Elias Gczmidele

Elias Gczmidele (fl. 1570s) was a Polish Protestant expelled from the Hungarian Calvinist community in Cluj-Napoca in 1570. He is known only for his letter of appeal from Cracow to Gáspár Heltai in February 1571, preserved in the Cluj city archives.[1][2][3] This uncharacteristic intolerant incident may be because of his view of not resisting the Ottoman empire as "the greatest power in the world."[4]


  1. ^ Anuarul Institutului de Istorie din Cluj: Volumes 4-5 Institutul de Istorie din Cluj - 1961 Ce sont également des recherches plus nouvelles qui ont rélévé l'existence d'une lettre, datant du 28 février 1571, adressée de Cracovie par un certain Elias Gczmidele (Geczmidele, Goczmidele?) au prédicateur et humaniste bien connu
  2. ^ Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte: Beiheft, Literaturbericht: Volumes 21-23 Verein für Reformationsgeschicht, American Society for Reformation, American Society for Reformation Research - 1993 "Den Namen von Elias Gczmidele (bearbeitet von Antal Pirnät) kennen wir allein aus einem Brief an Gäspär Heltai 1571, der die rel. Ansichten enthält."
  3. ^ Ungarländische Antitrinitarier ed. André Séguenny, Irena Backus, Jean Rott - 1990 ELIAS GCZMIDELE Über sein Leben wissen wir nichts. Wir kennen seinen Namen nur aus einem Brief, den er am 28. ... Wie lange Elias Gczmidele selbst in Klausenburg weilte, ist dem Brief nicht zu entnehmen; nur soviel, ...
  4. ^ Early Transylvanian antitrinitarianism (1566-1571) Mihály Balázs - 1996 "There were intolerant measures as well, such as the expelling of Elias Gczmidele and the silencing of the priest Miklos. This, however, should not diminish our appreciation for what they did. It was indeed remarkable to adhere to .. Heltai says Gczmidele preached that since the Ottoman empire was the greatest power in the world, no one could fight against it. Gczmidele claimed he had said nothing on the issue of „offices".