
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Rhizaria
Phylum: Foraminifera
Order: Rotaliida
Superfamily: Rotaliacea
Family: Elphidiidae
Genus: Elphidium

?E. aculeatum
?E. australis
?E. discoidale
?E. hughesi
?E. ludbrookae
?E. poeyanum
?E. subincertum

Elphidium is a genus of foraminiferan protozoa, one of the more common genera found near coasts. Like other forams, fossils from different species are used to date rocks.

Elphidium shows dimorphism with alternating generations. The complete cycle for Elphidium crispum takes two years in the shallower marine regions, although it may be delayed at deeper stations. Asexual reproduction reaches a peak in spring of first year. Sexual reproduction begins early in the second spring as temperatures begin to rise. The gametes conjugate outside in open sea to produce zygotes and the B form then develops and matures during the second summer.