
Emotionalism, in its meaning as a research paradigm, refers to an approach to conducting research studies that provides a gateway to understanding people's experiences through the use of social inquiry methodologies such as ethnography.[1]

Emotionalism can also denote an inclination to rely on or place too much value on emotion, as opposed to resorting to reason when dealing with reality.

Emotions are the effect one has psychologically when they face reality. Emotions can even occur when fantasizing. Primary emotions can be love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness, and fear. Secondary emotions can be affection, lust, longing, cheerfulness, contentment, pride, optimism, relief, irritability, rage, envy, neglect, sympathy, horror, or nervousness. They are correlated with what is going on around you or directly or indirectly happening to you. Paul Ekman thinks that emotional expressions are main portions of the affect programs. Affect programs are replies found in all human populations, which are organized by mechanisms operating below the level of awareness. This group of emotions which includes happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust. The affect program ignores emotions that involve higher thinking processes, such as jealousy and envy. Emotionalism can have a great affect on the life you live. Negative emotions can cause great trauma in your life. Emotion trouble is the overall psychological issue which consists of the way you think about yourself, how you keep relationships with people, and the way you deal with situations in your life. A lot of people suffer from emotional trouble, this can leave to depression, loneliness, and mood swings. Often, emotional trauma occurs in people who have tough times taking care of problems and can’t maintain a relationship with others. Those who do suffer from emotional trauma tend to be the ones who keep to themselves and don’t open up easily. Their eating habits are bad and their health is affected in a negative way. They tend to have short temper spans, and are likely to seclude themselves from everyone when depressed. Some ways to cure emotional trauma would be eating correctly, staying fit, and getting the correct amount of rest you are supposed to have for your age. People who are trying to recover from emotional trauma should stay away from alcohol and cigarettes to prevent from becoming addicted and losing progress they have made to remain happy. They should control their thoughts and not worry about little irrelevant problems. Engagement in creative and time consuming things can keep your emotions lifted with happy and joyful feelings.


  1. ^ Scott, D. & Morrison, M. Key ideas in educational research. Page 79-81