
Ektenia (from Greek: ἐκτένεια ekténeia; literally, "diligence"), often called simply Litany, is a prayerful petition in the Eastern Orthodox/Eastern Catholic liturgy. The prevalent ecclesiastical word for this kind of litany in Greek is Συναπτή Synaptê, Ektenia being the Greek word preferred in Church Slavonic (ектенїѧ ekteniya).

For the use of litanies in the Western Churches, see Litany.

A Litany is normally intoned by a deacon, with the choir chanting the responses. As he concludes each petition, the deacon will raise the end of his orarion as a signal to the faithful to raise their hearts and voices in prayer. If there is no deacon serving, the petitions may be intoned by a priest.[1] Often, during the litany, the priest will be saying a silent prayer as he stands in front of the Holy Table.[2] The last petition of a litany often praises the Theotokos. After the last petition of the litany, the priest will say an ecphonesis, summing up the petitions of the faithful, which concludes with a doxology giving glory to the Holy Trinity.

When there is no priest present during the service, the litanies are not said; rather, the reader replaces them by saying "Lord, have mercy," three, twelve, or forty times, depending on which litany is being replaced.

The main forms of the Litany are:

At the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts many of the same litanies occur as during the Divine Liturgy, some of them being altered to conform to the needs of the Presanctified. One unique litany during this service is the Ektenia for Those Preparing for Illumination (i.e., for those catechumens in the final stages of preparation for baptism on Pascha).

There is also a special form of litany called a Litiy (Greek: Λιτή/Litê; Slavonic: Литїѧ, Litiya)[3] which is chanted at All-Night Vigils, consisting of several long petitions, mentioning the names of numerous saints, to which the choir responds with "Lord, have mercy," many times.


  1. ^ Some litanies, such as the ones used at the Laying-on of Hands (Ordination) of a priest or bishop, are intended to be intoned by a priest.
  2. ^ If there is no deacon serving, the choir will often prolong their response to the last petition to give the priest time to say his silent prayer.
  3. ^ Hapgood, Isabel F. (1922), Service Book of the Holy Orthodox-Catholic Apostolic Church (5th ed.), Englewood NJ: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese (published 1975), pp. 13, 594 

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See also