Electricity sector in the Netherlands

The electricity sector in the Netherlands describes electricity in the Netherlands. During 2005-2008 the Netherlands imported 13-15 % of electricity. The volume of renewable electricity in 2009 was three times the volume of nuclear power. The majority is produced with fossil fuels. The Netherlands produces and exports natural gas.[1]


Electricity pro person and by power source

Electricity pro person in the Netherlands (kWh/ hab.) [2]
Use Production Import Imp. % Fossil Nuclear Nuc. % Other RE Bio+waste Wind Non RE use* RE %
2004 7,189 6,194 995 13.8 % 5,536 235 3.3 % 135 288 6,766 5.9 %
2005 7,262 6,141 1,121 15.4 % 5,333 245 3.4 % 150 412 6,700 7.7 %
2006 7,345 6,282 1,063 14.5 % 5,477 255 3.5 % 226 324 6,795 7.5 %
2008 7,463 6,513 950 12.7 % 5,590 252 3.4 % 275 396 6,792 9.0 %
2009 7,073 6,777 296 4.2 % 5,767 254 3.6 % 12* 465 278* 6,318 10.7 %
* Other RE is waterpower, solar and geothermal electricity and wind power until 2008
* Non RE use = use – production of renewable electricity
* RE % = (production of RE / use) * 100 % Note: European Union calculates the share of renewable energies in gross electrical consumption.

In 2008 the Netherlands consumed electricity in average 7,463 kWh/person that was equal to EU15 average (EU15: 7,409 kWh/person).[2]


According to IEA the electricity use (gross production + imports – exports – transmission/distribution losses) n 2008 in the Netherlands was 119 TWh.[3]

In 2009 the Netherlands used 3,9 % wind power of electricity (278/ 7,073) [4] The wind capacity installed at end 2010 will, in a normal wind year, produce 4.1% of electricity, when the equivalent value for Germany is 9.4 % and Portugal 14 %.[5]

Global warming

Emissions of carbon dioxide in total, per capita in 2007 were 11.1 tons CO2 compared to EU 27 average 7.9 tons CO2. Emission change between 2007/1990 was 16.4 % increase. Emissions per capita in the OECD countries exceeded the Netherlands only in Czech Republic11.8, Finland 12.2, Canada 17.4, Australia 18.8, USA 19.1 and Luxemburg 22.4.[6]

See also


  1. ^ IEA Key stats 2010 pages 13
  2. ^ a b Energy in Sweden, Facts and figures, The Swedish Energy Agency, (in Swedish: Energiläget i siffror), Table: Specific electricity production per inhabitant with breakdown by power source (kWh/person), Source: IEA/OECD 2006 T23, 2007 T25, 2008 T26, 2009 T25 and 2010 T49.
  3. ^ IEA Key stats 2010 pages 50 and 56
  4. ^ Energy in Sweden 2010, table: Specific electricity production per inhabitant with breakdown by power source Table 49.
  5. ^ Wind in power 2010 European statistics EWEA February 2011 page 11
  6. ^ Energy in Sweden 2010, Table 1: Emissions of carbon dioxide in total, per capita and per GDP in EU and OECD countries, 2007 2010 Table 1