience, equipment and training, all of which have different effects and abilities. This allows many of the related unit types other games consider a different class have merely to be folded into one of the eight present in EndWar. For example, a rifleman may be upgraded to a sniper unit rather than having that unit type exist by itself."[15]

Each individual unit can be upgraded, improving their armor or offensive capability. Upgrades must be bought from points earned in the game.

The player will not control individual soldiers, but much larger platoons and companies. The soldiers will behave realistically, using stealth and military tactics. Veterans will act based on their experience in previous battles.

Craters, walls, debris, and buildings can be used for cover, and units can be pinned down by heavy enemy fire.

De Plater hinted at the game being streamlined with regards to units, resource management, etc. He stated that "every time they cut features out, it just made the game better." For example, only 12 groups are allowed under control at once. Also, the resource system will be stripped down compared to other RTS games. Each unit costs the same amount of resources, which are gained by capturing strategic points on the battlefield. Reinforcements will be handled realistically meaning all new units must be transported onto the battlefield by a transport vehicle (or in the case of helicopters, will fly in from off-screen).

To call in new units it costs between one and six CP (Command Points), Command Points are also used to call in airstrikes, force recon and electronic warfare, the three kinds of offmap support. Command Points regenerate at a rate of around one point for every 30 seconds and are also gained for killing enemy units, the player gains a bonus of four Command Points for capturing an uplink.

Mission Supports

There are also three mission supports that can be upgraded:

Air strikes that can be used to damage or destroy enemy units. Electronic warfare disrupts enemy communications, disables shields, reveals hidden traps and infantry, and immobilizes enemy vehicles and helicopters. Force Recon is a support weapon that sends a regular army unit to a captured uplink to protect it, or to attack a designated hostile. It consists of up to two infantry units, two FAVs (Fast Attack Vehicle) units, and two Tank units from the regular army.

DEFCON 1 Supports

When a battle reaches DEFCON 1 two supports are unlocked for the losing player; these are the ability to Crash an Uplink and deploy a WMD. When an uplink is crashed its upgrade can no longer be used and it no longer counts towards victory; Crashing an Uplink does not damage any units on the battlefield and can only be done once. A WMD, however, destroys all units within a large blast area, whether friendly or not. WMDs recharge slowly, so they can be used again. Additionally, during DEFCON 1, units used as reinforcements only cost two Command Points.

Mission Types

There are four types of missions in the game: conquest, assault, raid and siege.[16]

In all mission types, the player can also win by annihilating the enemy force.


The game features optional voice commands so that the player may use a headset to give orders to their troops, although the troops will only react to valid and game-related orders in certain languages, but are able to understand many accents of those languages. Officials at Ubisoft Shanghai said it was also possible to control the game using only voice commands; Jeff Bakalar of CNET concurred, saying the demonstration he watched ran for twenty minutes without any perceptible faults.[17] Hearing enemy soldiers communicate gives the player a strategic advantage to counter the enemy's attack with one of their own. Ubisoft has even created a video showing parrots commanding units using their voice.[18]

Point of View

The primary view in the game is from the perspective of one of the units under the player's command. The view can be moved a short distance from the selected unit or switched to that of another unit. Enemy units will only be detected if they are within the Line-of-Sight of a unit; doing away with the fog of war common in most strategy games.

In addition to the units' point of view, there is a tactical map or Sitrep view, which shows the entire map with the locations of all allied and any visible enemy units which can be used to issue commands.


The special edition of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 included a video with the first live gameplay footage of this game. There have been online advertisements, as well as an EndWar website at

Downloadable Content

Since release, Endwar has received the "Escalation" downloadable pack on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace which contains three new unit upgrades (one per faction) and four new maps playable in skirmish, as well as additional achievements/trophies. Another set of upgrades were released, entitled the "Faction Elite pack" which included six new unit upgrades (two per faction) and three new battalions (one per faction). Also, announced on March 13, two new missions on two new maps will be available for free. They are assault on Russia’s Cosmodrome and conquest on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in Richton, Mississippi, USA.


The first EndWar trailer shows an overhead map of Western Europe with only Spain and half of France under US control, while the Russians occupy the rest of the continent. The camera then zooms to an ongoing battle in Paris, where a local Joint Strike Force commander, Major General Smith, directs the action from a mobile headquarters vehicle by using an interactive holographic map display. Outside, U.S. soldiers armed with assault rifles similar to the XM8, along with advanced IFVs, DPVs, and M5A2 Schwarzkopf tanks, attack Russian forces holding out at the Place de la Concorde and the Louvre museum. Eventually, the US troops call in air support in the form of AH-80 Blackfoot attack helicopters and V-25 transports, forcing the Russians to fall back. However, the assault is short-lived, as in addition to a mechanized counterattack, the Russian forces launch several Tu-3 UCAVs that shoot down the helicopters right on top of the soldiers. Realizing the desperate situation, General Smith issues voice attack commands to a Kinetic Strike satellite hovering over Europe. Russian soldiers surround him as he emerges from his command vehicle.

Just before the Russians take him in as a prisoner of war, the general says, "Now." The satellite fires at least three kinetic rods down on his position, obliterating himself and the Russians, as well as large sections of Paris. Smith's death would be mentioned in passing in the EndWar novel.

The trailer depicts several major cultural icons from Paris, including the Eiffel Tower and a heavily damaged Luxor Obelisk.

The music used in this trailer was composed by Michael McCann and can be found at his website. The music of a different trailer is The End of the World by Skeeter Davis


Endwar was published as a novel,[19] on February 4, 2008 in paperback form. The back cover says "Based on Ubisoft's bestselling game, Tom Clancy's EndWar", despite the game not yet having been released at that time.


Aggregate scores
Aggregator Score
GameRankings 70.36% (DS)[20]
68.00% (PC)[21]
77.76% (PS3)[22]
69.67% (PSP)[23]
78.13% (X360)[24]
Metacritic 69 (DS)[25]
68 (PC)[26]
76 (PS3)[27]
68 (PSP)[28]
77 (X360)[29]
Review scores
Publication Score C[30]
Game Informer 7.75/10
GameSpot 7.5/10(PS3)[31]
Official Xbox Magazine 8.0/10

EndWar received mostly positive reviews. The Guardian gave the game a 4/5 [32] It was praised for its "Highly addictive solo play...the game comes into its own with the massively multiplayer online Theatre of War." while being docked somewhat for "occasional voice recognition blip". The website gave EndWar a 9/10 saying that it was "Console strategy done right." IGN rated EndWar as an 8 out of 10 taking marks away for the "Uninspired single player campaign" but still saw it as a more than solid RTS. Game Spot's Kevin VanOrd rated the PS3 version of EndWar as a 7.5 out of 10 [31] praising its "Innovative voice command mechanic" and stating "Persistent online campaign makes matches feel meaningful" but berated it for its lack of story and "simple rock-paper-scissors skirmishes". 1Up and Electronic Gaming Monthly both gave the game a C.[30]

Xbox 360 Beta

A private beta test version was playable among Xbox Live Gold members. It included three maps and both 1v1 and 2v2 matches. The beta test began June 16, 2008 and ended July 9, 2008.[33] Participants were placed under non-disclosure agreement until the game's first commercial launch.


The VIP demo for Xbox 360 users who pre-ordered the game was released a little more than a week late on October 11. The demo features one single-player story mission, one map that is playable in Skirmish mode with either 1 vs. 1 or 1 vs. AI, and a Voice Command Trainer.[34]

The VIP demo has a campaign mission at Kennedy Space Center. The Skirmish mode features the European Federation versus the United States over the Kennedy Space Center in Conquest mode. The demo was released on the Xbox Live Marketplace on October 15, and on the PlayStation Store on October 30.

There is also a special code that appears when the user exits the demo, which is used to unlock a special Spetznaz battalion for use in the full game.


A sequel to the game was confirmed to be in the early stages of development by Ubisoft's creative director Michael De Plater in an interview with[35] A small team from Ubisoft Shanghai is in charge of the development, he said, and "is concentrating on two areas of improvement - single-player story and depth." He could not, however, place a date as to when more information on the sequel would be released. On February 8, 2010, it was announced that the development of the sequel was put 'on hold'.[36]


  1. ^ "Ruminations on the Audio Design of Tom Clancy's EndWar". Ben Houge. Retrieved 2009-06-23. 
  2. ^ "Ubisoft shares jump 12 percent on Clancy deal". GameSpot. Retrieved 2008-05-23. 
  3. ^ a b c Geddes, Ryan (2008-08-26). "EndWar Beta Open to Pre-orderers". IGN Xbox 360. IGN Entertainment. Retrieved 2008-09-18. 
  4. ^
  5. ^ "Classification Database - TOM CLANCY'S ENDWAR (PG)". OFLC. 2008-09-19.!OpenDocument. Retrieved 2010-06-30. 
  6. ^ a b "Pan European Game Information". PEGI. 2008-11-10. 
  7. ^
  8. ^
  9. ^ EndWar:Russian Campaign; when fighting in Istra, Croatia, Russian officer will refer to this territory as being Russian
  10. ^ Miller, Jonathan (2007-05-23). "Endwar: Real-Time Armageddon". IGN Xbox 360. IGN Entertainment. 
  11. ^ Ubisoft (2008). "Locations". Ubisoft. Retrieved 1 April 2011. 
  12. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar". Electronic Gaming Monthly (Ziff Davis Publishing Holdings Inc.) (216). June 2007. 
  13. ^ "EndWar Preview". Retrieved 2007-12-03. 
  14. ^ "EndWar Riflemen Profiled". 
  15. ^ Pre-GC First look
  16. ^;jsessionid=139nmh6yt3hff
  17. ^ Bakalar, Jeff Dunham (2008-01-22). format = weblog "Gaming preview: Ubisoft shows us how World War III will go down". CNET News. CNET. format = weblog. Retrieved 2009-03-21. ; cited in Joe, Ryan (March 2008). "Playing with Speech". [[Speech Technology (magazine)|]] (Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc.) 13 (2): 12. ISSN 1088-5803. Retrieved 2009-03-21. 
  18. ^
  19. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar novel".,,9780425222140,00.html. 
  20. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (DS)". Gamerankings. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  21. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (PC)". Gamerankings. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  22. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (PS3)". Gamerankings. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  23. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (PSP)". Gamerankings. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  24. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (X360)". Gamerankings. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  25. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (ds:2008)". Metacritic.'s%20EndWar. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  26. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (pc:2008)". Metacritic.'s%20EndWar. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  27. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (ps3:2008)". Metacritic.'s%20EndWar. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  28. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (psp:2008)". Metacritic.'s%20EndWar. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  29. ^ "Tom Clancy's EndWar (xbox360:2008)". Metacritic.'s%20EndWar. Retrieved 2009-03-10. 
  30. ^ a b "EndWar Review". Retrieved 2009-03-21. 
  31. ^ a b "Tom Clancy's EndWar Review". GameSpot. Retrieved 2009-03-22. 
  32. ^ Allan, Keri (2008-10-30). "Tom Clancy's EndWar". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 2009-03-21. 
  33. ^ Tom Clancy's EndWar private beta coming in June.
  34. ^ Ubisoft Q&A
  35. ^ Ubisoft Shanghai working on EndWar Sequel
  36. ^ Bailey, Kat (8 February 2010). "Endwar Sequel Now on Hold". 1UP. Retrieved 10 February 2010. 

External links